
Lotek style & Demozoo general question

category: general [glöplog]
just change your nick every 3 months!
added on the 2020-02-27 19:25:02 by el mal el mal
menace, gasman: So let's say if I released some stupid shit 20 years ago when I was a teenager (eg stupid flamewars/fucktros with other teenagers), stuff I'm not proud of or even ashamed of - it will be forever connected to my profile, which may include realname, Nickname, other nicknames, current nickname etc. and there's no way for me to remove it/unlink it?
This does not sound like the right thing to do and the right way to treat other persons data and creations at all.
added on the 2020-02-27 22:28:51 by v3nom v3nom
there's no way for me to remove it/unlink it?

There are such ways but C-Rem's "mistake" was probably that he deleted his many unwanted associations en bloc and twice in a row.

Whereas I deleted the couple of handfulls I had an issue with in chunks and only once, and then engaged in weeks of debate with Demozoo staff before we finally agreed on how those prods/nicks/groups could be registered in a scene database in an appropriate manner.
added on the 2020-02-28 02:05:01 by havoc havoc
what was released that cannot be unreleased
added on the 2020-02-28 05:43:25 by 100bit 100bit
"what was released that cannot be unreleased"

Yes i like this idea ... if you go in a pub ... you make a big party and you vomit everywhere
In your world there is a photo of you and your vomit that stay forever on the wall of the pub
This is history after all .. if you're lucky the pub has a facebook ... even greater !

Now let's stop this thread , i've my answers .. demozoo has the control of my profil and they can write my history without me ( i'm happy to see i've a new nickname .. DuneLover .. ? ... this was not really a new nickname mates ... just a joke ! but jokes are history too .. let's make jokes and history now )

Luv ( New nickname ? )
added on the 2020-02-28 08:29:10 by Luv Luv
menace, gasman: So let's say if I released some stupid shit 20 years ago when I was a teenager (eg stupid flamewars/fucktros with other teenagers), stuff I'm not proud of or even ashamed of - it will be forever connected to my profile, which may include realname, Nickname, other nicknames, current nickname etc. and there's no way for me to remove it/unlink it?

Pretty much, yep. I can see why people might not be happy about that, but it has to be that way if we're going to be an accurate and objective historical record, rather than everyone's personal make-yourself-look-good Instagram profile. Is there a middle ground? It's hard to see how. To use your flamewar example - if two sceners traded insults in scrolltexts across various demos, but scener A has their releases erased from the record so that it looks like scener B is firing abuse at them for no reason, then that's not really a fair historical account. Maybe you don't consider your releases to have historical value in that way, but that's not something we can reasonably make judgments on as archivists. If someone in Future Crew or Farbrausch has a personal falling-out with the rest of the group then we're obviously not going to delete their stuff on demand, so where does the border lie?

As Britelite and 100bit said - once something is released it can't be un-released. There's always been a social contract in place on the scene that once you release a demo, it will be copied, shared and archived in ways that you don't control. Sure, sceners from 30 years ago didn't expect web archives and Google to be a thing, so we have to be mindful of where the limits of that social contract are - which is why, for example, we don't splash real names and addresses all over the public web just because they happened to be in an .nfo file. I believe we're doing a decent job of getting that balance right.
added on the 2020-02-28 21:30:27 by gasman gasman
100% agree with gasman
added on the 2020-02-28 21:50:23 by psenough psenough
Thanks for the statement. I can understand the reasons now for why you chose to react like that. Still I think there can be cases where it should be possible to delete stuff, eg to get back to the flamewar - if for example both parties want to remove it in order to remove the bad blood between them and start fresh - that would in my opinion outweigh the "need" for correct history keeping. But it's maybe a philosophical discussion where there is no black and white but only grey.
added on the 2020-02-28 22:47:03 by v3nom v3nom
Why is it good or necessary to have an accurate and objective historical record of individual teenagers' stupidity? I don't know what exactly the OP wants to disappear from the web, but I think in some countries even criminal records have some sort of an expiration date. :)
added on the 2020-02-28 23:02:01 by yzi yzi
it's like those 10yo tweets that were less a problem in public context until someone stumbles upon them and interprets them in recent context. not much you can do about it apart from not being a dick or getting on some other dick's radar. basically, avoid dicks! :P
added on the 2020-02-28 23:37:16 by el mal el mal
BB Image
added on the 2020-03-03 10:50:03 by Luv Luv
If somebody can upload it to Demozoo ... that's just becoz ... u know ... it's difficult to access to my account atm .. something about history to preserve and joke things .. thx !!

With Luv ..
added on the 2020-03-03 11:00:50 by Luv Luv
What are you trying to achieve with this?
You're just making yourself look worse and making your attempts at disguising your past even more pointless.

A mature thing to do is to acknowledge whatever awful things you've done in the past and make sure to become a better person moving onwards.
added on the 2020-03-03 16:05:02 by isocosa isocosa
+1 for deleting stuff
added on the 2020-03-03 20:08:10 by mad mad
once something is released it can't be un-released. There's always been a social contract in place on the scene that once you release a demo, it will be copied, shared and archived in ways that you don't control. Sure, sceners from 30 years ago didn't expect web archives and Google to be a thing, so we have to be mindful of where the limits of that social contract are - which is why, for example, we don't splash real names and addresses all over the public web just because they happened to be in an .nfo file. I believe we're doing a decent job of getting that balance right.

this. grow some balls.
added on the 2020-03-03 22:18:47 by groepaz groepaz
