fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
olskoolers have the fastest routines ;)
Please add to this prod : this link for the android version :
Thank you !
Thank you !
Done. Just http though. Apparently, pouet does not support https.
Yeah, it doesn't. But apparently google play redirects you to https anyway :)
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
what about deleting this release from the prods? shove it to the dedicated folder instead!
what about deleting this release from the prods? shove it to the dedicated folder instead!
ZehnVier&Zwanzig FTW!!!!
It's not my business at all, but I think that this should be a Nooon prod.
I can't disagree here.
but if barti/nooon said its nooon, it's not lcf.
I can't disagree here.
IS that guy barti/nooon? Was he _always_ like that? :)
Well, I changed it. Magic can rejoice. If RA is involved it's nooon enough I guess. And finally it's not for us to decide what people do to their old group names. is a real party why delete?
If you added new party but haven't added any prods to it, it will appear like this.
source code for this
Thanks for noticing, I fixed the link! :)
(with hopefully the right one)
(with hopefully the right one)
Soundtrack for this
Soundtrack for this