Revision 2018 - 30. March to 2. April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
I need two seats (for my wife and a friend) in a car from Hamburg to Revision, for both friday and monday.
Actually, only for monday, i.e. the way back.
Like Linkin Park once said :
So it is offical now, I'm part of the line-upAre you in the firing squad or are you in the line-up?
Well I have patches to trade if that ends up being the case. ;) Last year I walked from Hotel Crystal to Fridel to get some May walk over there again, even if mostly for the exercise after having been sitting for most of the way over. :)Starchaser: i'll have prolly half a crate Club-Mate in ma car, just in case that the info-desk will not supply. =)
("Fun" fact, I have one of those Club-Mate Crates; 2600 sells them. They're quite handy. Yeah, I probably could have gotten a US-made generic bottle crate for less, but that wouldn't be nearly so spiffy.)
Saturday night is gonna be like
sunday is gonna be like
Can't wait!! We are ready :)
kaomau and I will bring our NDS consoles to Revision and would be excited to find a billion people to play Tetris or whatevs with :)
So bring your NDS too, don't forget the charger, and join the fun!
So bring your NDS too, don't forget the charger, and join the fun!
Of course you meant to say that you are going to play top-notch DS demos on it!
I have a 3DS somewhere.. i might bring it.
sunday is gonna be like
Just wait 'till Monday
demoshock to your brain be like
So, my Alienware decided to go to hell last night and bricked the motherboard while updating the bios. One in a million (or less) chance and bsod in DOS :) Still way better than Apple.
Long story short it swallowed my chance to finish compo entries, so just me, credit card and fun this year. No need to care about missing the deadline though.
Long story short it swallowed my chance to finish compo entries, so just me, credit card and fun this year. No need to care about missing the deadline though.
kaomau and I will bring our NDS consoles to Revision and would be excited to find a billion people to play Tetris or whatevs with :)
So bring your NDS too, don't forget the charger, and join the fun!
Tetras battle!!! I must dig ours out.
Updating your bios? Risky! :( Sucks man, but one less deadline to stress for :)So, my Alienware decided to go to hell last night and bricked the motherboard while updating the bios.
For the guys who want to stay sober but like to enjoy a good drink too. Some UK based sceners for import needed tough. My wife discovered it during pregnancy. ;) getting old
Soundtrack for our roadtrip from sweden
dirtie: that's interesting :) thanks
Hi everyone!
While we're busy preparing the party for you, we also finished the airport information for everyone arriving by plane and taking one of our airport shuttles.
You also should have received an email, but here's the link as well:
Airport shuttle information
See you on friday!
While we're busy preparing the party for you, we also finished the airport information for everyone arriving by plane and taking one of our airport shuttles.
You also should have received an email, but here's the link as well:
Airport shuttle information
See you on friday!
I just noticed that the directx 2010 runtime (ie access to d3dx) has disappeared from the windows machine this year. Shouldn't that have been mentioned in news and noteworthy?
(so there goes the text writer..)
(so there goes the text writer..)
I know it's a lot more pain to do it the dx11 way, but if text is so much worth it, perhaps this snippet of code might help you:
static IDXGISurface1* fontTextureSurface;
static ID3DTexture2D* fontTexture;
static HDC hFontDc;
static HGDIOBJ hFont;
#define FONT_TEXTURE_DIM_X 1000
#define FONT_TEXTURE_DIM_Y 200
static char* fontFace = "Arial";
static char textContent[] = "Hello, World!";
static D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC fontTexDesc =
0, 0, 1, 1, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
{ 1, 0 }, D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT,
device->CreateTexture2D(&fontTexDesc , NULL, &fontTexture);
fontTexture->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGISurface1), (void **)(&fontTextureSurface));
fontTextureSurface->GetDC(TRUE, &hFontDc);
SetTextColor(hFontDc, 0xFFFFFF);
SetBkColor(hFontDc, 0);
SelectObject(hFontDc, hFont);
TextOutA(hFontDc, 0, 0, textContent, sizeof(textContent));
Oh I forgot a
somewhere up there.hFont = CreateFont(160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fontFace);