
prerendered demos... now more than ever! ...and a halp request...

category: general [glöplog]
here's what i have so far... (the previous post mentioned just MFX-Deities, which makes for a boring looking thread topic >_>)

in glorious NTSC, DVD ready... will update as more are posted...

1999: Haujobb - Fukwit Daddy 30p (16:9)
1999: Haujobb - Fukwit Daddy 60i (16:9)
2000: The Product (4:3)
2002: FR-019: Poem to a Horse (16:9)
2003: Andromeda Software Design - Dreamchild (4:3)
2003: Animusic - Pipe Dream (2001) in realtime (ATI demo) (4:3)
2003: FR-034: Time Index (16:9)
2003: Moppi - IX (16:9)
2004: Moppi - Assembly 2004 Invite 30p (4:3)
2004: Moppi - Assembly 2004 Invite 60i (4:3)
2005: Andromeda Software Design - Iconoclast (4:3)
2005: Plastic.pl - Final Audition (16:9)
2006: FLT - Meet the Family ("512" version) (4:3)
2006: MFX - Deities 720p
2006: MFX - Deities SDTV (16:9)


if anyone can get FLT - Liquid Lust to cap, let me know...

also, wanting to cap Plastic - Final Audition at 720p or better... any hex hax0rs out there?
added on the 2006-07-01 11:13:38 by plonk420 plonk420
