lunatic information 21 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Mat
- last name: b.
- 4k JavaScript Laser by Bitpopler [web]
- Don't be hard with me. I diddn't expect to win with this either.
Some more info about it:
Its uncompressed you can almost read the code. so you can take example if you like.
I just did this whole thing in 12h on the party including the research about the audio api and webgl which are not well documented. So this is neither optimized nor has it music. It just shows one effect for a short amount of time so you can't realize that it's acually boring ;)
The support of web-gl is really low atm. Since the browsers emulate gl using direct x they mess up the shaders. thats why it doesn't work in firefox. chrome has problems with nvidia. you have probably to start "chrome.exe --use-gl=destop" to see anything.
If you are using some lame graphic card you can lower the canvas resolution in the first row of the code
I hope there will be more webgl in future. At least I like it and will do more development there... - isokadded on the 2012-04-11 18:13:09
- 4k Windows raptor by Mercury [web]
- best 4k on tum
looking forward to hear from you
best regards
-lunatic - rulezadded on the 2007-01-03 00:20:49
- 4k Windows Gaia by Bitpopler [web]
- so, here is an other prod of us. hope you enjoy it.. this time 'just' shader version 2.0 is needed. d3dx9_25.dll should be present as well.
at the party the ati graphic card had problems with the per pixel linear fog, we couldn't fix in time. on Nvidia graphic cards it schould work nicely. ...or you just check out the captured vid at
some facts about this intro:
development time was full time 2 weeks.
it consist of 4 pixel shaders and one vertexshader... the depth of field and glow shader we weren't able to fit :-D
the nice music was made by ddeml prooving the limits of his synth using bandpass and several other filter, i didn't understand.
all meshes are per pixel lightned with bump mapping.clowds water and bump was made just with one 3d perlin noise. the main scene consist of exaclty 100k plants recursively renderd with several matrices.. so this is the bottleneck, lod and frustum culling did good job, but not good enogh...
anyway i will not bore you with tech stuff... just ask if you want to know - isokadded on the 2006-04-16 22:13:44
- 4k Windows Weektro by Bitpopler [web]
- hi folks
as you see ps 3.0 is needed for this intro besause of branching an raytracing loops in the ps.
ps 2.0 wouldn't be enough to achive realtime framerates. on ps2.0 the loops must get roll out what cause a constant execution time that is realy long. the most loops can be exited earlier.
of corse ps3.0 seems to be overkill vor 4k, but it only seems. I realy like ATI besause of sponsoring bp, but they made the mistake to set on speed. they decelerated the development of new tec. nvidia 6series is long available on low prizes. so why not propagate them. of course in most cases no branching is needed on ps but why don't we use giant steam engines?
the shader is not new and was allready implemeted in cg. there also exists a paper about raytracing julia sets. the intro was witten in few days and the olny chellange was to write a short asm shader. the ported hlsl shader compiled has nearly 40% more instructions. the party version uses the hlsl version because of lack of time and my badly constitution on the party. i will make a final soon and build in some resolution selection.
we made this intro to just release anything and it was more fun the earnest, so don't judge too hard. ;-)
ddeml will store a kkaptured version on our page ( - isokadded on the 2005-12-30 00:54:38
- 4k Windows Rodin by Bitpopler [web]
- here are the captured files for people arten able to run it: (25MB) (6MB) - isokadded on the 2005-08-31 00:13:18
- 4k Windows Rodin by Bitpopler [web]
- here is the final party version with a funny rendering remix for next computer generation:
something i forgot:
volume texture ability of graphiccards required (3d marble ;-) )
and about the thinker by rodin:
he thought for many years about the meaning of life... and at the end of the intro he realised - isokadded on the 2005-08-29 11:27:25
- 4k Windows Rodin by Bitpopler [web]
- some hints and known problems:
this intro needs the d3dx9d_25.dll library
at party we had problems because newer versions of directx do not deliver older dll
this virsion uploaded here is a bad first version not working well on nvidia. the newer version with solved some problems,showed on party was not on the release dvd. i will publish a new zip including the final party version working on some more systems well.
the sync was a major problem in this intro, because the soundcard and the systemtime had a difference of an second after two minutes, so we decided to sync with samplepositon. BUT this works just well on nice soundcards like sb live!. so we implemented a mixture of both timing methods to get an aceptable sync (not working well on my notebook anyway, but an the compomachine ;-) )
the contents was a bit reduced because of lack of time. there was an addition dancer but, i had to solve the other problems first and got no time to built it in.
all in all we are happy you enjoyed it and are motivated, to use our new acquired experience for our next release - isokadded on the 2005-08-29 11:05:27
- 4k Windows bpoSbunny by Bitpopler [web]
- some explanation about this intro:
it doesen't look that good and it is boring. i know. the problem is, that the majority of this project was done in last 3 days.
the angine is a realy powerfull pointbased photonmapped raytracer doing his job in realtime per pixel.. problem was to generate such an amount of points needed for nice surfaces (resulting as well in this horrable precalc time)... besides this the normal calculation of the points was a crapy hack... as you can see. at the end we ran out of space, in lack of expirience implemnting our first 4k intro using c++ so ddeml had to dorp sevelral voices of his synth :-( and i had to drop the realy nice stuff like reflation (as well of light) and refraction and scene action. - isokadded on the 2005-04-16 14:03:54
- demo PocketPC Limbo by Byterapers [web] & Doomsday
- realy rocks on ipac
- rulezadded on the 2004-11-09 15:33:28
- wild Animation/Video Sceners in the sun by SINNsitiv & Moods Plateau [web]
- song is boring, and vocal repeats all the time.
i started 2 dislike it after it stated second time in streamed. and i started 2 hate it after it reached a place in streamed as well...
damn... you all was realy drunken voting this second time. - sucksadded on the 2003-04-28 09:26:53
account created on the 2003-01-09 22:17:40