
The roaring 32-bits, what will become of them?

category: residue [glöplog]
Hello everyone, after raising controversy of all kinds (purely on data security), I have another question to underline, over time all the X86 CPUs, ARM, PPC others, have changed the architecture from 32 to 64 bit,There are no developments for the 128-bit because they do not need, all old-date programs (Keygen, chipune disk, demo, crack, intro) travel in 32-bit, obviously excluded Amiga and Atari computers and their personalized architecture,The remaining 32-bit products live only in OS Linux, Apple and Microsoft out of production, in short, the various modern OS are all X86 or 64-bit ARM, what will happen to all the work of the past not readable?, should it be emulated with Winehq 32-bit or 64-bit?, leaving out the legality behind certain emulators (pirates I would say), how do we start certain production of the past on new machinery of different types?, for example my experience is born on Windows 98, today I use Debian (RaspberryPi 5), thanks for any answers.


I do not accept answers that break copyright, fair use, policy etc.
added on the 2024-07-05 14:04:32 by crackount crackount
i mean, it's the same answer as any other platform that faded from mainstream relevance: emulators or keeping old hardware around.
added on the 2024-07-05 14:27:40 by lynn lynn
Partial truth, Amiga and Atari have custom hardware, partly also Apple and Acorn, while Window and Linux like others, the hardware does not have singular technical specifications, in addition to 32-bit they do not represent any cult (excluding the companies mentioned above ), they are just a gateway to 64-bit, there are millions of possible configurations and none that respond to classification needs.
Moving on to emulators, most of them are closing their doors or are no longer updated, because more often than not Big Tech and not only don't get screwed by the first person who runs away from home, the few who resist are needed for those impenetrable markets where Western companies are restricted by strategic and planned policies.
So original hardware for companies that produced it together with the software, illegal emulators until they cease their existence, emulated abandonware software from dead (in reality silent) or charitable companies (until he burns his ass).
added on the 2024-07-05 15:12:57 by crackount crackount
