what to do with hates / permanent thumbdowners?
category: general [glöplog]
ps: according to introspec there were four entries for the compo (3 normal entries and the virus). the machine did indeed broke when the virus entry run on it (probably during the entries preview) and the orgas were left with three entries and a broken machine. luckily there was a guy who fixed it (if i recall introspec's text correctly). no matter who did it it's actually pretty lame if you think of it.
So all of this appears to boil down to a rather small group of people...
Even to a bystander like me, it looks like oversimplification. The mutual disrespect between ZX Enhanced (with peripherals) crew and ZX Enhanced (with video coprocessor) crew had been evident even before someone re-flashed and bricked the compo machine at CC 2015 (the very same apple of discord, ZX Evolution) and, as introspec wrote, erased themselves from the scene with that (here goes best thunder sfx your system can produce). In addition to that, some of the people are hostile toward (some of the members of) Chaos Constructions crew, (some of the members of) DiHalt crew, or both. There's also a friendly banter between those parties. In addition to that, people still remember ragequits from this or that ZX Spectrum community that happened a decade ago, and everything that was said back then. Two years ago, a disagreement over which ZX demo catalog site is allowed to host whose demos, and on which conditions that information can be distributed, resulted in collective claim from some authors to remove their works. This year, the whole last week has been dedicated to arguments about whether Caller ID phone demo should've been allowed in ZX Spectrum compo at Chaos Constructions. As it usually is, everybody have their own idea of what is true spirit, and criticize the others that lack it.
You can guess at least some of that is done for the lulz. Moreover, it gives us stuff like Amiga Bar and no demo (the latter DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A BINARY RELEASE, GUYS!!!).
Wait wait wait, there's THREE camps? Not two?
I thought it was "original ZX" vs "enhanced ZX", but do you mean even enhanced ZX has split?!
I thought it was "original ZX" vs "enhanced ZX", but do you mean even enhanced ZX has split?!

Wait wait wait, there's THREE camps? Not two?
Aaaand the zx spectrum next is coming soon ;)
it gives us stuff like Amiga Bar
This one requires properly translated subtitles ASAP.
Wait wait wait, there's THREE camps? Not two?
That proves that ZX scene is alive as hell. There is life boiling, there are tensions, art projects, manifestations, good old drama and a lot of things going on.
I thought it was "original ZX" vs "enhanced ZX", but do you mean even enhanced ZX has split?!
lvd is a member of NedoPC, a group that has designed and built various devices for ZX Spectrum and other microcomputers, and also ZX Spectrum compatibles. ZX Evolution is their beefiest computer that is compatible with original Spectrum/Pentagon/ATM Turbo series, has switchable clock rates and memory limits, and also supports a lot of peripherals. It has some non-standard video modes, but generally works the same way Spectrums works, and has been used on demoparties.
As it uses FPGA for all but main chips, and the board schematics and firmware is available, alternative configurations appeared. One emulated the Scorpion line of clones, another, TS-Config by TS-Labs, synthesized a feature-rich video controller with additional memory transfer optimizations. See SYNCHRONIZATION.
It goes without saying that the former group considers the latter's invention a disgrace to ZX Spectrum.
I actually wouldn't much care about what somebody ever made as the configuration for our ZX Evolution if he wouldn't select the main driving force for his configuration shitstorming me, my friends and even sometimes the machine he made configuration for.
And yes, MY configuration is able to generate (almost) perfect ZX 48k and 128k rasters (the main difference being exact 3.5 MHz and 7.0 MHz CPU and pixel clocks instead of 3.54 and 7.09 in genuine 128k.
And yes, MY configuration is able to generate (almost) perfect ZX 48k and 128k rasters (the main difference being exact 3.5 MHz and 7.0 MHz CPU and pixel clocks instead of 3.54 and 7.09 in genuine 128k.
I actually wouldn't much care about what somebody ever made as the configuration for our ZX Evolution
If I were you, I wouldn't leave the comments about the “dendyconfig” platform then.
(Meaning someone entered a prod that was seemingly designed to wreck a compo machine.)
1. I've left the partyplace at ~15:00 that sunday, not even attending all ZX compos after that time. Some slanderers however turned that as an additional evidence that it is I who made what they accuse me for.
2. I've got to know about what happened as a rumors in IRC channel and reacted accordingly. After all, there might be flash demos, FPGA demos (one is even was previously made by me, that also required re-flashing)
3. ZX-Evo board has protected boot area in its managing MCU, that restores the contents of the main part of MCU flash from SD-card -- regardless what MCU was flashed with before. When specific firmware flashed to the MCU, one is able now to re-flash the Z80 flash chip, which was killed by that prod. Therefore noone is able to brick ZX-Evolution completely (without the chance to fast and easy restore) if he has no physical access to the board (so as to erase MCU flash completely with AVR programmer).
