iPhone demo me beautiful
category: general [glöplog]
dvs: guess I could be clearer.. mfx do some awesome 'big' demos like deities and such, but also some that have all of one effect and get made in a day or so before the party (at least that's what I've heard). I'm referring to the 'one effect wonder' kind of mfx demo.. fast made, but still great.
psonice: there's only a special few who can actually do that, though.
£3k after tax. :)
Also, if you're already thinking of doing something like this anyway and it fits your plans, then it becomes £5k to make their deadline.
£3k after tax. :)
Smash's analysis of the situation is 100% correct. This is a job, nothing more or less, and a not too well paid one. So it all boils down to either doing the math and finding out if $10k for a whole team of experts and two months is really enough - or if you always wanted to make an iPhone demo and release it in the App Store, why not just try it yourselves; I can't see how they'd try to help getting the demo into the store anyway.
as a company that focuses on iphone development they surely have better connections to Apple than a demogroup does, particularly with Neil Young's track record at EA.
Smash is right on the money when it comes to _what this iPhone "demo" opportunity is_, no doubt about it. It is a job, and it most certainly will not be a demo in the demoscene sense that is the end result. That said, it's a cool think to have the _choice_ to do something like this, and get paid for it. I'm talking primarily about sceners who do not have high-scale gamedev or advertising-jobs, and would like to try something new. For me, it would be about learning more about this particular platform, something I can benefit from in my daily work anyway. I don't think many people would consider demomaking as a profession or be tempted to do such things for a living, not from a demoscene perspective anyway, but perhaps as a springboard to a "proper" profession. :)
As for the payment, I guess it could serve as an incentive to take some time off from work or something like that. If not, just do as KB suggests, because then you'd end up with the revenue yourself, if you chose to sell your "demo" as the next Koi Pond on the App Store. Even if you chose that though, you could use this as a sponsored way of getting to know the platform, and save your Big Bucks(tm) idea for after you're done with the "official" bits. :) But yeah, this is of course closer to work, I totally agree.
As for the payment, I guess it could serve as an incentive to take some time off from work or something like that. If not, just do as KB suggests, because then you'd end up with the revenue yourself, if you chose to sell your "demo" as the next Koi Pond on the App Store. Even if you chose that though, you could use this as a sponsored way of getting to know the platform, and save your Big Bucks(tm) idea for after you're done with the "official" bits. :) But yeah, this is of course closer to work, I totally agree.
"a cool think" ... jeez :(
what smash said
What ps said that smash said.
down with redundant comments
marketprices?! so.. how much does a demo cost at your booth then smash? can i get discount when i order a 64k?
oh i should read more carefully.. still 5k pounds.. out of the blue? :)
Maali, even a very basic 64k intro like the one I released at stream in 05 would cost about 25_000€ in company money. I'm pretty sure there are demos out there that would be budgeted close to 150_000€
knos: and that's just man hours * average wage?
Maali, roughly yeah. Except we don't use the wage as estimate for a company since there are extra costs associated with having an employee. An individual's estimate will be lower for that reason.
and the 4chan guy is back again with his random pics in the middle of discussions...
Knos : how did you estimate those 25.000 euros ? :)
5 md at 560€ rate.
(so as you see not related to average wage)
5 full days you mean ?
5 work days at 8hours a day. I worked about 40hours on this intro.
Then I know a few prods that would reach almost a million euros with your way of evaluatiing the price ;)
Of course people always confuse the worth of things with the cost of things so it might not be totally relevant here.. However it's good to have an idea what kind of "costs" an activity has.