looking for an old demo.
category: general [glöplog]
So, i was just browsing trough my collection the other day, and i was missing a demo. And ofcourse, its allways the one you thought was the coolest. That sucks, really it does. Especially when you forgot the name of it too.
So, here goes nothing. I need your help.
The demo started with a bird flying into the shore, and some lighttower. Further on, some fountain and stuff appeared, looking pretty cool. And then there was this village of some sort. Very minimalistic viillage, and some people where worshipping. It didnt look THAT cool, but the soundtrack was so unbelievably awesome. Very synthetic piano-thing kinda. I loved it.
I hope this covers it. Thx for any feedback. :)
So, here goes nothing. I need your help.
The demo started with a bird flying into the shore, and some lighttower. Further on, some fountain and stuff appeared, looking pretty cool. And then there was this village of some sort. Very minimalistic viillage, and some people where worshipping. It didnt look THAT cool, but the soundtrack was so unbelievably awesome. Very synthetic piano-thing kinda. I loved it.
I hope this covers it. Thx for any feedback. :)
oh, btw, i think the demo was from around 2000-2001, and it was not "tribes". ;)
You're probably searching for Traumatique by Trauma
Yeah, as always the graphics sucked but Trauma had some cool musicians.
Yeah, as always the graphics sucked but Trauma had some cool musicians.
teque for president!
Maali: word!
And nitro and !cube :D
And nitro and !cube :D
Thats it! Thx a bunch!
I'm trying to find an old demo myself, The music was really wild and there was a saying that popped up saying "F_ _ c k all italian sceners" I thought it was the spinning kids but it nots
2000? Old demo? Come on, gimme a break! :-D