Releasing diskmags more often?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
the fact is time changes which means the aim you got a decade ago with Hugi isn't reachable today because today people don't see the point into submitting an article for a diskmag which will be released on a form which will involve downloading a reader executable they'll have to unpack and run just to read mere text, this is obsolete with the Internet.
Collaboration is done today via forum, irc, skype, googledocs, whatever not through a diskmag. It has never be as people before tended to meet face to face and exchanged via swapping, never by diskmag means.
So if diskmag have to survive they'll have to give the readers info they'll not find elsewhere, so they'll have to focus on quality and durable because reusable content.
That is not party reports as a party report is useless: if you want to know what is a party like, you've got to go there and experience it, it'll be your party report in your memory, it can't be shared with others as it's a personal experience, you can btw make a party charts, judging parties and asking people to rate them according to a clever list of criterions like noise level, facilities, food, sleeping place, handling of people, security, originality, putting this way your's 2 cents in and pushing them to became better. Of course you got to attend party either you look like the guy who talk from far away and isn't involved, see Unlock's way.
Readership moreover isn't english native which means they may have to use a dictionary to check the meaning of words and idioms, with Hugi and its panorama interface it's a nightmare to get this kind of translation done, it's far easier online: select, copy, paste. And thinking and talking in German is easier for them, more natural: they'll never be bilingual.
Releasing a diskmag online in your own language focused on people you can talk with in your mother tongue will help a great deal to get your point across and sharing something you'll never through the English language, see the new interviews and show done by Ghandy.
If I were you, I would do this:
1/ imagine a beginner who stumble into the mess Hugi is, instead of learning anything, he get lost into many articles unrelated from issue to issue which he barely can't get any use of, total waste of time and energy.
Focus on content which will last forever, that is maths for coder, music making, how to draw, paint, do 3D, basic tutorials, then intermediate, then elite (3 levels as you want every kind of reader to get something out), well researched and sequential
2/ well researched interviews:
read everything about Mr X you want to interview, note the big things he has done in chronological order, and create a description of Mr X in 1 or 2 pages / 8000 chars.
Then ask yourself 12 questions structured chronologically as a plan asking questions not asked before, not canned but tailored according to the history of Mr X which will teach you and him and your readers something you've never read about him during your research.
Then contact him, to ask if he is ok for an interview which will be done either by irc or by phone for interactivity purpose.
a. If he says ok, then go on and when the plan of questions unfold, if you see an opportunity to ask more questions about an answer he has given then do so, for example when you've interviewed Moby, he answered "everything is OK in France but Sarkozy, I can't bear him.", how can everything be OK in a country when people don't like the president which obviously has by his action a big impact on the country politic itself?
That's the question which had to be asked by an interviewer with an hear for what is said and which show the interviewee that you listen to what he says so proof him you're interested by his answers and not only by filling the mag with another canned interview.
If during the interview, you get an idea for a new question, then ask so, that make the process living and not just ticking the box.
b. If he says no, then you can publish his portrait / description with link to download his creations, you don't publish his email or contact details or real name in this case, he may come later and tell you that now he'll be interested by being interviewed.
This way, you'll get a good grasp about the demomaking process and live interviews with something valuable for everybody and your time spent on research isn't wasted whatever happen, and you'll learn about the people you talk about which is very important: they're not here to produce demo only, they're living beings. Show them you, your team and your mag are living beings too.
the fact is time changes which means the aim you got a decade ago with Hugi isn't reachable today because today people don't see the point into submitting an article for a diskmag which will be released on a form which will involve downloading a reader executable they'll have to unpack and run just to read mere text, this is obsolete with the Internet.
Collaboration is done today via forum, irc, skype, googledocs, whatever not through a diskmag. It has never be as people before tended to meet face to face and exchanged via swapping, never by diskmag means.
So if diskmag have to survive they'll have to give the readers info they'll not find elsewhere, so they'll have to focus on quality and durable because reusable content.
That is not party reports as a party report is useless: if you want to know what is a party like, you've got to go there and experience it, it'll be your party report in your memory, it can't be shared with others as it's a personal experience, you can btw make a party charts, judging parties and asking people to rate them according to a clever list of criterions like noise level, facilities, food, sleeping place, handling of people, security, originality, putting this way your's 2 cents in and pushing them to became better. Of course you got to attend party either you look like the guy who talk from far away and isn't involved, see Unlock's way.
Readership moreover isn't english native which means they may have to use a dictionary to check the meaning of words and idioms, with Hugi and its panorama interface it's a nightmare to get this kind of translation done, it's far easier online: select, copy, paste. And thinking and talking in German is easier for them, more natural: they'll never be bilingual.
Releasing a diskmag online in your own language focused on people you can talk with in your mother tongue will help a great deal to get your point across and sharing something you'll never through the English language, see the new interviews and show done by Ghandy.
If I were you, I would do this:
1/ imagine a beginner who stumble into the mess Hugi is, instead of learning anything, he get lost into many articles unrelated from issue to issue which he barely can't get any use of, total waste of time and energy.
Focus on content which will last forever, that is maths for coder, music making, how to draw, paint, do 3D, basic tutorials, then intermediate, then elite (3 levels as you want every kind of reader to get something out), well researched and sequential
2/ well researched interviews:
