
Yet another processing thread

category: general [glöplog]
Yes, it's about processing, the programming language.

I like it a little bit more, but I still don't get it. It would be so much more useful as a set of libraries for a decent programming language (read C, C++, or Python, and only those 3). Anyway... I just noticed that it's possible to export polygonal data as vectorial images, and that's great. But it would still be much more awesome AS A LIBRARY...
Maybe I can use it for my video editing needs if I mix it with avisynth here and there, and yes, it would still be better and python.
I guess if you want something decent, you have to do it yourself.

Just ranting.
added on the 2008-06-24 08:09:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
Or maybe not: is it me or I need to have quicktime installed to use the video library? :|
added on the 2008-06-24 08:13:24 by xernobyl xernobyl
a decent programming language (read C, C++, or Python, and only those 3).

added on the 2008-06-24 08:21:00 by skrebbel skrebbel
xernobyl, in the processing scene, it's known as the openframeworks library.


But since it's not yet publicly available I probably shouldn't have told you about it.
added on the 2008-06-24 08:49:10 by _-_-__ _-_-__
I think processing is kind of neat with the all-in-one-solution, write some code, press 'run' and you are done. Perfect for a quick test.
No need to start a text editor, find a place to save the file, run compiler etc.
added on the 2008-06-24 09:26:17 by Sdw Sdw
