Outline 2008 is announced !! :)
category: general [glöplog]
You don;t get it. It's a bicycle made of mail!
life is a mailbox full of bicycles made of mail!
I now expect Outline 2009 to be renamed "Skrebble en Okkie zieke Nederlandse fuck partij"
I can't translate one word... blame google
I can't translate one word... blame google
*wishful bump*
which is appreciated :-) working on it! (currently working hard to find a good location; any tips are wildly appreciated!)
No problems finding good(?) spots in the hague but I reckon we better move more towards the border of germany, hereby mimizing traveling distance for german sceners? That we we can also say to the world : 'it is somewhere near Breakpoint'. For more info I'm on # scene . nl
I've started asking around (Achterhoek), I'll keep you posted
As long as it's close to an airport that does cheap flights ;)
Everything in Holland is close to an airport that has cheap flights :)

okkie: Yes. but I'm quite fond of NRH
to the right... right
skrebbel can you contact me on irc?
rumours have it that outline 2009 may take place on 21 - 24 may! don't book your tickets yet, but do keep the weekend free if you still can.
expect more formal news before thursday.
expect more formal news before thursday.
mm end of may could be a good time for me to come there as well!
yes! I love you guys!
expect a website with a progress bar soon! ;)
sortof :-)
guys, i just checked out the projected location and it looks awesome. all we're waiting for now is the formal contract to sign, and if that's all fine and dandy, then it's a full go!
we expect this to be known no later than early next week.
as such, here's the offical advice from the guys who know best:
expect that outline 2009 is going to take place on 21 - 24 may in Eersel, the Netherlands (south; near Eindhoven). do plan to show up. however, don't book ticket's just yet, as right now there's nothing formally confirmed.
guys, i just checked out the projected location and it looks awesome. all we're waiting for now is the formal contract to sign, and if that's all fine and dandy, then it's a full go!
we expect this to be known no later than early next week.
as such, here's the offical advice from the guys who know best:
expect that outline 2009 is going to take place on 21 - 24 may in Eersel, the Netherlands (south; near Eindhoven). do plan to show up. however, don't book ticket's just yet, as right now there's nothing formally confirmed.
Cool! Sounds promising :)
For those that care, Ryanair fly to Eindhoven. I'm waiting for Skrebble to formally announce this, and for Ryanair to offer tax-free flights again (hope).
If we got this place, it'll cut an hour off the driving (Channel Tunnel) so we're waiting keenly :)
E3 strand!
Peer van Eersel!
If somebody is driving from England, I'm _very_ interested :) (I'm in Southampton)
visy, cool! would be great to see you there. looks like cih is driving, so that may be a match. he may require that you join dildo fatwa before being allowed to enter his car, however, but so far that's cause no permanent injuries.
alternatively, ryanair planes from stansted (and many other low-cost airports!) land in the party location's backyard, so you may want to alternatively take an overpriced train ticket to there.
alternatively, ryanair planes from stansted (and many other low-cost airports!) land in the party location's backyard, so you may want to alternatively take an overpriced train ticket to there.