read everything about Mr X you want to interview, note the big things he has done in chronological order, and create a description of Mr X in 1 or 2 pages / 8000 chars.
Then ask yourself 12 questions structured chronologically as a plan asking questions not asked before, not canned but tailored according to the history of Mr X which will teach you and him and your readers something you've never read about him during your research.
Then contact him, to ask if he is ok for an interview which will be done either by irc or by phone for interactivity purpose.
a. If he says ok, then go on and when the plan of questions unfold, if you see an opportunity to ask more questions about an answer he has given then do so, for example when you've interviewed Moby, he answered "everything is OK in France but Sarkozy, I can't bear him.", how can everything be OK in a country when people don't like the president which obviously has by his action a big impact on the country politic itself?
That's the question which had to be asked by an interviewer with an hear for what is said and which show the interviewee that you listen to what he says so proof him you're interested by his answers and not only by filling the mag with another canned interview.
If during the interview, you get an idea for a new question, then ask so, that make the process living and not just ticking the box.
b. If he says no, then you can publish his portrait / description with link to download his creations, you don't publish his email or contact details or real name in this case, he may come later and tell you that now he'll be interested by being interviewed.
This way, you'll get a good grasp about the demomaking process and live interviews with something valuable for everybody and your time spent on research isn't wasted whatever happen, and you'll learn about the people you talk about which is very important: they're not here to produce demo only, they're living beings. Show them you, your team and your mag are living beings too.
alter-native: Don't you think the best thing would be to stop making diskmags altogether?
everyone: why do you keep feeding Adok?
panic: You are from Saudi Arabia? Go ride your camel.
and now you apologize.
Adog: Yes I am from Saudi Arabia, you got any problem about it? How is your Neo-Nazi movement?
Starting 'serious' questions combined with retarded "camel riding" comments doesn't really create a lot of recognition...
Adog, your last comment is the straw which has broken the camel back.
This is racism of the worst kind as you're of age and thus responsible for your acts, I call for everybody to fill a legal complaint against you providing a log of your IP with your racist posts and releases as proof so you're punished by the law.
I call also to the pouet administrators to get links to Hugi and the afgano removed permanently and to removal of all your previous releases so your 'ideas' remain blocked as they go against what the scene is and aimed to be.
Indeed it's time for the end of diskmags, if they are here to spread racism and other harmful ideologies.
This is racism of the worst kind as you're of age and thus responsible for your acts, I call for everybody to fill a legal complaint against you providing a log of your IP with your racist posts and releases as proof so you're punished by the law.
I call also to the pouet administrators to get links to Hugi and the afgano removed permanently and to removal of all your previous releases so your 'ideas' remain blocked as they go against what the scene is and aimed to be.
Indeed it's time for the end of diskmags, if they are here to spread racism and other harmful ideologies.
what's wrong with you people? why can't you all just leave the guy alone? this was getting old already 10 years ago. sure he can have some strange views on things, who the hell doesn't? and yeah he has bad social skills, so what? like you're all experts in that. he likes diskmags and that's his way to contributing to the scene, get over it. if you don't like him, his work or his opinions then just ignore it. ignore him, his work and his threads. it's that simple.
stop hitting that pinata for the 500th time, there is no candy left inside anyways.
stop hitting that pinata for the 500th time, there is no candy left inside anyways.
Some time ago at a moods hardware meeting we loaded up a Jurassic Pack issue to test my new configuration and Dirtie and I both said, somewhat sighing, that diskmags, indeed, are cool shit.
I still remember some Cows'n'Snakefights issue from 2004 or so (the year of my first party), it featured a november rain animation, and that, combined with some laid back music, totally sucked me in.
So I totally vote for diskmags instead of websites or pdfs because for me, it's less only about sharing information but more about carrying an idea or a feeling.
Such a pitty that it costs so much time to create a feeling that way!! I wish I was a couple of years before again. To make that final Jurassic Snakefights #818 together with Browallia... *sigh*
I still remember some Cows'n'Snakefights issue from 2004 or so (the year of my first party), it featured a november rain animation, and that, combined with some laid back music, totally sucked me in.
So I totally vote for diskmags instead of websites or pdfs because for me, it's less only about sharing information but more about carrying an idea or a feeling.
Such a pitty that it costs so much time to create a feeling that way!! I wish I was a couple of years before again. To make that final Jurassic Snakefights #818 together with Browallia... *sigh*
I did not read the whole thread but I just want to send all my congratulations to Adok (and his team) for releasing Hugi on such a regular basis, years after years.
Don't change anything to it! :)
I'm a regular reader since 90s.
Don't change anything to it! :)
I'm a regular reader since 90s.
I don't really know if I like or pity that every thread where Adok posts becomes Adok-mocking thread at least for awhile.

'We' ofcourse refers to everyone posting here, Adok included. Just so you know I don't mean a 'we' versus people who make camel jokes. Oh boy, I can't wait for the next thread which brings up this subject!
Adok: Why do your threads always end like this?

As for riding camels, you should try:

(Jeff Minter is in da house)

(Jeff Minter is in da house)
I call also to the pouet administrators to get links to Hugi and the afgano removed permanently and to removal of all your previous releases so your 'ideas' remain blocked as they go against what the scene is and aimed to be.
while we're doing that, can we remove parapete's demos too? i heard that he kicked a tramp once
Two issues a year are OK (Info Guide had it for a while).
How does your team work? How do you plan the contents and control the writers, how much time it takes to link the zine and betatest it?
Two issues a year are OK (Info Guide had it for a while).
How does your team work? How do you plan the contents and control the writers, how much time it takes to link the zine and betatest it?
Alone_Coder: sorry, since 2008 we have a release interval of 1 issue every 2 years :)(excluding any special edition issue(s))
so... next hugi 2016 \o/
luckily there's a big meteor crashing into earth next month!