Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
pohar: i think i saw this car in real here in pittsburgh, is that possible?
@dubmood: no. The answer is no. But you know, I don't believe there are many Afro-Americans working in big bussines companies or at mediacal academies in Poland :P Somebody bought the photos from stock, and edited the black guys because they would look silly and unrealistic.
And what mavi's say is bullshit. Like in every country, there is a bunch of racist fuckheads, but they are massively criticized by medias and society.
And what mavi's say is bullshit. Like in every country, there is a bunch of racist fuckheads, but they are massively criticized by medias and society.
You try to make your point by posting a racist image? Eh?
I can so relate to that squirrel.
so what's that stuff? butter with grass?