Navis information 685 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Nauza
- last name: Putra
- portals:
- slengpung: pictures
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Second Reality by Future Crew
- cdc #2: Timeless by Tran
- cdc #3: Cronologia by Cascada
- cdc #4: B10 by Satori [web]
- demo Linux Windows MacOSX Intel 1976 by Damage
- well that was... epic. So much content ! Nice train btw !
Python / GL , interesting combination. - rulezadded on the 2023-09-01 16:48:52
- demo Windows The Legend of Sisyphus by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- The answer is that I would personally have zero hesitation to deliver this as a video only, but the traditional competition rules for the demoscene state that it must run realtime. A few hundred people in the world may know that this was programmed and it was hard, but for me doing it in any other way would be harder (actually impossible). It s ok, I get the point but dont hate a production (generally speaking of course, not specifically this one) for their size, we re now past that. Same goes for unreal notch etc. although we can discuss the merits of using engines, and thats a different conversation.
It was a lot of fun compressing this down to what it is now, I learned a lot of things and leveraged this at work. - isokadded on the 2023-08-16 12:53:03
- demo Windows The Legend of Sisyphus by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- the "fluids" are all realtime, the only precached thing is, of course, the volumetric animations.
The guy is dressed because thats the natural depiction of humans in films, doing normal things like walking and singing. The lady is naked as she is etherial/other worldly and beyond time/space to be depicted in clothes (much like an ancient statue). I dont think she would look particularly *bad* in certain clothes here, but I prefer her showing her curves. - isokadded on the 2023-08-15 02:04:18
- demo Windows The Legend of Sisyphus by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- Hey - didn't really think we would hit 100 comments on pouet these days, but it is a pleasant surprise!
In the past I got some flack for explaining the thought process and symbolisms of our demos, but this one is rather different in scope so I'll try to give it a shot. After all, written words stay forever, and it will be a fun read for me to come back in a few years time. I'll do a more technical how-to on youtube at some point in the future too, reflecting my lost presentation from Asm. I generally think it's a good idea for (some) demos to have a clear plan and narrative arc as it helps to build content easily and is more digestible (yes even at 8 mins! ).
So here is my interpretation and how the demo was framed as such before any code was written -
The demo is split into various segments, all taking place during a single night.
It starts with my most favourite sequence from Lifeforce (and end of For your love) with the bell ringing. And shifts quickly into that night.
* Birth - the female character raises from the ashes - she is eternal. She is the "unattainable", the desire, the destination. She flashes her true shelf - the skull. We then move to the male character:
* The start of the journey - that's the playful part, the beginning of a journey is always cheerful and light. Think of epic poems, lord of the rings etc. It's early days and the dangers of the destination are still unknown.
* The interplay - from the moment of the female character appearing, Sisyphus is moving in a place surrounded by threat (narrow bridge). It is subdued to start with (when he walks "above ground") but it becomes more pronounced with time. The first epiphany comes with the Christian halo as he turns to face the camera. From that point the two characters interchange, as if one blends into the other and himself is beginning to crack (skin peeling, thorns by his sides). She is controlling his moves and steps as if he is connected to her "steam-engine" like snappy movements. The final zoom into eye takes us to:
* The inner workings of Merope - which exposes the extent of her presence (interstellar/universal/the dome of all his world), and her attractive, perilous and shape-shifting nature
* The final ascent - the climax of the story where Sisyphus (as per original story) reaches the climax at the top of the mountain/hand of Merope and sees the things for what they really are (and has a final epiphany alone in the stars, while he may consider his vanity), before the
* Descent - the tunnel part, falling through impressions of the "things from a normal life" (as inspired by the intro to Starstruck by TBL, and used many times in ASD demos before, from Metamorphosis to Monolith).
The final ascent and descent resolves into a cacophony of colour, sound and time, as time reverses for some flashes
* The final fate - Sisyphus is entangled and captured as he falls through the Hades. The process repeats (forever?) as he starts walking again towards the bell while the dawn starts a new day. The moon fades into the skull to reflect that she will be ever present to lure him to this ever-repeating cycle
Beyond that, the symbolisms of the other elements that link with this story would be -
Bell tower - the unreachable ideal, open to interpretation. It could be the call to make another demo, or to transform yourself to whatever your true nature wishes to be. Up to you!
Butterflies - Hope
Skull and Moon - The true nature of Merope behind the beauty, which is futility and demise
It's sad that this guy cannot escape but that is the nature of the original story of Sisyphus. We just added the part where he has a "reason" to climb the mountain - the inescapable attraction of Merope (like another Sirene in the myth of Odysseus), whatever she may represent to the audience.
