Most disgusting guy ever: Edward Bernays
category: general [glöplog]
huh? just don't buy their products, if they suck. the only corporations i've ever been fucked over by are (semi-) governmental monopolies.
rephaim. Thats part my point. These traits of "humanity" we adore so much is the intellectual property of a few romantic intellectuals 300 years ago. We are beasts, some of us are just self aware to a certain degree.
Any and all men would willingly be a dictator or a tyrant if he could, and very few, if any, would sacrifice their own personal wellbeing for the preservation of everyone elses. This is what is at the core of this "humanity" we so boast about. nothing but primitive self preservation, and survival instinct wrapped up in--in the context--meaningless buzzwords and slogans.
Bernays saw man as a dangerous unaware beast that would easily panic and damage itself and its surroundings, and as such should be controlled by those who are better. better in this context just means smarter (as in streetwise), and by the only law that really matters anywhere, the law of the jungle, his masters have taken over the world by deceit. Not because force is impossible, but because it is more expensive.
at the core of it, being under the direct rule of said masters will not be a bad thing for humanity. There is no doubt that wars will be fewer, food better distributed as they finnish their system of mutual dependency, where each nation is dependant on the other nations in the network for its mere survival. Thats what globalisation is all about, at its core.
For the average person, with 2.6 kids, 1.5 cars, killing floor mortgage whoms whole world are the things i just mentioned, will properbly benefit greatly from having his world run as the company he slave for, and by the same very people. why would he want to change the status quo?
any and all talk about personal "freedom" is ridiculous,most of mankind never had such a thing while organised into "civilisations" to begin with. never. Perhaps for 50 years in the, at the time still young, America, but thats it. Freedom is not part of the human condition. If there is civilisation present at best you have "previliges" given to you by the ruling elite, a king or despot....hell some claim they have them from God, but there you go.
One could thing so, but their end goal is not one of mallice even if the method chosen to get there seems dispicable. In fact they are soo good guys that they have left obvious doors open for those that are observant and dont want to play along . But I agree with you, that if you arent smart enough to figure out what is going on, where its heading and how to get out, because these informations are out in the open and requires very little efford to gain, you should be under the control of someone else who are smarter.
skrebbel: "modern" western law is just a reinterpretation of old Roman law which more or less specifically state that if you are an idiot, woe to you! most people are and happily so, so woe to them. Coffe soon?
Any and all men would willingly be a dictator or a tyrant if he could, and very few, if any, would sacrifice their own personal wellbeing for the preservation of everyone elses. This is what is at the core of this "humanity" we so boast about. nothing but primitive self preservation, and survival instinct wrapped up in--in the context--meaningless buzzwords and slogans.
Bernays saw man as a dangerous unaware beast that would easily panic and damage itself and its surroundings, and as such should be controlled by those who are better. better in this context just means smarter (as in streetwise), and by the only law that really matters anywhere, the law of the jungle, his masters have taken over the world by deceit. Not because force is impossible, but because it is more expensive.
at the core of it, being under the direct rule of said masters will not be a bad thing for humanity. There is no doubt that wars will be fewer, food better distributed as they finnish their system of mutual dependency, where each nation is dependant on the other nations in the network for its mere survival. Thats what globalisation is all about, at its core.
For the average person, with 2.6 kids, 1.5 cars, killing floor mortgage whoms whole world are the things i just mentioned, will properbly benefit greatly from having his world run as the company he slave for, and by the same very people. why would he want to change the status quo?
any and all talk about personal "freedom" is ridiculous,most of mankind never had such a thing while organised into "civilisations" to begin with. never. Perhaps for 50 years in the, at the time still young, America, but thats it. Freedom is not part of the human condition. If there is civilisation present at best you have "previliges" given to you by the ruling elite, a king or despot....hell some claim they have them from God, but there you go.
