Punqtured information 479 glöps

- 8k Windows Haunted by Loonies [web]
- A quick note on the audio of this production. As already noted in the nfo, we used a slightly modified version of Oidos for this production. Audio was rendered into 4 separate channels, allowing us to control the volume of the channel as well as the amount of reverb on the channel. 4th channel also allowed panning. All of these parameters was controlled from withing rocket. This of course meant, that working with the track got quite complex, as I did not have that information in Renoise.
The general concept for the audio was this:
Use channel 1 for rooms/scenes
Use channel 2 for hallways connecting rooms/scenes
Use channel 3 for rooms/scenes
Use channel 4 for sound/direction-specific effects
So as you move from room A (channel 1) into the hallway (channel 2) leading to room B (channel 3), we would turn down the volume of channel 1 while maintaining the reverb. Volume of channel 2 was then faded in to give the sound/music from the hallway. About halfway through, the reverb from channel 1 was faded out while reverb from channel 3 was faded in, making it appear as if you start to hear the sounds and music from the next room as you travel through the hallway. When entering room B, the volume of channel 3 was then turned up and the volume of channel 1 and 2 faded out.
Now, in theory, this was a super fantastic idea that could lead to some quite interesting effects and a brand new and more realistic sound experience. However, all of this being controlled from Rocket, meant that while working on the track in Renoise, I did not have the channel-volume and reverb level available so there is more or less 3 different pieces/parts of music playing on top of each other at any given point in time.
To help me keep track of which instruments were playing in which channel, I created 4 tracks for each instrument and used the built-in Send track-DSP in Renoise to direct the output of the track to one of the 4 dedicated main sends. They, in turn, all send their output to one master send, where I had the reverb.
Feel free to behold the insanity (and of course to grab the instruments or whatever you want to do with it) http://www.niebe.dk/fnuque/Haunted_v50.xrns but please take note, that it will sound super weird from the lack of channel volume control applied to it.
Since we didn't really have to shave off bytes to have it fit the 8k limit, song data is in no way optimized for size. I did chop up a few of the longer note-durations with the organ and choir-instruments to reduce the huge precalc time required, though. - isokadded on the 2019-04-23 12:59:21
- 8k Windows Haunted by Loonies [web]
- That's some seriously disturbing birthday parties you attended as a kid, rloaderro :-D
- isokadded on the 2019-04-23 11:36:32
- 4k demo ZX Spectrum Megademica 4K by Serzhsoft
- I have no clue how you managed to pull this off, but holy hell was it impressive! It just kept on and on and never got the slightest bit boring. Already complimented Gasman for the amazing soundtrack. I'm still in awe about how you guys managed to squeeze so much into such little space. Absolutely brilliant!
- rulezadded on the 2019-04-23 10:37:08
- 64k Windows dope on wax by Logicoma [web]
- Absolutely smashing! Flawless in every aspect. Design, flow, music. Flawless, flawless, flawless!
- rulezadded on the 2019-04-23 10:26:14
- 8k Windows Gedankenmikroskop by Intense
- Have to agree with others here. It was far too long. The effect is absolutely beautiful, but picking two seeds and making to 45-60 second scenes with those would probably have kept it shorter.
- rulezadded on the 2019-04-22 11:09:07
- 8k Windows ExtraLife [ Nintendhack ] by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web]
- Hah! I had this game as a kid. Never wondered where all the little guys I saved actually went. But now I know! :)
Excellent idea and brilliant execution. Great job! - rulezadded on the 2019-04-22 11:00:59
- 8k Windows Mantichora by Architect & Alcatraz [web]
- Massive!!! Brilliant direction, lots of great little details and absolutely smashing instruments and composition.
- rulezadded on the 2019-04-22 10:59:26
- 8k Windows The Last Dance by Fulcrum [web] & Horology
- Impressive amount of content and really cool models. Love the story :)
- rulezadded on the 2019-04-22 10:54:51
- 64k invitation Windows Party Gipfeler by Poo-Brain [web]
- I'm terribly sorry the soundtrack turned out the way it did. We ran into some serious problems with the synth that Gopher managed to fix two weeks before the party. Had we started earlier, we would have encountered the bug earlier and had more time to create instruments than we ended up having. A couple of real life things also stole quite some time and everything got terribly rushed in the end. I promise to make up for it in the future ;-)
- isokadded on the 2018-04-03 19:14:49
- demotool Windows 64klang by Alcatraz [web]
- Congratulations on getting to this point where it's ready to meet the public. It definitely deserves it. I have a feeling it won't be long until this is to 64k intros what 4klang (and Oidos and Clinkster) is to 4k intros.
Always a pleasure to go bug hunting, even though at least half the problems are usually my own fault ;-) - rulezadded on the 2018-04-02 22:18:42
account created on the 2001-08-23 20:46:06