Random Quote Thread
category: general [glöplog]
Good men (and women, yes!) have said good things. Important things.
This is the time to reflect, to learn and to be inspired. This is the time to quote words, that changed the world:
"What, me worry?"
Alfred E. Neuman
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right."
George W. Bush
This is the time to reflect, to learn and to be inspired. This is the time to quote words, that changed the world:
"What, me worry?"
Alfred E. Neuman
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right."
George W. Bush
"I think...."
"Sorry but I can't stand it anymore : C64 demo were uglly slow with awfull music. That was fun and probably state of the art 15 years ago !
It's all over now ... face it ! I was an atari scener a decade ago and i admit that demo were uglly and boring but at the time that was the best computers could do. To a certain extend I really wonder if some sceners stay in the oldschool trip because that's the only thing they know and the only thing they have left in the scene.
I guess it would be hard for the old stars to restart learning new things and rank low at parties. Let say the whole oldshool trip is a confortable way to stay at the same place in all the ways."
(c) Nytrik - 2007
Sorry, gotta love that one :)
It's all over now ... face it ! I was an atari scener a decade ago and i admit that demo were uglly and boring but at the time that was the best computers could do. To a certain extend I really wonder if some sceners stay in the oldschool trip because that's the only thing they know and the only thing they have left in the scene.
I guess it would be hard for the old stars to restart learning new things and rank low at parties. Let say the whole oldshool trip is a confortable way to stay at the same place in all the ways."
(c) Nytrik - 2007
Sorry, gotta love that one :)
"2 plus two zeros and a seven the messiah shall return. Doubt him you shall, and burning of the crotch ye shall suffer," Nostradamus.
![BB Image](http://farm1.static.flickr.com/151/428432493_d83d7391fa.jpg?v=0)
![BB Image](http://farm1.static.flickr.com/151/428432493_d83d7391fa.jpg?v=0)
"As excited as I am to be here with the president, I am appalled to be surrounded by the liberal media that is destroying America, with the exception of Fox News. Fox News gives you both sides of every story: the president's side, and the vice president's side."
Stephen Colbert @ the White House Correspondents Dinner Speech 2006
Stephen Colbert @ the White House Correspondents Dinner Speech 2006
What you call a cube is essentially a Frinkahedron, named after its inventor, Dr. Frink.
Jobe @ pouet
"How can we possibly USE sex to get what we want?! Sex IS what we want!"
Frasier Crane
Frasier Crane
sparcus: isn't that quote originally from that simposons 3d-episode?
abductee: could be where Jobe got it, I don't watch the Simpsons :-)
anyhow, since I got that first quote wrong, let's try again :-)
(Vine Deloria, Jr.)
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white men came, an Indian said simply “Ours.”
(Vine Deloria, Jr.)
And though I am a committed Christian, I believe that everyone has the right to their own religion, be you Hindu, Jewish or Muslim. I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
The greatest thing about this man (George W. Bush) is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday.
I stand by this man (Bush) because he stands for things. Not only for things, he stands on things. Things like aircraft carriers and rubble and recently flooded city squares. And that sends a strong message: that no matter what happens to America, she will always rebound -- with the most powerfully staged photo ops in the world.
But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works: the president makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know - fiction!
Stephen Colbert @ the White House Correspondents Dinner Speech 2006
This has always been a favourite of mine:
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernard Shaw
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernard Shaw
Ok Nytrik quote though it's not the same for eveyrone.
I mean,. I don't still admire 8bit/16bit demos because it's supposed to be oldschool, but because it doesn't look ugly for everyone. For some reason when some people stare at oldschool gfx or Mode0 wide pixels for example they feel like wishing to throw up. I don't feel like this. For example, I still like to see Doom with the naked texels, other people just can't stand it, but it doesn't feel like ugly in my soul (except if they are not perspective correct :), maybe they feel computerized but they are not ugly here. I can stare at old things and not feel like vomiting. I can see the beauty of how pixels blend together in some very old screens. But this is not pretendious because it's oldschool, I just don't feel any uglyness here.
