Evoke 2013 - in August, just like every year!
category: parties [glöplog]
At Revision, cars were broken into by the locals. Any reason to expect worse at Evoke? ;)
Lol, danes being hella scared of foreign people ^^
There is nothing wrong with the neighbourhood and the parking is quite far off and it seemed pretty safe to me. I have a hotel close to the Party Place as well, so wondering if it's the same hotel as yall peeps are in.
There is nothing wrong with the neighbourhood and the parking is quite far off and it seemed pretty safe to me. I have a hotel close to the Party Place as well, so wondering if it's the same hotel as yall peeps are in.
And DVS is right, the people are really nice and there is great food to be had around!
Just pay off the turkish taxi mafia, and ya'll be fiiiine.
Okkie: Is it Best Western you'll be staying at? HÆH?
Okkie: Is it Best Western you'll be staying at? HÆH?
yeah the food is great. i can remember 3 years ago we went shitdrunk into the main street and ended up at some döner joint where we ate shitloads for 3.50 euro per person (i assume the dude there sucks at maths) :)
germany is a surprising lot cheaper when it comes to restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, fuel, housing
lets move there maali
we live in an expensive socialist shithole!
lets move there maali
we live in an expensive socialist shithole!
well, that's in parts because germany has some of the lowest wages and worst employment security in western europe...
which is okay if you've got money and a solid position on the jobmarket :)
werken in .nl, wonen in .de .. dat is rendabel! ;)
At Revision, cars were broken into by the locals. Any reason to expect worse at Evoke? ;)
Last year, when I took a walk around the block, I noticed a broken side window on a delivery van of some company whose driver was dumb enough to park his ride in some alleyway between all those old manufacturing buildings.
Always remember to sing the official cologne hymn whenever you meet a kölsche dude: Das Köln Lied
...you can also try to order an Altbier in a typical Cologne Corner-Pub
I should mention that I do not fear anything and was just making a joke about the partyplace seemingly being in an old industrial neighborhood or similar :) I dont look rich enough to rob, and looks do not deceive - I am hardly worth much more than a very cheap chinese smartphone and 20 euros anyway. I love foreign people, especially since the rising amount of them means less chances to meet a dane - a good thing in my book.
Me and Farfar are staying at the very fashionable Hotel Koenig 2 - it even seems to have a parking space attached, which might be something for our minivan, Punqturismo?
Me and Farfar are staying at the very fashionable Hotel Koenig 2 - it even seems to have a parking space attached, which might be something for our minivan, Punqturismo?
Hey I was just wondering what I should do with the evoke flyers I received? ... received after our demoparty was over, that is. They're pretty but I have no one to give them to now! :P
Oh and yes, us Bremer will be ... at evoke, see you there! \o_
Oh and yes, us Bremer will be ... at evoke, see you there! \o_
I love foreign people, especially since the rising amount of them means less chances to meet a dane - a good thing in my book.
Are you Breiviks paranoid thoughts of a social democrat come true or what?
Don't be a self-loathing Emoscener. (We got Maali for that)
Who doesn't want to meet a Dane? They smell of PeberSnaps & Flæskesvær <3
Who doesn't want to meet Nordmenn? They smell of Klipfisk & Gammel Opland and are covered in oil <3
Who doesn't want to meet Germans? They smell of WURST & DICKMILCH <3
I'm in hotel Arcaden which is close by and has a funny name. Looking forward meeting all you weird ass krauts and scandis and other peeps!

Ahahahah, yessss
i think i have a hunch what they have for breakfast!
also, i am a memoscener these days!
I am way way worse than a social democrat :)