
Your unpopular opinions about the scene

category: residue [glöplog]
It's easy for me to resist the temptation of releasing at Revision - with compos that are notorious for animdemos, the entries being prerecorded as anims, and now the anims additionally broadcasted via internet. That's three layers of yuck. ;-) The party is too big. They're probably doing things as well as they can. It's not bad, just too big.
added on the 2021-05-05 15:52:36 by bifat bifat
It's not bad, just too big.

That's what she said!
added on the 2021-05-05 15:53:32 by okkie okkie
Somehow noby reading Marshall McLuhan does not surprise me at all. But what kind of a message are demos... if this pouet thread is any evidence what demos do to us, it ain't pretty

I honestly haven't read his primary works (i.e. the book Understanding Media), mainly just critique and commentary around them.

Regardless, the next interesting question however is that if we take McLuhan's full definition of what 'Media' is, and consider all technology as part of that, how does the Demoscene interface with that? E.g. I recall people wondering whether Fairlight demos ca. 10 years ago were using technological novelties borrowed from Sony, and smash responding that it's rather the opposite: the innovations in the demos feed into commercial graphics research. I'm sure many others have had similar experiences as well. How does the Demoscene inform further development of the Mediums (again, in the sense that McLuhan used the term) themselves in this regard? The cultural community traditions have helped form tight knit groups of people who have gone to found businesses and other ventures that have gone to shape the Media. This is an orthogonal point to the more direct "unpopular opinion" I expressed earlier, but I think it's a bit myopic to just focus on concrete messages (i.e. demos) that we create.
added on the 2021-05-05 15:58:00 by noby noby
Rob is jarig
added on the 2021-05-05 16:18:47 by SiR SiR
Making demos is more fun than arguing about demos
I hold demos and intros running in full framerate without framedrops as unreasonably high regard as compared to whichever other technical merits they might have.
added on the 2021-05-05 16:44:51 by Trilkk Trilkk
the entries being prerecorded as anims, and now the anims additionally broadcasted via internet

Wait until he finds out what HDMI does.
added on the 2021-05-05 17:08:53 by kb_ kb_
Ugly world records are pointless (193 ugly sprites are ~ugly as 192)
added on the 2021-05-05 17:27:54 by emoon emoon
Only if you are more interested into the artsy fartsy side of things. If you enjoy coder porn, then it's totally awesome.


There are people who are into creating and consuming coder porn.
added on the 2021-05-05 17:38:44 by Moerder Moerder
... or you put the effort into making it look good as well.
added on the 2021-05-05 17:50:16 by emoon emoon
It would help when the coder porn connoisseurs wouldn't always put down more "modern" aesthetics as "animdemos" or "artsy fartsy", because frankly, that discussion is incredibly one-sided and I see nobody from the other "side" going "lol you and your measly 16 colors that all look shitty" which would be as much bullshit as the animdemo thing.
added on the 2021-05-05 18:10:58 by kb_ kb_
Actually, no, I have not experienced it to be one-sided, that's why I wrote it here. But it's obviously just my own unpopular opinion.

Personally I can't remember when I did put down a production lately for being modern or something else I am not into.
added on the 2021-05-05 18:44:08 by Moerder Moerder
I might be a bit biased there after my first experience on my first trip to a demo party (The Party 1994, and the whole train from Hamburg to Herning was full of sceners) someone came into our compartment and started ranting about how vector effects are basically for babies and raster manipulation is the one true thing to do, yeah :)
added on the 2021-05-05 18:50:34 by kb_ kb_
Your previous post?
added on the 2021-05-05 18:51:49 by farfar farfar
Amiga is for lonely old men.
added on the 2021-05-05 19:42:21 by fizzer fizzer
Democompo streams are great. The subjective commenting during compos however, is annoying. Considering that commentators are functioning as representatives for the demoscene, it's even worse when they get drunk and say all kind of things.
added on the 2021-05-05 20:48:48 by fiveofive fiveofive
About coder porn vs artsy demos...
I think demos are actually not enough artsy. I would guess audience expectation is still to be entertained and impressed with some rendering/lighting tricks. And while content should be there, it is still secondary. I think only Still was trying to break this pattern so far.
On the other hand, I don't think anyone who makes "coder porn" is doing it to "prove his intelligence". It's just a lot of fun for technical-oriented folks. If someone is more on artistic side, he may not understand that and develop some unnecessary inferiority complex.
So an obvious (and boring) conclusion is both worlds can happily co-exist.
added on the 2021-05-05 21:44:56 by tomkh tomkh
Demomakers are Sunday Programmers -- Hicks
Formula 1 champions are Sunday Drivers -- Bud Hurt
added on the 2021-05-05 21:57:58 by m_dr_m m_dr_m
bifat: amiga, yeah, I looked into that, hooked up asmone (hurray there are howtos now) and got a mod to play (so cool there's playerroutine 3rd party stuff for that) plus an image to display (lol wtf bitplanes and memory layout) plus basic copper-stuff (and generally coming to grips with understanding what the copper actually is/does). so that's where I'm at :D I don't think I'll ever find the time to catch up with you amiga pros, massive respects. just don't bore me with 10min scroller+chiptune ;)
added on the 2021-05-06 01:27:42 by jco jco
Hipster cult of amateur programmers even! Careful with dick references :-)
added on the 2021-05-06 01:32:08 by bifat bifat
dick references? where? what?

oh, have another unpopular opinion:
- demoscene is a cockfest
added on the 2021-05-06 01:45:37 by jco jco
demoscene productions are like currywurst
added on the 2021-05-06 09:56:57 by el mal el mal
hot and meaty in the inside, crisp on the outside?
added on the 2021-05-06 10:04:42 by v3nom v3nom
i just realized that demos are, in fact, numberwang
added on the 2021-05-06 11:54:03 by sagacity sagacity
