Most boring effects ever.
category: general [glöplog]
p.s. Which are your most boring ones? (Include pic too)
p.s. Which are your most boring ones? (Include pic too)
I like shadebobs!
Effects are not boring in general. It is all about the way it is presented.
shadebobs. copperbars aren't the most interesting thing to watch either.
shadebobs, agreed
I agree with Scout, effects are not boring in general. What's boring is demos that are more slideshows than effect shows. And it's also quite boring to see effects that contain absolutely no attempt to innovate whatsoever.
the infamous "little ball" is the worst.. a stupid scroller over some really lame offsetmap.. i wish i had a screenshot
there's some ball scroller by sync or omega (can't remember what demo it's in) where each letter takes about 5 seconds to scroll across the screen. that is the most boring thing i've seen
yeah, 3dsplayer with few postprocess filters on it are usually very boring
We have the makings of a future wildcompo here, The "Make Shadebobs interesting" demo!
I've never particularly been a fan of ultimate bobs, mostly because it seems like whenever they appear they're kept on screen FOREVER (because it's 'ultimate', right?)
am i right in thinking ultimate bobs are those buffer-trick unlimited moving bobs thingies?
Well, I think that's the effect I'm trying to describe: Where they take a nice big sprite, and move it around the screen without erasing such that it leaves an apparent trail behind it of an infinite number of sprites.
I suppose it could be done by painting the moving sprite on different buffers, so that each afterimage would appear to have motion...
I suppose it could be done by painting the moving sprite on different buffers, so that each afterimage would appear to have motion...
its called unlimited bobs
An effect cannot be boring. If it is, it is not an effect.
However, I do agree that shadebobs are fugly, I also agree that any "realtime effect" that runs on a C-64/Amiga 500 are fugly.
However, I do agree that shadebobs are fugly, I also agree that any "realtime effect" that runs on a C-64/Amiga 500 are fugly.
Wow.. Oswald is looking for trouble!
The C64 colors remind me of brown zune.
Line vectors and any kind of Tron rip off effect.
Oswald: Thanks for proving my point.
@photoshop: you're an idiot :)
gets boring after seeing everyday in a year or so.
I heard you are into child porno.
I heard you are into child porno.