I mean,. I don't still admire 8bit/16bit demos because it's supposed to be oldschool, but because it doesn't look ugly for everyone. For some reason when some people stare at oldschool gfx or Mode0 wide pixels for example they feel like wishing to throw up. I don't feel like this. For example, I still like to see Doom with the naked texels, other people just can't stand it, but it doesn't feel like ugly in my soul (except if they are not perspective correct :), maybe they feel computerized but they are not ugly here. I can stare at old things and not feel like vomiting. I can see the beauty of how pixels blend together in some very old screens. But this is not pretendious because it's oldschool, I just don't feel any uglyness here.
About the excuse argument. Not that some may not stay in oldschool for various reasons. But everyone does what he can best. There is some true art on the C64 though and the beauty is how you manipulate those few pixels and colors and even if you don't look at this one, still some C64 or AtariSt images look great in my eyes. Few colors and low resolutions don't make me feel like vomiting, at least in well drawn pictures, the opposite I could say because it's so amazing how perfectly they all blend together like a mosaic and still remain beatiful as a whole!
hyde: i know youve been away for a while, so let me fill you in.
to do a pouet-friendly demoscene production today it should: run on a 5 year old pc at 1920x1200, fit in 4k, precalc instantly, use no dlls, be either completely original and different from anything you or anyone else has ever done before or be totally derivative and look like virtually every other demo since 1999 to keep that "demo feeling" (either is cool, but for god's sake dont get any ideas from anywhere else, that makes you a ripper), take 2 years to make, be completely filled with totally different content, plus as many screenflashes and so on as you can to keep it from being "boring" but at the same time make it all the same idea so it's "consistent", look like a cracktro from 1993 and have a chiptune to appeal to one set of people and have a load of glowy flashiness to appeal to another, come with a helpline for people to ring up and bitch at you over if it doesnt work on their system..
oh, and come with a full money back guarantee for anyone who wasnt 100% satisfied. (maybe you could refund their broadband rental and hourly wages for the minute or so it took to download it and the 3 minutes to watch it.)
welcome to pouet's version of the demoscene in 2007, hope you enjoy your stay.
*meant in jest.
*ok, partially.
(c) Smash 2007
Ok,. I got out of subject and now I will post some of my favorite quotes from phatcode.
- Fast, small, easy to understand—pick any two!
- I hate when they fix a bug that I use.
- If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.
- If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.
- According to my calculations, this problem doesn't exist.
- If brute force doesn't solve your problems, then you aren't using enough.
- Duct Tape is like the Force: It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a workstation.
- The number you have dialed is imaginary. Rotate phone 90 degrees and try again.
- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice...
- 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.
- My computer NEVER loc
- He who laughs last probably made a back-up.
- Somebody must have changed my code.
- "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
- Fast, small, easy to understand—pick any two!
- I hate when they fix a bug that I use.
- If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.
- If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.
- According to my calculations, this problem doesn't exist.
- If brute force doesn't solve your problems, then you aren't using enough.
- Duct Tape is like the Force: It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a workstation.
- The number you have dialed is imaginary. Rotate phone 90 degrees and try again.
- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice...
- 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.
- My computer NEVER loc
- He who laughs last probably made a back-up.
- Somebody must have changed my code.
- "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."
Don't hate me if you know the original sources for these. These are where I hear them.
