category: residue [glöplog]
I have 0
i go sleep
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
I moved to Dresden today.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
I didn't logged in the internet for 2 days. That's because I formatted my modern PC because of lot's of spyware and being bloated after so many time. Next I reinstalled Windows XP but it killed the menu where I also choose Linux and I don't know if there is an easy way to revive the menu. Anyways I haven't installed internet in the XP yet and later I closed this PC and opened an older one which is a Celeron and watched some software win32 demos from era 2000. It feels different (much better) to watch these old demos again in the slow PC.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
You don't actually need to "install the internet".
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
downgrading from GF4Ti to GF4Mx sucks. But Psytrance rules.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Windows XP is crap, vista is even crappier.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Genug ist genug.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
They still use an Amiga 1200 in the Martini Plaza in Groningen to announce that a show is cancelled on a screen.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
* Human Genome
* Version 2.1
* (C) God
/* Revision history:
* 0000-00-01 00:00 1.0 Adam.
* 0000-00-02 10:00 1.1 Eve.
* 0000-00-03 02:11 1.2 Added penis code to male version. A bit messy --
* will require a rewrite later on to make it neater.
* 0017-03-12 03:14 1.3 Added extra sex drive to male.h; took code from
* elephant-dna.c
* 0145-10-03 16:33 1.4 Removed tail.
* 1115-00-31 17:20 1.5 Shortened forearms, expanded brain case.
* 2091-08-20 13:56 1.6 Opposable thumbs added to hand() routine.
* 2501-04-09 14:04 1.7 Minor cosmetic improvements -- skin colour made
* darker to match my own image.
* 2909-07-12 02:21 1.8 Dentition inadequate; added extra 'wisdom' teeth.
* Must remember to make mouth bigger to compensate.
* 4501-12-31 14:18 1.9 Increase average height.
* 5533-02-12 17:09 2.0 Added gay option, triggered by high population
* density, to try and slow the overpopulation problem.
* 6004-11-04 16:11 2.1 Made forefinger narrower to fit hole in centre of
* CD.
/* Standard definitions
#define SEX male
#define HEIGHT 1.84
#define MASS 68
#define RACE caucasian
/* Include inherited traits from parent DNA files.
* Files must be pre-processed with MENDEL program to provide proper
* inheritance features.
#include "mother.h"
#include "father.h"
#infndef FATHER
#warn("Father unknown -- guessing\n")
#include "bastard.h"
/* Set up sex-specific functions and variables
#include <sex.h>
/* Kludged code -- I'll re-design this lot and re-write it as a proper
* library sometime soon.
struct genitals
#ifdef MALE
Penis *jt;
/* G_spot *g; Removed for debugging purposes */
#ifdef FEMALE
Vagina *p;
/* Initialization bootstrap routine -- called before DNA duplication.
* Allocates buffers and sets up protein file pointers
DNA *zygote_initialize(Sperm *, Ovum *);
* Returns structures containing pre-processed phenotypes for the organism
* to display at birth.
* Will be improved later to make output less ugly.
Characteristic *lookup_phenotype(Identifier *i);
Just so you know.
* Human Genome
* Version 2.1
* (C) God
/* Revision history:
* 0000-00-01 00:00 1.0 Adam.
* 0000-00-02 10:00 1.1 Eve.
* 0000-00-03 02:11 1.2 Added penis code to male version. A bit messy --
* will require a rewrite later on to make it neater.
* 0017-03-12 03:14 1.3 Added extra sex drive to male.h; took code from
* elephant-dna.c
* 0145-10-03 16:33 1.4 Removed tail.
* 1115-00-31 17:20 1.5 Shortened forearms, expanded brain case.
* 2091-08-20 13:56 1.6 Opposable thumbs added to hand() routine.
* 2501-04-09 14:04 1.7 Minor cosmetic improvements -- skin colour made
* darker to match my own image.
* 2909-07-12 02:21 1.8 Dentition inadequate; added extra 'wisdom' teeth.
* Must remember to make mouth bigger to compensate.
* 4501-12-31 14:18 1.9 Increase average height.
