fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
lol k
Prod delete request: and
are dupes of and unvoted/commented. Please delete the former. and
are dupes of and unvoted/commented. Please delete the former.
Yay, the brilliance of mr. Blkpanther strikes again.
Notified Gargaj about this...
Notified Gargaj about this...
The brilliance of his wacky csdb import script / bot, you mean. AUTO-GLÖPPIN' IS STILL A CRIME. :D
y u do dis dolan
This has incorrect compo set. Should be "combined intro".
I left two wallets in El Segundo.
Well IMHO the import-skript was a good idea but bombing pouet without testing and proper dupe-check still causes us work.
Dang! Category for this is incorrect. Can you please make it a 256b compo entry ? kthxbai
combind 256 lol
Youtube link with better quality recording for this
yuzoom pls
fak u dolan u 2 fast
datz wot she sais lol
is accually OK
I'll collect these and send them to Gargaj next week.