Forgive them I will not. I want them to remember. - Mr. Lil One
It's funny. Money, and everybody loved me. - Mr. Lil One
You can beat yourself up to the beat of a drum. You can drink till you drop. Till you can't stand up and it tastes so sweet. You'll never forgive me. You'll never be free. You might as well kill me. You'll never be. Never be... Free. - Garbage
Love: Having someone elsse best interests in mind. Because, you want to. Not because you have to. - Me
It's funny of you to think that I would ever be. Anything other than what I could ever be. - Mr. Lil One
You tell me to keep it real. How real can we keep it? Sleeping with the enemy telling them my secrets. - Mr. Lil One
Ideas should be neutral. But, man animates them with his passion and folly. Impure and turned into beliefs, they take on the appearance of reality, the passage from logic is consummated. Thus are born idealogies, doctrans, and bloody farce. - Emile Cioran (a short history of decay, 1949) (From an image posted up here on pouet)
It all begins with a ray of light. Exposing a world you either recognize or must learn. Without ever forgetting... One wrong blink and you're dead. - Eidos Interactive Advertisement
This isn't funny. Aids isn't funny. Dying isn't funny. So, shut the fuck up. - Kyle (Southpark)
Everytime you think something isn't worth the trouble of going through. There's a person in another country who will go through the trouble of doing it. - Unknown
I'd rather be an infection than a victim. - Trigger10d
If you're doing stuff that you don't even agree with and you do it for the money - We have a word for that: Whore! - Brian Hook
Do you know what it to to get these rocks to glisten? - Unknown
We don't live in a world that is void of threats. We choose which threats we are willing to live with. - Unknown
It's a shame. But, the lane that we're living is fast. I'm avoiding motherfuckers that be wearing a mask. - Mr. Lil One
I can't let it drive me frenetic. It must have been genetic to get in trouble with the law. - Lil Rob
Scream to god. He can't hear you. - Tupac
Everybody talking about they know about love. I love this. I love that. I love so and so. - Twista
Useless answers. Stupid Questions. I swear they're all the same. What block did you grow up on? How many bitches do you got and what set you claim? - Komain
All my life I was brought up to distinguish what's wrong and right. If you don't like me for the person that I am, get the fuck up out of my face and don't waste my time. - Komain
Until you brought it up I never even gave a fuck. - Komain
Believe what you will. But, know I'm gonna never change. I'm gonna just be me til my soul goes free and I'm flying up to heavens gate. - Komain
I did it all and I saw what I needed to see a snake with a smile not believing in me. - Mr. Lil One
She's not the kind of girl who likes to tell the world about the way she feels about herself. She takes a little time in making up here mind. She doesn't want to fight against the tide and lately I'm not the only one. I say never trust anyone. - Garbage
You all assume I'm safe here in my room. Until I try to start again. - Linkin Park
You're need for me has been replaced. - NIN
I wasted it all just to watch you go. - Linkin Park
I'm the one to blame if the cloud rains on me. I can't complain about it or even let regret provoke the energy it takes for me to get upset. What goes around comes around and it ain't got me yet. - Crazy Town
Lose everything you've got and then you'll understand. - Mr. Lil One
Some scars run deep and I can't forgive. So, go kick rocks. Because, I'm trying to live. - YTCracker
You've got to decide. Whether you're a wolf or a sheep. - Crescendo
One buck is what I bet on a happy ending. - Crescendo
If it's all an illusion then why do I bruise? - Crescendo
I know it feels like bad intentions. So, their giving me up. While I'm giving it up. - Crescendo
I don't know which way to go no more. My souls so cold and maybe I'm better off dead and I'm thinking to myself If I just end it now who really would even care care. Everybody who was there there. To my son to my family it wouldnt be fair fair. - C-notesche
Really you want to watch me break down. You're not getting what you came to see and it's plain to see that we can never be one in the same. You're doing to much. Just a lesson about life and where you put in your trust. - C-notesche
If I'm wrong that makes you right. If I'm weak that makes you strong. Tell me who made that equation. Don't you know they got it wrong? Let's demand an explanation from god or someone. - Amanda Ghost
No message at all - A spoiled generation. Here's a message. Fuck You! - Mainloop (Demoscene Group)
I try to give what I've got. But, they always want alot. - Lil Tweety
