
Muted Midi after COM linking...

category: code [glöplog]
I've created a small test executable. It's a simple cube moving along to an umtz-drum. Compiled and packed using common packers everything works like charm, but when compiled uncompressed, linked to FakeCom and then compressed using UPX the cube still appears and is moving, but: no Sound output at all.

Any ideas why this is happening?
added on the 2013-12-28 22:04:03 by minx minx
what is FakeCom?
added on the 2013-12-29 16:10:03 by trc_wm trc_wm
I don't think you should use a .com dropper in 2013. If it's what I think it is, Windows from Vista onwards is unable to run it because the support for DOS exectutables was dropped after XP. If you're doing a 256b intro, there's no need for packing and for 4k and 64k intros there are crinkler and kkrunchy that are quite likely much better than upx anyway.
added on the 2013-12-29 16:30:28 by Preacher Preacher
Windows from Vista onwards is unable to run it because the support for DOS exectutables was dropped after XP

To be precise, that's only true for 64-bit systems.
Hello minx.

Based upon your problem's scarse description, maybe one of the assumed registers startup value is affected by the decompression stub of UPX. Without a link to your
code it is difficult to try to help you. Also Saga Musix's precision is correct.
I found this tutorial mentioning the tools you are using. It emphasizes you should realign the code at the beginning of the process :

@echo off
start /W reshacker.exe
realign project1.exe
copy /B fakecom.com+project1.exe project1.com
upx --best project1.com

Maybe this is what you are lacking.

On a side note see a 128b cube with midi sound here (with sourcecode in .nfo) : https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=61076
I solved the problem now, after using my own packer which I've finished just hours ago. Thx for your support anyway!
added on the 2013-12-29 19:12:30 by minx minx
