jalava information 60 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Jalmari
- last name: Raippalinna
- wild Animation/Video Välipikseli by Mikko Tuomela
- very nice, too bad its so short.
- rulezadded on the 2005-01-17 13:47:54
- wild Animation/Video fuckhead by Satori [web]
- As I don't use psychedelics and do bad trips, I have difficulty of understanding the flaming war around this prod.
Soundtrack doesn't contain very interesting stuff, videoeffects ain't that cool. Blue-Red 3d stuff was nice though.
Also promoting psilos in mainstream party isn't excatly politically correct :)
I always thought that prods should be enjoyable in good way, not in "My head hurts, going to freak out soon and get psychotic cause I'm so scare" kind of way.
Now, don't start telling me that "You just don't understand art", I really do, I just can't understand why this kind of art prod needs to be released at large demoparty?
- isokadded on the 2004-08-10 15:23:32
account created on the 2004-07-19 23:47:50