Therefore, I didn't feel at that time that something really bad had happened. After all, there could be no objections generally if one wanted to flash his demo into the computer instead of loading it from media -- provided that flashing is reversible, what actually is the case.
4. If there could be enough trust in what the witnesses said (some of them also turned into accussers), the party orgas randomly decided to take ZX Evolution machine from the retro hardware exhibition that was at the party in the nearby hall. They hadn't enough experience using ZX Evolution before nor they had enough expertise to diagnose the problem and restore ZX Evolution state using existing tools. As again the witnesses said, they found a person with enough expertise that restored everything. That person btw became one of my accussers.
5. The final chord was the utterly slandering and humiliating post by intorspec.
If I were you, I wouldn't leave the comments about the “dendyconfig” platform then.
Enough balls to say the same about those comments?
Quote:Not surprisingly a thread about arguments appears to have devolved into.... an argument.
If you don't have anything nice or clever to say...
That' a bit duplicitous coming from someone who has the ability to close the argument down because it's clearly not going to be resolved and is only going to get worse (to the point of libel now).
Alternatively Living well is the best revenge.
lvd: The reason people deny stuff that they didn't do is not because their word is automatically filed as the incontrovertible truth, it's because they want to get their statement on the record that they don't agree with the act that was done
That also means they accept the game where one party is arbitrarily accusing and other party says like 'it's not me, мамой клянусь' with different subsequent arguments and conclusions. Anticipating some consequences of accepting that game, I've just quit early, not accepting anything and not doing they expect me to do.
Now it is funny in a some way to observe how the other party is no more unable to leave their positions without losing their faces.
At the same time, in the emotional plane, the only thing remained is the hatred.
...no more able to leave...
...no more able to leave...
Enough balls to say the same about those comments?
It takes zero balls to mention you should've probably called their authors complete and utter shit if they are as bad as you've described.
Okay so if I understand correctly, flashing the CPU from software is documented and relatively common?
Also can we keep the mention of each others' balls to the minimum? I'm a visual kind of person.
Dont get deceived by the lack of background history here. If you only read this topic, you'll get the impression that all the motives are here, and they are publicly described. Meanwhile, there was a FUCKING LOT of bad blood for all sides long ago before the story about flashing party machine (whoever did this) happened.
This is just a minor episode of determined and hard-working people dedicated to each other's destruction (and pitily or not I'm a one of them). My point is that we've made enough of direct and collateral damage, why shouldn't we just silently stop for some amount of time?
This is just a minor episode of determined and hard-working people dedicated to each other's destruction (and pitily or not I'm a one of them). My point is that we've made enough of direct and collateral damage, why shouldn't we just silently stop for some amount of time?
and again lvd ignore simple question. слился чушок
Wait wait wait, there's THREE camps? Not two?
Two Spectrumers, three opinions.
Aaaand the zx spectrum next is coming soon ;)
Aha, those friendly dudes that cannot run 100MHz static RAM at 14MHz CPU without throttling the video system...
I actually wouldn't much care about what somebody ever made as the configuration for our ZX Evolution if he wouldn't select the main driving force for his configuration shitstorming me, my friends and even sometimes the machine he made configuration for.
I spoke your language. You shitstormed not only me and my friends, but also the friends of yours who soon became the former friends of yours. And it was a fun for the both sides, LVD. Why are you complaining then. Because the shitting around is only allowed to you, my Lord.
Now, I suppose, the careful translation of IRC logs in Russian is drawing to a close and soon the EU sceners will enjoy the whole mess story.
Okay so if I understand correctly, flashing the CPU from software is documented and relatively common?
The feature of flashing main board BIOS Flash is documented of sorts, the examples are available. The BIOS is a regular Flash die with full access to its interface from CPU.
Again, authors of ZX-Evo made everything possible to ensure that erasing BIOS wasn't irreversible and that it can be fixed without special means. To fix it it's just enough to write a special firmare to SD card and flash it, flash ROM using this firmware, then flash regular firmware. The problem is that almost no one at the party didn't know how to do it from scratch.
Which gives us another hypothesis. The person, who reliably was able to restore the main board was LVD himself and everyone knew it. The plan could be that orgs would be forced to find Him and to ask Him for help after all.
Quote:Aaaand the zx spectrum next is coming soon ;)
Aha, those friendly dudes that cannot run 100MHz static RAM at 14MHz CPU without throttling the video system...
Beside the point, even the standard config for specnext is so different from a base speccy that it's a completely different beast with it's sprites etc, and who knows what the raspi may be used for.. but in a month or two there's several thousands of those out in the wild, so if demos for it start cropping up, it should be considered its own platform.
so if demos for it start cropping up, it should be considered its own platform
So you're saying ZX Spectrum platform needs to be subdivided?
what an interesting new idea! let's discuss it further :D
all a drama persons not did any zx demos since 2015, only shitstorming, so wtf someone called this shit a "russian speccy drama", they all clear themselfs from a russian speccy scene