Beyond that, any technical conversation is wholly appreciated and welcomed by me; but do remember something that most of us are beginning to realize. We (ok I - lets talk personal) make demos via programming because I don't have the knowledge and skills to make a "story" or some "nice visuals" in any other way (in some other art form, including of course animation). Ok and also partly for heritage and sentimental reasons. At the end of the day, I would assume that you watched the video. I don't care much that the code is terrible or we reused it before, as long as it (kind of) looks good-ish and (most importantly) we had great fun making it. Oh and fun presenting it to the scene, and all the good things that come with it - on pouet, especially, exchanging ideas and improvements ! - isokadded on the 2023-08-14 17:55:25
- demo JavaScript more by mfx [web]
- speaks to my heart
- rulezadded on the 2023-08-13 21:57:58
- demo Windows For Your Love by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- No, sorry. It is what it is on the day of the compo, I then try to completely forget about it. As long as its there in some playable format and good video, its ok for me.
- isokadded on the 2023-08-09 19:15:16
- demo Windows Chromanaut by Fixxelious
- totally haunting and mysterious, one of my favorites
- rulezadded on the 2023-08-08 09:10:32
- 1k JavaScript EXPI by Ribbon [web] & Brainlez Coders!
- The 1k is the most strange beast. I never understood it - how much harder is it to make content than 4k? and how much more easy than 256 ?
In any case this was clearly the winner. - rulezadded on the 2023-08-08 00:47:46
- demo Windows Approach Point by Pyrotech
- ok, so... Pyrotech makes "in your face" demos that are big crowd pleasers, with high FOV camera travelling etc. They used to call them "Fly-by" demos, but theirs are more than that.
The one from this year is no different. Lots of colors and explosion moments. First scene that I liked was the credits with the boxes moving behind the text. I think that the text deformation was an unintentional consequence of the motion blurring effect, but it works oh so well here ! Then the guy crawling with the particles falling - for some strange reason I felt his desperation and his exhaustion. It is as if I was myself thirsty. That's a good thing !
The best part is in the middle with the metaballs and the red slimey thing. That was one of the best effects of this year - maybe would work better with more fogging or different colors. I don't know how it's done, but it's effective. The fadeout in the music during this part was spot on, creating good atmosphere. The dancing guy at the end reminds us a bit of EΞΠΕΡΤ guys (remember tham from Asm 2015 I think). Maybe it's the same dataset and playback system on unreal. It looks great because of the motion blurring effect that is used to the right amount. The demo ends where it starts, so that gives it a bit of continuity.
It's quite uplifting, maybe a bit short and maybe with too much color saturation. Not sure if unreal engine helps you or not, there were some good -even better- demos (Within Epsilon?) in the past, done without it. - rulezadded on the 2023-08-08 00:43:46
- demo Windows The Legend of Sisyphus by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- Quote:
Which elements are volumetric pointclouds with remeshing and are there some clever comping here with 2.5D pointcloud stuff or just plain video?
Everything is in 3D. The first part with the pointcloud/splines/skeleton face is only pointclouds/splines, the later parts full geometry (indices/uvs etc). There is no 2.5D. The first part with the splines is the "heaviest" cpu part as it is calculating a lot on the fly (the physical like threads waved from hands and head) but it's well parallelised etc so it's not very heavy.
The albedo texture of each frame is also exposed to the shader - it "refreshes" at a random interval (at a ratio of about 1:8) which helps the random spastic movements in the shading. The texture is upscaled internally and the main effect of the weird dithering is simple:
output = vec3(1.0) * sin ( UV.x*1000.0);
That is, the default texture is replaced by horizontal lines. It works because the UV mapping has patches rotated in space, therefore looks like thatched lines that meet at random points. The frequency of the sin is also controlled by the default albedo texture. Add shadows, some AO, and lots of postprocess and it's close to the effect on the screen.
Alll other lighting and particles is deferred, and most of the background and certain elements of the scenery (moons, bridge, water) is effectively 2D in postprocess. There is a special shader to recolor everything in HSV space based on velocity of elements - you see it more clearly in the first part where the fast moving hands are purple. There is a bit of raymarching here and there (both "inside eye" scenes and all volumetric lighting in the tunnel). - isokadded on the 2023-08-07 23:08:28
account created on the 2001-07-13 06:11:11