category: general [glöplog]
Huxley is right.
(like suing okkie for blatant & outrageous slandering).
Excuse me? What the hell have I done that is slandering? (batant and outrageous nonetheless!) and don't come with 'namecalling over the internets' cause then you'd have a pretty lousy case.
Anyway, I agree with Huxley's last statement about 'get over it and accept it happened'. That's what I wanted to post on Dodge's rants on page one, or two, or whatever.. It happened, it sucked, we all know that, we do not blame the current Germans, we joke about it, it's all good!
Let's go out for beer laddies, I'm buying! I know a quaint little pub in Korea, so start booking tickets!

great, now they can't open this thread in a netcafe anymore
If you think the German ban on nazi symbols is silly you should blame the allied countries that occupied Germany after WWII. They enforced the denazification policy that this law comes from.
i remember a certain logo from a very famous sceneband wasnt allowed due to similarities with the SS -_-
you mean UltraSSound? ^_^
I _am_ aware what has been done 60 years ago.
I _do not_ ban it from my mind. It is strictly the other
way around, because in private live I studdy the history of europe from way back then until nowadays.
I'm living not far away from the KZ Buchenwald and have talked
to survivors when I was a schoolboy as they visited our school.
I just get very angry when people start to generalize in any form or pass the point when sarcasm/irony becomes offending. Posting such stuff (you know what) causes just this "YOUUUU DID" feeling.
Same foregone conclusion would be if I point my finger to the Netherlands and say: "All dutch are a bunch of stoned freaks" just because the dutch government legalized the consumption of canabis in coffee shops.
How nice would the dutch fellows find that?
Or that everybody who believes in the prophet Mohammed is a terrorist?
The desasterous results are filling the news coloumns since nearly 4 years by now.
OK, fredom of speech...but you always have to be aware that you might upset people with your doings.
And now I'm through with this.
I _am_ aware what has been done 60 years ago.
I _do not_ ban it from my mind. It is strictly the other
way around, because in private live I studdy the history of europe from way back then until nowadays.
I'm living not far away from the KZ Buchenwald and have talked
to survivors when I was a schoolboy as they visited our school.
I just get very angry when people start to generalize in any form or pass the point when sarcasm/irony becomes offending. Posting such stuff (you know what) causes just this "YOUUUU DID" feeling.
Same foregone conclusion would be if I point my finger to the Netherlands and say: "All dutch are a bunch of stoned freaks" just because the dutch government legalized the consumption of canabis in coffee shops.
How nice would the dutch fellows find that?
Or that everybody who believes in the prophet Mohammed is a terrorist?
The desasterous results are filling the news coloumns since nearly 4 years by now.
OK, fredom of speech...but you always have to be aware that you might upset people with your doings.
And now I'm through with this.
Same foregone conclusion would be if I point my finger to the Netherlands and say: "All dutch are a bunch of stoned freaks" just because the dutch government legalized the consumption of canabis in coffee shops.
How nice would the dutch fellows find that?
eh.. dude.. that happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME! I've been called a clog-wearing, pot-smoking, Heineken-drinking fag a gazillion times, it's annoying but I'm not denying that the selling of pot is semi-legal in Holland! Hell, I live in the centre of Amsterdam, let me tell you about tourists (also Germans for that matter) and their view of Holland, don't get me started pal!
believe me that I feel ashamed for this behavior of
german tourists! That's for sure.
german tourists! That's for sure.
