
Outline 2008 is announced !! :)

category: general [glöplog]
Thank you orgas for another fine cozy party :)

.....and don't forget to come to Outline Demoparty2009 ;)
added on the 2008-05-05 10:27:16 by --- ---
Thanks lads!
I missed some Dutchies though. (you know who you are, wussies!).
added on the 2008-05-05 10:33:38 by Sander Sander
Yeah, great party again! Waiting for Outline 2009!
added on the 2008-05-05 10:36:38 by RA RA
I only wanted to say "thank you" in public again. I guess that is on behalf of all the cologne people that where there. We had an absolutely great weekend and at least for me it was exactly the way i wanted. Awesome weather, nice people, most friendly organizers EVER, nice releases and all the other things that make the netherlands a nice place to be...thank you for outline 2008.
added on the 2008-05-05 13:33:31 by steam steam
and all the other things that make the netherlands a nice place to be...

heh.. ^_^
added on the 2008-05-05 13:52:45 by okkie okkie
i can only second steam. thank you very much!
added on the 2008-05-05 14:03:24 by dipswitch dipswitch
great fun, massive respect to sander and twoflower for representing the c64 scene :D
added on the 2008-05-05 14:19:29 by el mal el mal
what steam said!
added on the 2008-05-05 14:21:30 by pandur pandur
sanders and twoflower were there? damn, missed them...
added on the 2008-05-05 14:33:58 by dipswitch dipswitch
sorry, no release. we were lost in the forest with PWP.
added on the 2008-05-05 14:49:39 by visy visy
Dips: You nearly killled me driving that skelter ;) let's have a beer next time!

And massive respect to the parents of Maali! <3
added on the 2008-05-05 14:49:53 by Sander Sander
Maalis parents were there? damn, missed them...
added on the 2008-05-05 15:16:40 by sparcus sparcus
yeh, my dad started bragging he tweaked motorola 68s in pacemakers etc when he was our age :PP
added on the 2008-05-05 15:30:35 by el mal el mal
what pandrr said!
added on the 2008-05-05 15:59:09 by puenzli puenzli
breaking the law!!!!!
added on the 2008-05-05 16:05:57 by el mal el mal
For those interested. The weird movie with tarzan vs gandalf, pooping jesus and poop to gold transformation, cumming robot dildo etc (you know what im talking about eh?) is called The Holy Mountain. Here is a clicky.
added on the 2008-05-05 19:20:33 by el mal el mal
maali: i will now download everything ever made by this director. it will be great 5AM material at future dutch demoparties!
added on the 2008-05-05 21:44:47 by earx earx
fuckings to sander for me missing out on him! it must be your fault!
of and ditto for maali's parents! :)
added on the 2008-05-06 10:05:01 by skrebbel skrebbel
@Skrebbel: I'm sorry! As almost everyone was new to me, i got a bit clueless.
added on the 2008-05-06 10:26:44 by Sander Sander
oh darn - you had a good time still, i hope?
added on the 2008-05-06 10:48:41 by skrebbel skrebbel
@Skrebbel: For sure! Saw some awesome stuff and met some interesting people. Thanks for making it possible!
added on the 2008-05-06 13:15:58 by Sander Sander
and as usual i missed it :)
added on the 2008-05-06 13:24:21 by superplek superplek
We did not expect you to show up anyway :)
added on the 2008-05-06 13:26:19 by bruce bruce
yeah i've only paid a few personal visits for the last 2-3 years or so. perhaps i should vanish completely :)
added on the 2008-05-06 13:28:59 by superplek superplek
i cannot explain how great it feels to read that people have experienced our party the way we had hoped them to. response like this is a surefire method of motivating us to do the best we can to organise another edition. i hope to see all of you @ outline 2009 :)
added on the 2008-05-06 15:47:03 by havoc havoc