One could thing so, but their end goal is not one of mallice even if the method chosen to get there seems dispicable. In fact they are soo good guys that they have left obvious doors open for those that are observant and dont want to play along . But I agree with you, that if you arent smart enough to figure out what is going on, where its heading and how to get out, because these informations are out in the open and requires very little efford to gain, you should be under the control of someone else who are smarter.
skrebbel: "modern" western law is just a reinterpretation of old Roman law which more or less specifically state that if you are an idiot, woe to you! most people are and happily so, so woe to them. Coffe soon?
huh? just don't buy their products, if they suck. the only corporations i've ever been fucked over by are (semi-) governmental monopolies.
...and actively destroy their advertising,. you have to ask yourself who the fuck gave these assholes the right to speak to you, not just you, but your subcontious mind with their slogans, images, banners, radiospots and now even people who stop you on the street to advertice or sell you shit, that are everywhere present. These people have not gotten my permission to speak to me in such a direct manner, so i actively destroy advertising when i get a chance and it is nothing but pure rightious selfdefense. If there consequences wasnt so severe (atleast 3 weeks in prison) i would maul each and every fucker who stops me in the street to tall me about a product or sell it to me. But atleast he has an "honest" job, the other commercials on the other hand.....those that leaves you with no choice.......DEATH TO THEM!
"no...i dont have 2 minutes...ever"
iblis, sorry mate - i'm moving back to holland on wednesday (and defend my msc thesis tomorrow)... my last months here have been a bit (or actually, way) too busy with finishing my thesis and stuff, and now a post-master programme i'm doing starts, well, today :-) (in eindhoven)
i guess i'll be back in .dk aplenty, however, so i'll drop you a line when that happens!
back on topic, i guess that by your and rephaim's standards, i'm an idiot and happily so! beat that :-) oh, and
i guess i'll be back in .dk aplenty, however, so i'll drop you a line when that happens!
back on topic, i guess that by your and rephaim's standards, i'm an idiot and happily so! beat that :-) oh, and
hahah iblis, you're a nutcase :-)
i dont have any standards mate, im nuts ;)
He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the 'herd instinct'
I have friends who I think they would find this a good thing. They know that most people anyways can't handle freedom or would accept anything they were told, so why not lead some group of elite individuals with the same purpose of controlling the common opinions in the way they thing it's better for mankind?
Whatever, nobody is entirely free, everyone has his needs, most need to feel socially accepted, they follow the common opinion maybe because ideas hold them together or make them feel "normal" just like the rest. Personally I believe that even those who differ are not more clever than the rest but have just followed their different needs. With "more clever" I mean, they didn't initially thought "Hey! Look at that herd. How stupid they are. I am clever because I am not like them!". I think that we have not chosen to be like this. I think that differences in brain biology made some of you to be a little more conscious and interested about why things are the way they are or something that is considered a common job for most was not an easy job for some, so they had to think different and wonder who they are. Maybe some of them have needs for power or are bitter with the average person so they thought it was right for them to control this common opinion in ways they fit their personal beliefs. Some others maybe didn't cared much about power or it wasn't their thing, still they had to follow their ways just because they are incompatible with the current common opinion (also maybe in a future evolved common opinions, they are the "normals" and the "normals" of this era are the outcasts in the future). I also think that I am a thought..
What do you think psych graduates do for a living? half of them shill cereal
He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the 'herd instinct'
Sounds like what motivated yy villains in xx James Bond movies...
Quote: why not lead some group of elite individuals with the same purpose of controlling the common opinions in the way they thing it's better for mankind?
They think is better for mankind... This can never ever work. Having power makes people become corrupt and spoils them. No eceptions.
Because of that Autocracy or Oligarchy are not really the way to go imo... You depend on the goodwill of the leaders. This will go wrong at some point. Also this is for the lazy people.
The problem (here in Germany for example) is, that people do not take part in the democratic process. And because with rights come responsibilities you just have to!
I personally love direct forms (switzerland) of democracy and am willing to spend time and some thought on the necessary decisions. But probably most other aren't, which I consider "dumb" and "the herd", but hey just my 50ct on political systems...
Yes of course. One individual cannot decide what's the best for all. As some of these friends who dream of forming a group like Illuminati, while I don't exactly agree with some of their radical opinions.
typical of nerds