Suicidal Tendencies - Facist Pig
shifter, i do not agree. no matter what some whining "human-rights-for-all" people might say i state once and for ever it is VERY GOOD that those symbols are forbidden. because it's not only symbols. and it's good that certain nazi books are banned and you can't deny auschwitz without going to jail. yeah, some germans might hate me now for that. but. germany is the ONLY country right now where i can feel safe that fascism will not come back too soon. check out russia (naziskins killed a punk musician only yesterday in petersburg), check out poland and the baltics, damn , check out even finland, a scener most of you know got beaten up by skins there not too long ago.
if there is one thing i LOVE about germany is that fascist ideology is more or less deleted and destroyed in common people minds. i feel very glad that i am living in a country that broke (hopefully) once for all times with its nationalist, chauvinist and violent past, while my "real" fatherland, russia, is slowly going back to dictatorial terms and there is no clearing up about stalinist terror whatsoever. there is no national chauvinism amongst the majority of germans, although sure there are tendencies, and antifa has absolutely no reason to sit back and relax, BUT all in all germany has one of the nicest climates concerning tolerance and acceptance in whole europe. as a foreigner living in (west)germany for half of my life, i am talking from experience. (of course this may not refer to eastern germany, but i have never lived there so i can't say anything).
and that's why, shifter, i'm pissed off about your careless behaviour with symbols and general german-slandering. because they do NOt deserve it! better check out what is going on in whole europe now... rightwing turn in most coutries. quasi-fascist laws in denmark concerning interracial relationship. national chauvinists winning poland election. 10x as much nazi skins in russia than in germany. while the whole world is acting like they have learned nothing from the past and are forgetting what people were fighting for in '68, i am feeling like on a saving isle in germany. some people might laugh about that, but i have traveled quite a lot this year and i can compare from fresh experience.
the german society is one of the most tolerant around the globe, and there is no reason whatsoever to spit around with nazi associations. and again i'm not of german origin, mind ya again.
if there is one thing i LOVE about germany is that fascist ideology is more or less deleted and destroyed in common people minds. i feel very glad that i am living in a country that broke (hopefully) once for all times with its nationalist, chauvinist and violent past, while my "real" fatherland, russia, is slowly going back to dictatorial terms and there is no clearing up about stalinist terror whatsoever. there is no national chauvinism amongst the majority of germans, although sure there are tendencies, and antifa has absolutely no reason to sit back and relax, BUT all in all germany has one of the nicest climates concerning tolerance and acceptance in whole europe. as a foreigner living in (west)germany for half of my life, i am talking from experience. (of course this may not refer to eastern germany, but i have never lived there so i can't say anything).
and that's why, shifter, i'm pissed off about your careless behaviour with symbols and general german-slandering. because they do NOt deserve it! better check out what is going on in whole europe now... rightwing turn in most coutries. quasi-fascist laws in denmark concerning interracial relationship. national chauvinists winning poland election. 10x as much nazi skins in russia than in germany. while the whole world is acting like they have learned nothing from the past and are forgetting what people were fighting for in '68, i am feeling like on a saving isle in germany. some people might laugh about that, but i have traveled quite a lot this year and i can compare from fresh experience.
the german society is one of the most tolerant around the globe, and there is no reason whatsoever to spit around with nazi associations. and again i'm not of german origin, mind ya again.
but nations are useless anyway. i even have to agree on that with the conservative philosopher josé ortega y gasset, who in fact deconstructs the myth of nation as such much more effectively than some socialist heads. read his "the revolt of the masses" on that, just skip the elitist bullshit he overloads his book with and look how he deals with nation as such. impressed me to the maximum.
i agree with what dipswitch saz...
as a "true" german (whatever that means) i can tell you that facistic minds can just be found in the minds of people with low education. they never finished school in a regular way nor have they ever learned a job. and they make foreigners in our land responsible for that (sounds like a true clichee but its NOT!!!).
A funny example is "harvest of asparagus"! in germany 99,9% of the people harvesting asparagus are from poland or other east european countries. and some unemployed indignant lazy people argue about polish people harvesting our asparagus and thereby "stealing our jobs". BUT: have you even take a look at THAT job?? its hard, payment is worse and none of these lazy people really want that job.
some even got forced to do such a job and the result was: they just dont appear at work! (And therefore get less money from the social office :) ).
And you all can believe ONE thing: the people in germany review "our countries history". we dont argument it away in any kind AND rational people (wich is the absolute majority in our country) are absolutely ashamed of the past. We cant recall the things that happened but we all try our best that things like that will never happen again.
