
Where Can I Buy an Amiga 1200?

category: general [glöplog]
I found this site AmigaKit.com, it is safe?.
For a purchase, which configuration is recommended?
added on the 2015-12-22 22:44:50 by crackount crackount
added on the 2015-12-22 23:06:56 by el mal el mal
Amigakit is a well known shop but they have no A1200 machines left, your best bet is to buy a used one on Ebay or Amibay.com if you can not find one locally.
added on the 2015-12-22 23:38:52 by 4pLaY 4pLaY
Or try retro for sale on facebook.
added on the 2015-12-24 10:28:18 by cerror cerror
This page gives a number of options , I'm considering the Parameters For a better choice!
added on the 2015-12-25 11:15:55 by crackount crackount
Do you see a buy button anywhere? ;-).

If you take a look in the top left of that page you will see "Stock Expected
: T.B.A." and that one has been there for years.
added on the 2015-12-25 21:50:42 by 4pLaY 4pLaY
amigakit.com is safe, i ordered some stuff from their site in the last few months. however, they don't really have a1200. try ebay (lot of pricey and sometimes crap amigas) or amibay (good deals sometimes).
added on the 2015-12-25 21:58:35 by vincenzo vincenzo
When Amigakit have T.B.A read that as: "Will never happen"
added on the 2015-12-26 15:32:03 by _Chucky_ _Chucky_
