What has kept me busy since Breakpoint 2010: A huge white-collar crime
category: offtopic [glöplog]
+1 =)
That calls for a celebration, with beer?
Scamp has won the case and got his company back - long live Viprinet!

Ain't no party like a German party, celebrate with sliced meats, sliced cheese and sliced French loaf!
Woah... krasse Scheiße.
Thumbs up for sweating it all out and saving Viprinet in the end.
Thumbs up for sweating it all out and saving Viprinet in the end.
FEIEREI! All the best for the future :)
lovely hat!
Yeah, it's true. 2 years of horror are over, we totally have won this. Which means that Viprinet can grow again, I'll have a life again, and I finally will be able to do some more things inside the scene again. Today pretty much has been my best day in years.
I've noticed that http://www.geres-cassi.to also has received a story update for those who care what happened during the last few weeks.
I've noticed that http://www.geres-cassi.to also has received a story update for those who care what happened during the last few weeks.
Congrats, good to hear that it's over!
I'm pretty sure XXX wants this hat.
(oh and congrats man.)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch scamp! Du hast es verdient zu gewinnen, du gnadenloser Kämpfer :) Genieße jetzt die Zeit!
congrats scamp! these are really good news!
I'm sorry for your long ordeal, but also super happy for the positive result, congratulations, I will have a beer for Viprinet and Scamp this weekend :)
Congratulations! And: what a terrible terrible story! Interestingly, my brother experienced a _very_ similar thing which ended in the total destruction of a prospering startup... Some people are just very very ugly inside.
scamp: verdient gewonnen! wir kennen uns kaum, ich habs trotzdem verfolgt ;)
Congratulations! Hmmm, tapas!
So they wasted two years of your life. Is anyone going to prison over this? They should pay in kind.
congrats! to qoute hackers: mess with the best and die like the rest!