Sesse information 825 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Steinar
- last name: Gunderson
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: VIP 2 by Popsy Team [web]
- cdc #2: Ceasefire (all falls down..) by Carillon & Cyberiad [web] & Fairlight [web]
- cdc #3: For Your Love by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- demo Windows JavaScript Throwback Throwup by Unstable Confusion
- “Hey, look at this effect, we are really clever” is something entirely different.
- isokadded on the 2022-10-23 16:43:31
- demo Wild Raspberry Pi Pharmageddon by The Paramedics
- Fun idea, well executed. I don't always feel these “weird display” demos are that interesting, but this one feels like it manages to work around the oddities pretty well, to the point where you forget the shape of the display.
- rulezadded on the 2022-10-23 11:17:35
- demo Windows JavaScript Throwback Throwup by Unstable Confusion
- Worthy winner of the compo, but I do feel it doesn't quite work out. You are getting great results out of the model, and it makes for a pretty coherent art style after heroic work picking them out, but I don't really think “making a demo about it” works when “it” is a specific technique for making images. (But it is very clearly marked both on the composlide and in the nfo, which it how it should be!)
It was said at some point—if you draw attention to an effect, it's no longer an effect. I've never before seen an effect with an overlay saying “wow, we spent so much time on this effect, it was really hard” :-) So I'd much prefer using AI art to make a demo to making a demo about AI art. - isokadded on the 2022-10-23 11:09:47
- 8k Windows False3 by Dilemma [web]
- It's another raymarcher, but it looks different and quite clean with the different rendering style. Props for the size =)
- rulezadded on the 2022-09-11 18:35:18
- demo Windows The Box by Ümlaüt Design [web]
- What kb said; my clear favorite of the compo, despite being so cliché. Or perhaps exactly because it's so cliché. I guess it is what happened if Piledriver and Domain had a baby.
- rulezadded on the 2022-09-11 18:30:59
- 64k Amiga OCS/ECS Done by Abyss [web]
- Not super-interesting, but the music is fairly enjoyable. (Was the end-credits music somehow inspired by the FR-08 loader music? I half-way expected a remix after the first few bars… :-) )
- isokadded on the 2022-08-28 19:40:00
- demo MS-Dos Area 5150 by CRTC & Hornet [web]
- Impressive achievement; I have no idea what it does, but I suppose it's messing with the font tables (or possibly graphics mode?) in the middle of the frame. It's also quite enjoyable even without the trickery :-)
One detail is that I don't really think the intro works. It's fine to mention somehow that there are no composite colors being used, but there's something about “show, don't tell”… just push the effects instead of having a slow slideshow about the different modes you're using. - rulezadded on the 2022-08-08 00:31:55
- 4k Linux Pastel by Ninjadev [web]
- Only a white screen here, unfortunately :-) Perhaps put it into a tarball with some information about expected libraries/system requirements?
- isokadded on the 2022-07-17 10:03:08
- demo JavaScript The Tale of the Bluebird & the Dragon by Ninjadev [web]
- I love the rendering and artwork. Clear winner of the compo. The story itself could perhaps use some polishing :-)
- rulezadded on the 2022-07-17 09:40:36
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Orders of Magnitude by bitshifters collective [web]
- Sky-high technical achievement. Great modelling, material work and lighting (the only thing that isn't spot-on is the side of the stack of sheets, and something odd with the perspective on the far back corner of the 5 1/4" disk). Somehow, the composition does not sit well with me. Obvious thumb.
- rulezadded on the 2022-06-21 12:05:41
account created on the 2001-11-05 00:16:24