leGend information 2703 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Legend
- last name: CNCD^(B)^ADAPT^PARALLAX
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Interspace by Phenomena
- cdc #2: voyage by Razor 1911 [web]
- cdc #3: Rink a Dink: REDUX by Lemon.
- cdc #4: Computer Graphics Demonstration Tape by Hackers [web]
bbs posts 1974 posts
- Ski or Death / Hashembly Winter 2021 (general)
- Ski or Death / Hashembly Winter 2021 (general)
- Group name "official" abbreviations.. (general)
- Independent music producer(s) (music)
- Independent music producer(s) (music)
- Independent music producer(s) (music)
- Demoscene Ethics (general)
- Apple M1 (ARM) architecture demos (general)
- Random Hardware Thread (Photo(s)/Video(s) Mandatory) (general)
- good xmas theme chip tunes (music)
- good xmas theme chip tunes (music)
- ye olde gfx card q (gfx)
- Apple M1 (ARM) architecture demos (general)
- Can I use any scene music for free? (general)
- Skeneklubi Helsinki is no more - last demoparty 14.11.2020 (parties)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- On how to properly handle resolutions (code)
- Jumalauta 20 years, 18.-20.9.2020 (parties)
- Prods that need capture for youtube (general)
- Prods that need capture for youtube (general)
- The most dangerous question: Demoscene Symbol (residue)
- The most dangerous question: Demoscene Symbol (residue)
- Sampling & Copyright (sampling speech from movies) (music)
- Jumalauta 20 years, 18.-20.9.2020 (parties)
- Jumalauta 20 years, 18.-20.9.2020 (parties)
- Interviews with Amiga sceners (general)
- Stuff to watch on the internet after a demoparty (general)
- RIP REWARD (general)
- Origin of handles (general)
- Origin of handles (general)
- Origin of handles (general)
- Currently used Amiga ProTracker replay code? (code)
- Boozembly 2020 (general)
- Boozembly 2020 (general)
- What does a DJ on stage? (music)
- What does a DJ on stage? (music)
- What does a DJ on stage? (music)
- What does a DJ on stage? (music)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Space Station Oblivion (C64... or CPC/Spectrum) - WTF. SO many technical questions (code)
- Looking for slow ambient demos (general)
- Pouet BLOCKED by google (general)
- Pouet BLOCKED by google (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Tulpamania (offtopic)
- Are the demoscene parties being affected by Coronavirus scare? (general)
account created on the 2008-03-25 21:15:44