Blz's WHISPERS 2 in the making ?
category: general [glöplog]
Hi everyone,
today I found some new informations about the sequel to blz's whispers Musicdisk by Razor 1911, released in november 2002.
At the music topics inside Blz's homepage are 4 tracks listed (3 of them are samples) and there's a cover which reads the following title:
But, what do you think about this ? Is this an april fool, or true .. could it be, that Whispsers 2 will be released very soon? ... Then for me on the releasing day of Whispers 2 will be X-Mas & new Year's Eve together :-)
*both thumbs ub*
today I found some new informations about the sequel to blz's whispers Musicdisk by Razor 1911, released in november 2002.
At the music topics inside Blz's homepage are 4 tracks listed (3 of them are samples) and there's a cover which reads the following title:
Whispers 2: Of Sands and Fog
But, what do you think about this ? Is this an april fool, or true .. could it be, that Whispsers 2 will be released very soon? ... Then for me on the releasing day of Whispers 2 will be X-Mas & new Year's Eve together :-)
*both thumbs ub*
I would prefer see sleepless released =)
Why not sleepless and whispers II?
What dubmood said.