

category: general [glöplog]
I'm also for posting a rundown of the cards online! I'm sure I'm not on it but I'd like to see who are and their stats before you lazy Danes fall off your Schnapps-stool long enough to do a reprint :)
added on the 2015-04-07 20:28:30 by superplek superplek
I feel really honoured to be on one of the cards <3 love it!
added on the 2015-04-07 20:29:33 by ___ ___
Plek: we want to put them on the website, but we want to make sure there isn't any problems with it since we haven't asked permission by the ones involved. So far we have had one issue with not liking it without being asked, and we need to make sure if that person still feels that way or anyone else for that matter.
added on the 2015-04-07 20:47:50 by dwarf dwarf
Hope some more card packs can be produced in time for Outline 2015 - would like to buy a pack there if so. Missed the chance at Revision but that was entirely my own fault for not being awake ;)
added on the 2015-04-07 21:33:46 by Felice Felice
@dwarf: so you print someone on a card (happened to me back when I was semi-relevant, Slengpung), hand it out, even sell it, and then afterwards worry about permission?

Stop being so Danish and just release :)
added on the 2015-04-07 21:52:48 by superplek superplek
Pretty chuffed I was sat with the danes, grabbed my deck almost straight after the game compo :) Also very pleased with the stats on my card, you guys know me well :)
added on the 2015-04-08 00:21:57 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
its quite intriguing, we try to troll the entire demoscene, and still you take us seriously and just cheer for our silliness :) Its like being the reverse of a misunderstood artist!

In my capacity of Chief Video Narrator and Customer Relations Representative I had expected to spend a sizeable amount of time explaining what ethical, physical and legalistic loopholes we were exploiting to do this, but all I got were charming young ladies and drunk men wanting to give me money.
added on the 2015-04-08 01:29:12 by nic0 nic0
I didn't get a set, but I also didn't seek one out either. However if you have all required permissions of those involved, there are websites like drivethrucards that I believe do printing on demand if you were interested in making this more available. If you know the company Cheapass Games, they use that site for example.
drat. looks like I'm SOL to get a copy. Kudos to those who moved faster; I'd love to look through the deck. Ah the travails of organizing.
dwarf: how many kids will you order from china, then?
added on the 2015-04-08 09:30:50 by leijaa leijaa
Just bringing this up again because I happened to see dwarf's posts on the prod page, and they were looking for people with info on how to reprint.

I definitely suggest checking out Drive Thru Cards, which is a print on demand service. Their FAQ indicates it doesn't cost anything to get a deck set up with them though they recommend ordering one just to be sure it's what you intended. They let you choose the card type and such and they should be pretty high quality. They don't require exclusivity.

The advantage to you is that you don't need to buy a bunch to do a print run and keep stock anywhere. Stuff just gets made only when sceners buy it. :)
(I wasn't able to quickly find a contact for dwarf, but I didn't look super hard, hence posting here. I suppose any DUB e-mail would have worked.)
it's much easier to find a contact for dwarf's mom
added on the 2015-05-09 07:03:17 by ferris ferris
This is a perfect place to contact - Dwarf will see it ;)
added on the 2015-05-09 11:04:05 by Puryx Puryx
I wanna buy some cards aswell if you got any spare
metoikos: i can bring my deck to outline, if i wont forget to pack it ;)
added on the 2015-05-09 15:20:00 by el mal el mal
I'll probably throw mine in my bag as well if I don't forget. Might be fun to play with someone for once ^^
added on the 2015-05-09 16:11:13 by ___ ___
We could do a battle cards throwing compo!
Maximum scene points ever earned: Saga beats em all!
added on the 2015-05-10 04:07:19 by T$ T$
