category: offtopic [glöplog]
But XML makes everything better!
whatever happened to IML, IIML, IIIML, IVML VML, VIML, VIIML, VIIIML and IXML?
skrebbel: your sarcasm detector must be offline :)
aie, it was under the bed and out of batteries. thanks for the tip!
Just because everyone is being a retard about it im not going to update this thread with news, nor the site. I got a new domain for it where I will update it, but wont give it out, soz.
You mean :(
i wonder where he'll otherwise find an audience. i mean, albeit critical, we were avid readers!
i am still to succeed in generating anything usefull with gnu rocket
Hm, but where can I get support with using the tool now?
rasmus, make 1000 columns for procedural mesh parameters.
sagacity, skrebbel just provided all the support you'd ever need for gnu rocket.
Just so you know: the interwebs is going to change now that I coded a predictive site indexer using post-quantum technology in GNU Rocket.
OH COCK, trc beat me to it by about 4 minutes :(
Any chance for source? Want to convert to pygame lib.
*want to convert it
kusma, clearly we have to make gnu rocket turing complete, because clearly there's a demand. i think a "jump back if zero" command should do it!
skrebbel: yes please!
on second thought, i propose to rely on the open source community for that particular feature. this has worked great in the past!
skrebbel: It seems that github's contributors script is broken - it only counts committers! You have authored these three patches, where only the last one have later been reverted! So there, you have proven yourself that if you like a feature, you can implement it! Unless of course I dislike it, and then it might get reverted! ;)