Random, this is when im leaving/getting to OsloS/Solskogen
category: general [glöplog]
Im gonna try to take the train from OsloS at 12.14
the 550 towards Moss
So ill be there around 12.34
just sayin...
the 550 towards Moss
So ill be there around 12.34
just sayin...
already here, eheh
screw you guys. im not coming.
I'm leaving at some point during the night. Prolly the 19:48 train or something.
I'm at ås station now. Anyone comming soonish? 09:28
Ring etter taxi.
I won't get there until september, keep the party going until then please :)
13:48 from Oslo, anyone?
leijaa: sure i need to do some errands first so thats perfect for me, look for a breakpoint t-shirt
I remember how you look :)
i am here
i am here
Any norwegians care to give an opinion on what's worth seeing in/around oslo? I'll be staying for a week in early september with my wife (so no strip clubs), we're more into outdoor stuff + seeing the sights rather than clubs and stuff.
Anyone fancy meeting up for some beer too?
Anyone fancy meeting up for some beer too?
Just had a closer look at my plane ticket.. according to ryanair oslo is in sandefjord o0 Is it worth stopping anywhere on the way to oslo?
come to lysekil