
10th Annual Scene.org Awards

category: general [glöplog]
10th annual Scene.org Awards - call for jury members

The jury for the 10th annual Scene.org awards is currently being put together. For that purpose, we would like to publicly call for suggestions for new jury members.

The job of the jury is to selects the nominees and winners for the awards in each of the award categories except for Public Choice (which is open to public voting). The purpose of the awards is two-fold:
  • To honor the greatest demoscene achievements of the year.
  • To provide viewing tips for people wanting to see the best of what the demoscene has to offer.
More concretely, the tasks of the jury are to:
  • Decide on the award categories
  • Gather candidates for nominations among all releases of the year
  • Watch all candidates and vote for nominees and winners
  • Discuss and evaluate awards issues related to the jury work
We typically have about 100-150 candidates. The total workload for a jury member is in the order of 20-40 hours, mostly concentrated around February.

The most important qualifications of a jury member are passion about the demoscene and willingness to spend the necessary deciding the awards. Past and/or present demoscene activity is a plus.

You can suggest yourself or someone else. Explain why you think that person would make a good jury member. If possible, include information about demoscene activity and platform background. This is your chance to influence the jury selections for the next round of Scene.org Awards!

For more information, please see http://awards.scene.org/apply.php

Deadline for sending the applications is 31st of December, 2011.
added on the 2011-12-18 20:12:52 by melw melw
Just a friendly reminder - if you're interested in a jury member position, today's the last day for sending the applications!
added on the 2011-12-31 12:02:09 by melw melw
I would apply - but given the current situation - I just can't ;)
added on the 2011-12-31 14:59:47 by las las
Is it too late? It's already 2012 in some places!
added on the 2011-12-31 17:46:25 by AntDude AntDude
I already applied :)

And NO, it's not to vote for myself :D
added on the 2011-12-31 18:55:28 by rez rez
Indeed, it's just for voting against the others!
added on the 2012-01-01 01:44:50 by rez rez
Thanks everyone for being with us last night in the 10th Annual Scene.org Awards prize-giving ceremony!

Here are the full results:

Congratulations once again for all the winners!

For more information, please visit the Scene.org Awards website: http://awards.scene.org/
added on the 2012-08-04 10:52:10 by melw melw
Next time... Please don't support the awards show with a stand-up comedian.
Is he actually a stand up? Terrible....
added on the 2012-08-06 22:33:46 by dv$ dv$
That's what netpoet introduced him as...
(though he also said that he's working in the games industry so he's probably doing stand-up comedy only as a "hobby")
He should either just stop right away, or practice for a while before getting on a stage again, because he was just terrible.

The Scene.org Awkwards like someone said on IRC...
added on the 2012-08-07 07:38:52 by Zavie Zavie
Resorting to relationship-jokes in front of an ordience of teenage computergeeks probably isn't a clever move. Especially not, if you start the joke with something down the line of "don't you just hate when your girlfriend ..." :-D
added on the 2012-08-07 09:29:41 by Punqtured Punqtured
I groaned inside when Frank went "..and now, stand-up!", but despite the lack of response from the audience, I think Eric did okay.
added on the 2012-08-07 10:16:45 by gloom gloom
Haha, that dude was so bad! I just watched the download and the cuts to the awkwardly reacting audience made it even better.

Frank was a pro as always and the rest of the show was cool!
added on the 2012-08-07 10:34:04 by okkie okkie
The Batman Group's dude enthousiasm was super adorable btw!
added on the 2012-08-07 10:35:41 by okkie okkie
well done, I always use the awards as well as nominations as a kind of yearly "canon" - I feel I have to watch them in order to really be able to talk to people. Which means I have some catching up to do before my next party, since I haven't seen a few of the nominees yet. Good job, keep working at it scene.org fellas :)
added on the 2012-08-07 10:38:39 by nic0 nic0
here's a new joke for the comedian: "so i was at this nerd party this other day... doing some stand-up. well.. they only got some bits"
added on the 2012-08-07 11:58:17 by el mal el mal
the batman group dude would have been me :) i think it's just completely appropriate to be grateful for and celebrate something as fine as the scene.org awards. (even though i only made a very small part of the demo) the organizers have gone through a lot of trouble to arrange the awards year after year, jury and people have made a careful selection, etc. so, great honor, and thanks again everybody. playing super-cool 1337 is so 1990s, imo. ;) ymmv

if just rno's atari st demo "natrium" had got at least one nomination, then it would have been perfect :)
added on the 2012-08-07 12:00:54 by yzi yzi
