moT information 573 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Thomas
- last name: Venieris
- demo Windows Absence by The Lab [web]
- This demo suffers from two basic flaws: First, much of the effort was spent on coding, music and 3d, neglecting design. Therefore transitions are rough and there is no sync to the music. The minimum for example would be to end the music when the demo itself finishes. No excuses needed however, because I was next to the guys when they were struggling to finish it at the partyplace :-)
When I learnt that Amigo would do the music, I said 'thank god! Finally we're gonna see a small sized demo with a module and no 5meg mp3". Alas, the 3d data took an enormous amount of data, resulting in the 11mb filesize. This is another typical problem. 3d artists coming from conventional 3d environments (3ds, maya etc.) always focus on quality (more polygons, detailed textures) rather than size. Demos are a different story however. You can see that in fr30, how they managed to squeeze a very nice and detailed female model in just 64kb.
The music is very nice, the only problem is that it's alot longer than the demo itself, as stated previously.
Coding-wise, I witnessed some interruptions between parts (viewed both on a TNT2 Ultra and a GF2 GTI) which I can only assume is due to AGP transfers (AGP they said... It's good for you they said...)
The reflections in the first scene are the best part in the demo imho, as shown on the screenshot. Finally, this is theLab's first production so I expect more stuff from them in the near future. You hear that Nuclear? :-P - isokadded on the 2003-04-29 14:59:24
- wild Windows Optisturvat by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- So many people begged TAAT to include skinning in porasturvat, they didn't listen. So ASD came up with this. A worthy winner :-P
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-29 13:05:43
- 64k Windows Project Genesis by Conspiracy [web]
- This did not impress me as much as other killer 64kb intros (probably because of the music which was so-so), but it has so many different and nicely done effects showing the amount of work that went into it. Very good!
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-25 05:16:18
- demo Windows Still Sucking Nature by Federation Against Nature [web]
- I am a sucker for rtrt, I mean, let's face it, it is the future. This FAN production is alot better (design-wise) than their previous releases and that's a definate plus.
Still, it could use some nice ideas to be even better. For example, You have this light source moving around in the church, why not show a walking priest with a candle that acts as the light source? It would have a similar lighting effect and it would also work in terms of design. The use of golden objects was a nice idea to show reflections Other than that, the demo is just a rt fly by. Maybe FAN should slow down on their coding and start working on concept design a little (imho of course).
Overall, I think it maybe a little overrated for 3rd place, but it still is a nice show and gets my vote for that :-) - rulezadded on the 2003-04-24 15:22:24
- demo Windows escalator by Pipidemic
- I really liked this one. If anything I think its design is original.
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-24 14:15:45
- demo Windows relais by kolor [web]
- Amazing work! Great modeling and style, it rocks with antialiasing. Imho it's pointless to argue whether this or the farbrausch demo should be first, they are both extremely well made. And, although I am a happy gf4 owner, I too believe that all demos should work on equally equipped hardware (ATI Radeons in this example). Anybody considering mailing ATI on this issue so that they write equivalent OGL extensions?
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-24 02:05:13
- demo Windows fr-025: the.popular.demo by Farbrausch [web]
- you so absolutely must see this :-)
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-24 01:45:43
- demo MS-Dos/gus Catchup! by Grif
- It has been a very long time since I last watched this one, but I remember liking it very much :-)
- rulezadded on the 2003-04-20 01:09:18
- demo MS-Dos/gus Chapi Chapo by Aegis Corp. [web]
- GUSemu did the trick on the lousy Win2K box I am using right now (unbelievable, Celeron 566 on a first rev. VIA 133, a 486 is faster than that).
Anyway, a very cute little demo, unfortunately I had not seen it back then. It must have been a blast :-) - rulezadded on the 2003-04-12 02:43:24
- 4k Windows Industrial Light and Magic
- I hate to be trolling about this, but I think it's very difficult (if not impossible) to make this go fast on a P4. Intel made a compromise with the P4. They increased the length of its pipeline (among other terrible things like cutting down some L1 cache) in order to be able to reach higher frequencies. Don't forget that in the corporate market MHz is what sells. Now that made some programs actually go slower because of memory fetching mispredictions (this prod is a fine example). Intel addressed that problem by creating smart compilers that aligned the code in a way to avoid mispredictions as possible. Now some could argue whether this is good or bad, but the fact is that if you are writing asm code (as in this prod) it must be really hard to optimize it for the P4 by hand. And for all I know, 4k prod coders are not using compilers :-) Anyway, all the above explains why hardcore coders generaly prefer Athlons today. Athlons may be easily cookable but since they have half the pipeline of a P4 (and almost exactly the pipeline of a P3), they do not suffer from that problem. Finally, that's the reason why I've been sticking to my P3 for a long time now :-)
- isokadded on the 2003-04-06 22:52:42
account created on the 2001-02-06 01:44:14