
Re:Optimus - a whole world out there!

category: general [glöplog]
Be sure to shake your fist in fury as you leave and take as long as coming back -if ever.
added on the 2003-10-27 14:23:01 by Shifter Shifter
Go, but don't come back!

Or find a girl and leave us alone.
Yes, perhaps I'll need one. And also going away and leaving you to your misery.. :P
Wondering if you have a girl with that attitude! (Quoting mot :)
added on the 2003-10-27 15:18:51 by Optimus Optimus
Hahahaha! Of course I have one. How 'bout you?

p.s. Girls are so stupid that you don't need to have an attitude. Go find one and the universe will be better for both of us :-)
poor girl of predictable..
added on the 2003-10-27 16:15:17 by phred phred
for me it took a whole bunch of real people having interest in me so I got a real life.
Before that I was like optimus.. just computer.. ok, I coded and composed instead of counting my pouet posts.. but in the end.. ok, now I can listen to my music and show it.. but, well..
added on the 2003-10-27 16:18:25 by phred phred
Girls are so stupid that you don't need to have an attitude.

A self-fulfilling prophecy -- You think girls are stupid, consequently only stupid girls will hang out with you.
Optimus: If it counts for anything, I read 80% of what you write ;)

I think what ultimate gas said goes, but on one point i disagree. If it makes you happy it was never time wasted. Maybe the lesson to be learned from it is, that it was a waste of time. But maybe it isnt, only time and optimus own conclutions can tell.

Personally i have "wasted" a lot of time in my life, but i wouldnt trade it for anything, because it was part of making me who i am. And it all tought me lessons. One time on a couple fat freddy's i was counting grass for well over 6 hours. The lesson? Drugs make you st0opid, m'kay? (well,,,honestly it took a few more tries before i figured that out, but thats proof enough innit?) :D

yeah and btw: Optimus, think about it. WHY would you want a girl in to your life? Right now, all you need to worry about is you. Theres nobody that'll get pissed with you, just because you do all the stuff, you just happens to like. The sex? (or lack there of) ...it's not that interresting, honestly. Only if you dont have it. =/
added on the 2003-10-28 02:34:39 by NoahR NoahR
i'd agree with iblis, except maybe about the sex ;)

waste as much time as you want to and need to. if you like posting stats on pouet, do it, you only live once.

on the other hand, i have a strange rule for my life. If theres something unusual available to see or do, and i haven't done it before, i almost always do it, even if i think i won't enjoy it. That way, i sometimes do really strange stuff, find a lot of stuff that i expected to hate is really quite good, and see a lot of different views of the world. It's a good way to learn about yourself and others. i'm thinking about pot holing next :)
added on the 2003-10-29 11:53:55 by psonice psonice
I'd also like to add that there was a time in my life when my sole interest was computers, internet, demos, games, new hardware blah blah blah. Probably the same as optimus, perhaps worse :) But of course, you get older and change (at least most people do) and you get bored of doing the same stuff each day, you meet new friends, you find something else to do. i certainly don't look back on that part of my life and regret it, i had some really great times, learnt a lot, then moved on.
added on the 2003-10-29 12:37:26 by psonice psonice
Monoxide used to be fat
added on the 2003-10-30 00:41:14 by okkie okkie
im glad optimus is here, I liked it when he reported from greece when they had that stupid rule about computergames , if anyone remember?
Yeah, that law was as stupid as me! (Do I sound like predictable? ;)

P.S. Admit it people! I share a lot of fun to the demoscene community here at Pouet, nobody wants really that I will leave this place. Which I am planning to do onenearday..
added on the 2003-11-01 12:14:28 by Optimus Optimus
Sometimes you need to disappear for a while to make people realise how much they miss you and want you back.

About 10 years should do it. :)
Shane's talking to himself again...
In 10 years everybody will have a life. The old monkeys won't be here to play with me anyways.

5 years would be ok though..
added on the 2003-11-02 16:44:15 by Optimus Optimus