It's a motherfuckin trip you want to see me desceased and everytime I come around you're always missing a peice. - Lil Tweety
Why do you settle for less and never look for more? - C-Notesche
With a bit of change I could be just like you. Saving all your money won't buy you my IQ. - Spamtec
Remind yourself nobody built like you. You design yourself. - Block Runnaz
What do you do? You sit around and you bitch and moan. Because, things don't go your way. Well, you know what kid? Welcome to the real world where most of the time things don't go your fuckin way. ----- Easy for you to say everything goes your way. - C/A/T
It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward. - Silverster Stalone (Rocky)
Just put me in the background. How's that sound? I'm on a natural high. I don't even think I could come back down. I don't even think I want to come back down. Because, if I come back down I wouldn't put the gun back down. Out in the street with AK's like the old days. No way. I've got dreams. - Brotha Lynch Hung
I don't need that. You're either with me or against me. - Brotha Lynch Hung
I would give my life to get some rest. But, I'll do anything when simon says. - Drain STH
I don't want to die. Why should I lie? I enjoy living. - Mr. Lil One
You hate on me because I'm better than you. I'm not going to hate on anyone. These motherfuckers ain't got shit on me. - Lil Tweety
And I dreamed I was a spaceman. Burnt Like a moth in a flame. - Marilyn Manson (I believe about drugs)
My world is unaffected. There is an exit here. I'll say it is then it's true. - Marilyn Manson
Do you think they stopped making guns when they made yours? - Jackie Chain
I killed myself to make everybody pay. - Marilyn Manson
I've been there. Cold, chapped, scared. Didn't fair as well as most to compare. Tasted flesh, found it less than it's rep. Maybe it's for the best. - Luxt
Don't just stand there prove it. If you've got it. Move it. Shut the fuck up and do it. Life will not wait. So, get it straight. The world owes you nothing and that's what's free. - Luxt
What are you going to do when all your homies die? - Capone
Life, hate, lies, corruption, deciet, murder, pain, fear, death
I sit and I think real hard and start to question everything I know and I ask is the world messed up or is it me? - Ghostfleet
Wherever I go I know I've been there before. - Dot/TSRI
For that amount of money they should find us. - Jim Risch (Talking about cutting taxes from a group looking for aliens)
My life is my own..... Is it? - Crystalis (The Prisoner)
What's the world coming to when bullets are all you can understand? What the world coming to when everything I touch will leave blood on my hands? - Zak Bellica
You want to seem to be as fragile as can be. I want to roll inside that shell you call a mind. - Paradise Lost
Never could I fake it. Tried to make it the way I can. Because, man made the money. Money never made the man. - Mr. Lil One
I remember how is was and how it wont be. I especially remember how you broke me. I remember how I learned not to trust. I remember when my dreams turned to dust. - Mr. Lil One
I stop thinking and I start feeling it. I stop feeling and I stop seeing it. - Deathboy
I love how you feel everytime I spend you. Even though you're evil I still defend you. Try to turn my back on you. I can't pretend to. And I need you there in my life. You're the cars and the chains and the glare in my ice. You're the reason everybody out there on the grind. Because, I've got to get theirs and I've got to get mine. And I don't ever want to let you go. Right here by my side you're exceptional. You're the pain in my veins. You're the blood in my wrist. I married the game. Money's my bitch. - C-Notesche
What do I have to do to see success? Analyzing & Visualizing I was the fuckin best. - NoClue
I really don't give a fuck. Someone constantly praying to god. So, listen up. - NoClue
Not every criminal is sitting in prison. - Mr. Lil One
Maybe can I speak to whoever created you? - An athiest talking to god (Video on YouTube)
How do you spell psycho? Oh, yeah. Emotionally Disturbed Person. - Max Payne 2 (Game)
I swear I never knew what it was I ever did to you. - Unknown
Don't you tell me how I feel. You don't know just how I feel. - NIN
If you cared about me why would you continue to hurt me? - Kali (Female in the song "Forgiveness")
I lost my mind a long time ago. But, what I found was alot more better yo. - Marz
Everybody's gonna die. Terror falling from the sky. Mothers with their children cry and I could give a fuck why. Tell me how much do they charge in there. Wait a minute I don't care. - ICP
You're not going to look so good with your face ripped off. - Caleb (Blood [Game])
How'd DMC say? "I walked on ice and never fell". Niggas is crazy. - Smoke Chamberlin
They turn the back on the father. So, why did jesus even bother?
