Queen_Luna information 11819 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Luna
- last name: Esmeraldasson
prods added 226 x 2 = 452 glöps
- wild Wild Wild Compo of brubacker and bright by Brubacker & Bright
- wild Wild Bidrag Wild compo Birdie 18 Mr Elaka by Mr. Elaka
- wild Wild Epilepsi by fl00
- wild Wild Bluegates by XenoDuck Och Topatisen
- demo Windows Retro by Daft Core
- 4k Windows Awesome 4kb Intro by fsFreak
- demo Windows We Love Cubes by Even
- demo Windows Unaccelerated 2D Intro by Monokey
- 4k Windows Disco Bowling by Tomtebloss
- demo Windows Laxrally by Katt
- wild Wild M/S Birdie by Dobaraq
- wild Animation/Video Flajtplann by Konventseliten [web]
- wild Wild Wild Birdie Rules by Richard "Crazy" Silén
- demo Commodore 64 BitLive Demo 4 by Mahoney [web]
- demotool MacOSX PPC MacOSX Intel SIDPLAY/Mac 4.0
- wild Animation/Video Super Mario Långben - Mustasch-nytt by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video Mongo från yttre rymden - Kräket by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video Mongo från yttre rymden - Nintendo Nightmare by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video SML-knarkträdet by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video Mongo från yttre rymden - Det Störande Ljudet by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video Arne Weisse - Debatten i Rabatten by [SML] [web]
- wild Animation/Video Super Mario Långben - Hjärnkampen by [SML] [web]
- demo Flash maPlane by MAW
- demo Flash Bluewaltz by Pandafox
- liveact Animation/Video Scene.org Awards 2008 by scene.org [web]
- liveact Wild Breakpoint 2008: Fun Compo
account created on the 2007-05-03 21:57:48