
Psytrance, Goa, etc Modules

category: music [glöplog]
The BMP2 goa compo had some pretty good stuff in it, e.g.

Holy shit, 145036 is some amazing shit. Need more of this. Hell, the whole contest it was in if the rest were this badass.
added on the 2014-11-14 03:58:12 by Maraakate Maraakate
I highly recommend the old Commodore Amiga Goa trance trackers Slice and P-Tec, some of whose older work can be found on Aminet (Slice also has a website with more, and P-Tec made some mp3s that are now hard to find, but I have them). Also, Hideo and some others that were on an older version of the Goacidia (maybe still on archive.org) webpage are pretty good. I also have made a bit of more India-influenced Goa trance (on Trax in Space, Scenemusic, my own domain, and maybe one so far is on Mod Archive) such as with sitars, which I know of no other trackers doing (rather than people who play the instruments) but would like to hear.

Send me links to some of your modules and I will check it out for sure!
added on the 2014-11-14 03:58:56 by Maraakate Maraakate
There was a guy named Devic who used to submit modules to a long-gone site called ModRev. He did some pretty good dark psy stuff. I can't find his mods online anymore so I've uploaded what I have here (and also to Mod Archive) :


This blog has some of his modules as mp3s:


I think he later switched to a full-DAW environment (Cubase or something). I have two more mp3s by him but they are too big for me to upload at the moment.
added on the 2014-11-14 04:32:18 by jmph jmph
Also you might enjoy my Syntax entry. ;) I was shooting for goa but ended up with more of a german hard acid sound. I'll post a link up after the compo is done.
added on the 2014-11-14 04:33:56 by jmph jmph
this demo has a nice psytrance soundtrack :)
added on the 2014-11-14 16:37:33 by rez rez
There was a guy named Devic who used to submit modules to a long-gone site called ModRev. He did some pretty good dark psy stuff. I can't find his mods online anymore so I've uploaded what I have here (and also to Mod Archive) :


This blog has some of his modules as mp3s:


I think he later switched to a full-DAW environment (Cubase or something). I have two more mp3s by him but they are too big for me to upload at the moment.

This guy is pretty good. Some is hit or miss. Some of the modules had some really out of place samples but awesome back-beats. However, Year 3037 is some tight shit. Thanks for the recommendation.

this demo has a nice psytrance soundtrack :)

Grabbed this now, will check it out later tonight!
added on the 2014-11-14 23:13:05 by Maraakate Maraakate
Here's more by Devic - newer stuff. I can't seem to get the downloads working at the moment (I only have internet on my phone) but maybe you'll have better luck. I have 'Diabolical Nexus' (the last track on the site) and it is awesome.


Here's a couple others to check out:
Chromex - Plasma Weapon
Ceekayed - OMG Tracne (sic :p )
added on the 2014-11-14 23:57:01 by jmph jmph
man with no alias of synesthetics has some good psytrance as well. personally i like electric kool-aid best. isn't he dutch? or is only the coder of synesthetics dutch? i don't keep track of all the rumours.
added on the 2014-11-15 00:16:39 by el mal el mal
Send me links to some of your modules and I will check it out for sure!

Ok, here are the general links. In most cases (except that I will describe below) the Goa trance always has the words 'Goa trance' in the title.

https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22David+Melik%22 (mp3s and other non-module formats)

http://www.traxinspace.com/profile/darwin (all public XMs & mp3s, but hard to download unless you are a member)

https://www.scenemusic.net/demovibes/artist/2541/ (some/all the stuff on Trax in Space, but some different titles like 'Arawn Shakta Aine' is also 'Progressive Goa Trance' or something)

http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_profile&query=80590 (some of my older stuff I thought was good enough to upload, but is also all at the other links)

and finally, if you do not want to try Trax in Space, or if Scene Music does not have it all, and all the mp3s from The Internet Archive are not good enough, you can get the modules from my own server, but I cannot guarantee it is fast all of the time:
added on the 2014-11-16 01:30:37 by darwin darwin
People were discussing Suntrip. Did (s)he used to have a different handle, because the name sounds familiar, like someone I was planning to listen to the new releases of... if the handle was changed, I think I have all the old modules but do not recall who it was.
added on the 2014-11-16 01:31:45 by darwin darwin
Suntrip is a psytrance label.
added on the 2014-11-16 01:55:52 by teo teo
While we're on this topic, anyone have some good examples of psy/goa/hard acid done in FM synth (OPL,etc) or Hively/AHX?

Hively especially seems like it would be well suited to this style but I haven't found any good tracks yet... just a lot of bubbly chiptunes. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
added on the 2014-11-16 03:26:56 by jmph jmph
17 years ago, GOA happened in my bedroom:
added on the 2014-11-16 13:00:09 by keith303 keith303
17 years ago, GOA happened in my bedroom:

Yes, I've grabbed this one earlier. A nice one! :) I noticed a few other modules where people listed you as the instrument name. I assume they took samples from this particular module?

and finally, if you do not want to try Trax in Space, or if Scene Music does not have it all, and all the mp3s from The Internet Archive are not good enough, you can get the modules from my own server, but I cannot guarantee it is fast all of the time:

Grabbed all the modules, thanks.
added on the 2014-11-16 16:17:55 by Maraakate Maraakate
Well, I don't know what happened with the 16-second compo at Syntax, but I made this entry for it. It is relevant to this thread:


I will be expanding this into a full track as soon as I'm done moving. :) Consider this a preview.
added on the 2014-11-16 23:46:47 by jmph jmph
This is slightly related as it's demo modules... I did a guessed artist search a while back on modarchive for Probe and it found this:


What intro is this from? I did a quick search on pouet but found nothing.
added on the 2014-11-26 04:03:15 by Maraakate Maraakate
