5 disks should be enough for everybody?
category: general [glöplog]
Well, with the toyserver you use it's better to wait until next version with optimizing queries. :)
Well, with the toyserver you use it's better to wait until next version with optimizing queries. :)
ps: Ok. I didnt read the whole thread before writing my stuff ;)
stefan: yeh, asp.net and oracle is _sooo_ much better.. stop trying to stir up these useless discussions, or start a new thread for it atleast.
ps: I said you should wait until next version to optimize queries, maybe you should read up on what the new features in next version of mysql is and you'll understand that its pointless to optimize for the current mysql language.
And yeah, comparing oracle to mysql would be a rather useless discussion.
And yeah, comparing oracle to mysql would be a rather useless discussion.