Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
ooooh nice! ^^
Say: Can someone tell me how to find this image that was once posted? I think it was on the old deleted thread: HDR compared to reality and ingame with bloom with a kind of HL2ish screenshot or photo? Couldn't find something via gimages... maybe so. has more luck or still knows what I'm talking about..:
_______| with HDR____| without HDR
in reality | no bloom____| lots of bloom
in game | lots of bloom_| no bloom
Say: Can someone tell me how to find this image that was once posted? I think it was on the old deleted thread: HDR compared to reality and ingame with bloom with a kind of HL2ish screenshot or photo? Couldn't find something via gimages... maybe so. has more luck or still knows what I'm talking about..:
_______| with HDR____| without HDR
in reality | no bloom____| lots of bloom
in game | lots of bloom_| no bloom
do you mean this:
YAY!!! thanks zygentoma!! :D thanks a lot!
Something wich randomly appears on my screen:
^ Eyes looking in the wrong place.
...or so it seems. Have a good day all. :)
Impressive layered thingies. I remember there was some 3d printer which was essentially a 2D paper cutter that added a layer upon layer.