-Sketchy Waze
Still we look the other way for another day and wait and pray. You might as well give up on your faith if you're living in satan's way. God ain't going to fix a problem that he didn't create. When we won't let him in our lives or give him the time of day. So, I ain't waiting on nothing. The clock is ticking. Time is going by. .... Money's burning. So, am I. Try to make life better for my wife and child. See it's all worth while when my little boy smiles. When the problems pile. I still walk that mile. With the wicked n' the wild. There ain't no stopping me now. Got a style that compels and it must be heard. Got demons on my tail and I'm speaking the word. Doing my thing. I've been chasing my dream. But, it's not for the bling and it's not for the cream and it's not for the scream when I step on the scene. No, none of these things mean nothing to me. It ain't nothing to see. It ain't nothing to be. It's for all the loved ones I got on my team. In this game can't nobody feel you pain. If you ain't making your change they quick to flush you down the drain. Better get off your ass. Because, the world keep turning. Passes every hour glass and the world keeps turning. In this game don't nobody know your know name. They'll buy a gun it will get you done and the world will go on the same. Don't get lost in the jungle. Because, the world keeps turning. You'll get stumbled and crumbled and the world keeps turning. - Sketchy Waze
Just because I shake your hand don't mean I trust you. - Mr. Shadow
Forgive them I will not. I want them to remember. - Mr. Lil One
It's funny. Money, and everybody loved me. - Mr. Lil One
You can beat yourself up to the beat of a drum. You can drink till you drop. Till you can't stand up and it tastes so sweet. You'll never forgive me. You'll never be free. You might as well kill me. You'll never be. Never be... Free. - Garbage
Love: Having someone elsse best interests in mind. Because, you want to. Not because you have to. - Me
It's funny of you to think that I would ever be. Anything other than what I could ever be. - Mr. Lil One
You tell me to keep it real. How real can we keep it? Sleeping with the enemy telling them my secrets. - Mr. Lil One
Ideas should be neutral. But, man animates them with his passion and folly. Impure and turned into beliefs, they take on the appearance of reality, the passage from logic is consummated. Thus are born idealogies, doctrans, and bloody farce. - Emile Cioran (a short history of decay, 1949) (From an image posted up here on pouet)
It all begins with a ray of light. Exposing a world you either recognize or must learn. Without ever forgetting... One wrong blink and you're dead. - Eidos Interactive Advertisement
This isn't funny. Aids isn't funny. Dying isn't funny. So, shut the fuck up. - Kyle (Southpark)
Everytime you think something isn't worth the trouble of going through. There's a person in another country who will go through the trouble of doing it. - Unknown
I'd rather be an infection than a victim. - Trigger10d
If you're doing stuff that you don't even agree with and you do it for the money - We have a word for that: Whore! - Brian Hook
Do you know what it to to get these rocks to glisten? - Unknown
We don't live in a world that is void of threats. We choose which threats we are willing to live with. - Unknown
It's a shame. But, the lane that we're living is fast. I'm avoiding motherfuckers that be wearing a mask. - Mr. Lil One
I can't let it drive me frenetic. It must have been genetic to get in trouble with the law. - Lil Rob
Scream to god. He can't hear you. - Tupac
Everybody talking about they know about love. I love this. I love that. I love so and so. - Twista
Useless answers. Stupid Questions. I swear they're all the same. What block did you grow up on? How many bitches do you got and what set you claim? - Komain
All my life I was brought up to distinguish what's wrong and right. If you don't like me for the person that I am, get the fuck up out of my face and don't waste my time. - Komain
Until you brought it up I never even gave a fuck. - Komain
Believe what you will. But, know I'm gonna never change. I'm gonna just be me til my soul goes free and I'm flying up to heavens gate. - Komain
