
Place to stay before/after Datastorm 2011

category: parties [glöplog]

I am looking for a place to stay before and after this years Datastorm. I will arrive in Göteburg by Ryanair on Wednesday, 2.2. and leave on Monday, 7.2., and as usual i am totally broke. :)

If anyone could offer me a couch or a piece of floor for those days I'd be very grateful.

You can reach me on IRC (Topy44 or T44 on IRCnet, Freenode or Efnet) any time, or just answer right here.

Cu all soon,
added on the 2011-01-23 20:56:16 by Topy44 Topy44
Sorry for the push, but its getting close...
added on the 2011-01-27 23:07:29 by Topy44 Topy44
I dont have any good place but maybe you could try #scene.se