* 5533-02-12 17:09 2.0 Added gay option, triggered by high population
* density, to try and slow the overpopulation problem.
* 6004-11-04 16:11 2.1 Made forefinger narrower to fit hole in centre of
* CD.
/* Standard definitions
#define SEX male
#define HEIGHT 1.84
#define MASS 68
#define RACE caucasian
/* Include inherited traits from parent DNA files.
* Files must be pre-processed with MENDEL program to provide proper
* inheritance features.
#include "mother.h"
#include "father.h"
#infndef FATHER
#warn("Father unknown -- guessing\n")
#include "bastard.h"
/* Set up sex-specific functions and variables
#include <sex.h>
/* Kludged code -- I'll re-design this lot and re-write it as a proper
* library sometime soon.
struct genitals
#ifdef MALE
Penis *jt;
/* G_spot *g; Removed for debugging purposes */
#ifdef FEMALE
Vagina *p;
/* Initialization bootstrap routine -- called before DNA duplication.
* Allocates buffers and sets up protein file pointers
DNA *zygote_initialize(Sperm *, Ovum *);
* Returns structures containing pre-processed phenotypes for the organism
* to display at birth.
* Will be improved later to make output less ugly.
Characteristic *lookup_phenotype(Identifier *i);
Just so you know.
My home phone number is just one digit different from a local police phone. I receive lots of phone calls, sometimes, like today, at 3:52 a.m. like today and it does not only get me up and scary me, but I have to phone the police to tell them.
Satori is the spiritual goal of Zen Buddhism (in Chinese: wu).
They liked my MFC programm, no shit! And I am going to their offices tomorrow. Brrr...
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Added gay option, triggered by high population
* density, to try and slow the overpopulation problem.
thats why also animals can be gay? also the whole shit sucks! SRY!
just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Mudpoint is over. :( SCHEISSE!
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just now a car rested for some time on the road with music playing at the same tempo of plopbox :D
MPK w Częstochowie informuje, że w dniu 1.04.2008 roku kierowcy i motorniczowie planowani do obsługi linii komunikacyjnych realizowanych przez nasze przedsiębiorstwo złożyli wnioski o tzw. urlop na żądanie. W efekcie na trasy nie wyjechało 118 autobusów i 16 tramwajów. Akcja masowego żądania urlopów nie była planowana i zarząd spółki ani służby odpowiedzialne za ekspedycję taboru nie były uprzedzone o ewentualnym braku możliwości obsługi pasażerów w dniu dzisiejszym. Aktualnie trwają rozmowy zarządu przedsiębiorstwa z przedstawicielami tych grup pracowniczych.
Obecnie nie jest możliwe określenie terminu zakończenia rozmów i rozstrzygnięć jakie mogą zapaść w wyniku tych negocjacji.
MPK przeprasza za zaistniałą sytuację i wszelkie problemy związane z brakiem komunikacji.
Just so you know.
Obecnie nie jest możliwe określenie terminu zakończenia rozmów i rozstrzygnięć jakie mogą zapaść w wyniku tych negocjacji.
MPK przeprasza za zaistniałą sytuację i wszelkie problemy związane z brakiem komunikacji.
Just so you know.
Nice for people who not understand one word of polish....
For balancing stuff out
Just so you know
Just so you know
Just so you know
Just so you know
4x oversamplign doesn't sound that much better than 2x oversampling. Especially not if the music sucks.
Just so you know
Just so you know
Last person to post in this thread is the winner. JSYK
the only official members of scoopex are:
scoopex was founded in april 1989 as successor of megaforce.
lately some lamers who don’t even know the basic history of scoopex
flood the net, dont fall for their lies, they are in no way affiliated with scoopex
© 1989 – 2012 webmaster(o)scoopex.org
just so you know
scoopex was founded in april 1989 as successor of megaforce.
lately some lamers who don’t even know the basic history of scoopex
flood the net, dont fall for their lies, they are in no way affiliated with scoopex
© 1989 – 2012 webmaster(o)scoopex.org
just so you know
i can finally watch debris in real-time!