I did it all and I saw what I needed to see a snake with a smile not believing in me. - Mr. Lil One
She's not the kind of girl who likes to tell the world about the way she feels about herself. She takes a little time in making up here mind. She doesn't want to fight against the tide and lately I'm not the only one. I say never trust anyone. - Garbage
You all assume I'm safe here in my room. Until I try to start again. - Linkin Park
You're need for me has been replaced. - NIN
I wasted it all just to watch you go. - Linkin Park
I'm the one to blame if the cloud rains on me. I can't complain about it or even let regret provoke the energy it takes for me to get upset. What goes around comes around and it ain't got me yet. - Crazy Town
Lose everything you've got and then you'll understand. - Mr. Lil One
Some scars run deep and I can't forgive. So, go kick rocks. Because, I'm trying to live. - YTCracker
You've got to decide. Whether you're a wolf or a sheep. - Crescendo
One buck is what I bet on a happy ending. - Crescendo
If it's all an illusion then why do I bruise? - Crescendo
I know it feels like bad intentions. So, their giving me up. While I'm giving it up. - Crescendo
I don't know which way to go no more. My souls so cold and maybe I'm better off dead and I'm thinking to myself If I just end it now who really would even care care. Everybody who was there there. To my son to my family it wouldnt be fair fair. - C-notesche
Really you want to watch me break down. You're not getting what you came to see and it's plain to see that we can never be one in the same. You're doing to much. Just a lesson about life and where you put in your trust. - C-notesche
If I'm wrong that makes you right. If I'm weak that makes you strong. Tell me who made that equation. Don't you know they got it wrong? Let's demand an explanation from god or someone. - Amanda Ghost
No message at all - A spoiled generation. Here's a message. Fuck You! - Mainloop (Demoscene Group)
I try to give what I've got. But, they always want alot. - Lil Tweety
It's a motherfuckin trip you want to see me desceased and everytime I come around you're always missing a peice. - Lil Tweety
Why do you settle for less and never look for more? - C-Notesche
With a bit of change I could be just like you. Saving all your money won't buy you my IQ. - Spamtec
Remind yourself nobody built like you. You design yourself. - Block Runnaz
What do you do? You sit around and you bitch and moan. Because, things don't go your way. Well, you know what kid? Welcome to the real world where most of the time things don't go your fuckin way. ----- Easy for you to say everything goes your way. - C/A/T
It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward. - Silverster Stalone (Rocky)
Just put me in the background. How's that sound? I'm on a natural high. I don't even think I could come back down. I don't even think I want to come back down. Because, if I come back down I wouldn't put the gun back down. Out in the street with AK's like the old days. No way. I've got dreams. - Brotha Lynch Hung
I don't need that. You're either with me or against me. - Brotha Lynch Hung
I would give my life to get some rest. But, I'll do anything when simon says. - Drain STH
I don't want to die. Why should I lie? I enjoy living. - Mr. Lil One
You hate on me because I'm better than you. I'm not going to hate on anyone. These motherfuckers ain't got shit on me. - Lil Tweety
And I dreamed I was a spaceman. Burnt Like a moth in a flame. - Marilyn Manson (I believe about drugs)
My world is unaffected. There is an exit here. I'll say it is then it's true. - Marilyn Manson
Do you think they stopped making guns when they made yours? - Jackie Chain
I killed myself to make everybody pay. - Marilyn Manson
I've been there. Cold, chapped, scared. Didn't fair as well as most to compare. Tasted flesh, found it less than it's rep. Maybe it's for the best. - Luxt
Don't just stand there prove it. If you've got it. Move it. Shut the fuck up and do it. Life will not wait. So, get it straight. The world owes you nothing and that's what's free. - Luxt
What are you going to do when all your homies die? - Capone
Life, hate, lies, corruption, deciet, murder, pain, fear, death
