
Germans = GERM MANS?

category: general [glöplog]

I just noticed that while watching a popular daily show on comedy central..

added on the 2007-05-22 23:57:59 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Kartoffelsalat mit Rucola

Man nehme:
750 Gramm festkochende Kartoffeln
150 Gramm Bacon (Frühstücksspeck)
1 mittelgroße Zwiebel
Saft 1/2 Zitrone
2 Esslöffel Essig
5 Esslöffel Sahne
1 Teelöffel Senf
1 Esslöffel ÖL
Salz und Pfeffer
100 Gramm Rucola (oder Feldsalat)
1 Bund Schnittlauch (oder 1 Päckchen Tiefkühl Schnittlauch)
Die Kartoffeln kochen, pellen, etwas abkühlen lassen und in Scheiben schneiden.
Den Speck würfeln und kross anbraten, auf Küchenkrepp abtropfen lassen.
Die gewürfelte Zwiebel im Speckfett andünsten, mit Essig und Zitronensaft ablöschen.
Noch heiß über die Kartoffeln gießen.
Die Sahne mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen, den Senf untermischen und alles unter den Salat ziehen.
Mit dem gesäuberten Rucola eine Platte auslegen, mit Öl beträufeln und die Kartoffeln darauf anrichten.
Schnittlauch und Speck darauf verteilen und servieren.

Ich nehme immer Feldsalat und mische ihn mit dem Schnittlauch und dem Speck unter die Kartoffeln.
Das kann dann alles richtig schön durchziehen und schmeckt würziger und der Feldsalat fällt nicht in sich zusammen, was mich immer wieder wundert.
added on the 2007-05-22 23:59:41 by am-fm am-fm
ame ricans ?????
added on the 2007-05-23 00:10:30 by Zweckform Zweckform
am-fm: I am sure that is some plan to invade poland
added on the 2007-05-23 00:19:13 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
here's a nice trivia for you:
a germie was called a jerry in world war 2 by the allies.
the jerries had cool containers to keep their water in.
let's nick that idea, the allies said.
voila.. jerry can!

i bet you dont see THAT on comedy central.. unless Jon Stewart has a rush of edutainment
added on the 2007-05-23 00:31:41 by el mal el mal
Germs originated in Germany.
added on the 2007-05-23 00:36:05 by kusma kusma
any germ?
added on the 2007-05-23 00:47:05 by rmeht rmeht
Timbaland is definitely not a germ man:

See, brotha? ;-)
added on the 2007-05-23 02:06:18 by scythoior scythoior
zee germans?
added on the 2007-05-23 02:32:42 by comankh comankh
added on the 2007-05-23 02:44:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
added on the 2007-05-23 03:35:04 by bdk bdk
here's another nice trivia for you:
a germie was called a kraut in world war 2 by the allies.
the krauts were sour because they lost the war.
let's nick that idea, the allies said.
voila.. sauer kraut!!
added on the 2007-05-23 04:41:52 by havoc havoc
the krauts were sour because they lost the war.
As much as I respect your knowledge of history, this is just not true. The krauts weren't sour, they actually were happy as hell because soviet leader Joseph Stalin was the respectfull man of the century who freed Germany from fashism. To honour this man, the Große Frankfurter Straße in Berlin was renamed Stalinallee and the newly foundes Ironworkstown was renamed Stalinstadt. (The other young German city remained under its name till today (nickname of the German leader).)
we all know that germs originate from german and that they have widespread throughout the world
added on the 2007-05-23 07:13:31 by waffle waffle
"Have you heard the ill lines that that germ man was spittin?"

added on the 2007-05-23 09:47:48 by doomdoom doomdoom
happy from not being uber anymore? well... stalin was hell of an asshole anyway... invaded poland aswell. stalinogrod (katowice) instead of adolf hiltler platz? great :D

germ mans? we heve them in here too - porn face & village fashion in bmw.
added on the 2007-05-23 10:24:46 by comankh comankh