I sit and I think real hard and start to question everything I know and I ask is the world messed up or is it me? - Ghostfleet
Wherever I go I know I've been there before. - Dot/TSRI
For that amount of money they should find us. - Jim Risch (Talking about cutting taxes from a group looking for aliens)
My life is my own..... Is it? - Crystalis (The Prisoner)
What's the world coming to when bullets are all you can understand? What the world coming to when everything I touch will leave blood on my hands? - Zak Bellica
You want to seem to be as fragile as can be. I want to roll inside that shell you call a mind. - Paradise Lost
Never could I fake it. Tried to make it the way I can. Because, man made the money. Money never made the man. - Mr. Lil One
I remember how is was and how it wont be. I especially remember how you broke me. I remember how I learned not to trust. I remember when my dreams turned to dust. - Mr. Lil One
I stop thinking and I start feeling it. I stop feeling and I stop seeing it. - Deathboy
I love how you feel everytime I spend you. Even though you're evil I still defend you. Try to turn my back on you. I can't pretend to. And I need you there in my life. You're the cars and the chains and the glare in my ice. You're the reason everybody out there on the grind. Because, I've got to get theirs and I've got to get mine. And I don't ever want to let you go. Right here by my side you're exceptional. You're the pain in my veins. You're the blood in my wrist. I married the game. Money's my bitch. - C-Notesche
What do I have to do to see success? Analyzing & Visualizing I was the fuckin best. - NoClue
I really don't give a fuck. Someone constantly praying to god. So, listen up. - NoClue
Not every criminal is sitting in prison. - Mr. Lil One
Maybe can I speak to whoever created you? - An athiest talking to god (Video on YouTube)
How do you spell psycho? Oh, yeah. Emotionally Disturbed Person. - Max Payne 2 (Game)
I swear I never knew what it was I ever did to you. - Unknown
Don't you tell me how I feel. You don't know just how I feel. - NIN
If you cared about me why would you continue to hurt me? - Kali (Female in the song "Forgiveness")
I lost my mind a long time ago. But, what I found was alot more better yo. - Marz
Everybody's gonna die. Terror falling from the sky. Mothers with their children cry and I could give a fuck why. Tell me how much do they charge in there. Wait a minute I don't care. - ICP
You're not going to look so good with your face ripped off. - Caleb (Blood [Game])
How'd DMC say? "I walked on ice and never fell". Niggas is crazy. - Smoke Chamberlin
They turn the back on the father. So, why did jesus even bother?
-Sketchy Waze
Still we look the other way for another day and wait and pray. You might as well give up on your faith if you're living in satan's way. God ain't going to fix a problem that he didn't create. When we won't let him in our lives or give him the time of day. So, I ain't waiting on nothing. The clock is ticking. Time is going by. .... Money's burning. So, am I. Try to make life better for my wife and child. See it's all worth while when my little boy smiles. When the problems pile. I still walk that mile. With the wicked n' the wild. There ain't no stopping me now. Got a style that compels and it must be heard. Got demons on my tail and I'm speaking the word. Doing my thing. I've been chasing my dream. But, it's not for the bling and it's not for the cream and it's not for the scream when I step on the scene. No, none of these things mean nothing to me. It ain't nothing to see. It ain't nothing to be. It's for all the loved ones I got on my team. In this game can't nobody feel you pain. If you ain't making your change they quick to flush you down the drain. Better get off your ass. Because, the world keep turning. Passes every hour glass and the world keeps turning. In this game don't nobody know your know name. They'll buy a gun it will get you done and the world will go on the same. Don't get lost in the jungle. Because, the world keeps turning. You'll get stumbled and crumbled and the world keeps turning. - Sketchy Waze
Just because I shake your hand don't mean I trust you. - Mr. Shadow
"We have to keep the fuck you"
"What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!"