When it comes to "national-socialism", "fascism" and all this evil mindgrow even the hardest fighting fronts in german politics grow together and fight against it.
So shut the fuck up all you intolerant asswipes...
signed: a tolerant german scener loving to be a scener since their exist no real borders...
as a "true" german (whatever that means) i can tell you that facistic minds can just be found in the minds of people with low education. they never finished school in a regular way nor have they ever learned a job. and they make foreigners in our land responsible for that (sounds like a true clichee but its NOT!!!).
A funny example is "harvest of asparagus"! in germany 99,9% of the people harvesting asparagus are from poland or other east european countries. and some unemployed indignant lazy people argue about polish people harvesting our asparagus and thereby "stealing our jobs". BUT: have you even take a look at THAT job?? its hard, payment is worse and none of these lazy people really want that job.
some even got forced to do such a job and the result was: they just dont appear at work! (And therefore get less money from the social office :) ).
And you all can believe ONE thing: the people in germany review "our countries history". we dont argument it away in any kind AND rational people (wich is the absolute majority in our country) are absolutely ashamed of the past. We cant recall the things that happened but we all try our best that things like that will never happen again.
When it comes to "national-socialism", "fascism" and all this evil mindgrow even the hardest fighting fronts in german politics grow together and fight against it.
So shut the fuck up all you intolerant asswipes...
signed: a tolerant german scener loving to be a scener since their exist no real borders...
and goood damn my misspelling :)
So shut the fuck up all you intolerant asswipes...
signed: a tolerant german scener loving to be a scener since their exist no real borders...
hmm, contradiction, you dont seem to tolerate intolerant ppl?!?!? :P
hehe... just on odd weekdays ;) sure i tolerate them but i still can wish them to shut up, not?
When it comes to "national-socialism", "fascism" and all this evil mindgrow even the hardest fighting fronts in german politics grow together and fight against it.
even though i happen to live in united germany, who is it and how do they exactly fight against all that? all is see is them having plans and trying to ban parties where they have to ask the court and put things on hold for more than 2 years and eventually lose it because of some ridiculous facts they overlooked. indeed, they succeeded in taking off some parties, but each party they banned stomped up 2 new ones - clever move, that.
who's actually fighting is the people - IMHO, the government wouldn't even try to seem as if they would care if there wasn't any noticable resistance.
if it was all so bad and wrong, why then is it so damn hard for the german government to put an end to it?
right, because they would limit the freedom of others, whatever that might be. that's where the status quo steps back in effect again.
remember how it went like in the gdr, guess why most of nowadays rightist movement hails from there. stopping brainwashed people from thinking what they want to think ends up in getting where this country has been 60 years ago, as sad as it sounds.
as a "true" german (whatever that means) i can tell you that facistic minds can just be found in the minds of people with low education. they never finished school in a regular way nor have they ever learned a job. and they make foreigners in our land responsible for that (sounds like a true clichee but its NOT!!!).
that depends on what you see and what your definition of fascist minds is. i take it you were referring to the half assed boneheads who see their fun in transforming the pain of their shattered existance into violence. rightwing politicians on the contrary, even parts of the the younger political active (!) rightist movement nowadays leave school with an a-level which results in them getting higher social levels, which might do them good once they actually start getting active in politics that might attract the easy and media-biased part of the population. being of a lowlevel formatted kind is easy, attracting the people with knowledge(sic) does work.
and again, congrats to shifter. =)
btw, i never said politics were for me. but it doesn't take a political interested person to get behind a few basic facts. maybe i should have skipped psychology when i had the chance.
dalezy, word on both points. unfortunately the politics often give shit about fascism, apart from some hollow talk. one has to remember that the conservatives are blocking the increase for funding antifascist youth work in east germany since years, with the idiotic argument that if one has to fight against rightwing extremism one has to fight against leftwing exrtemism the same way. come on, this is not the end-70s. i don't see any massive leftwing extremism going on, while the fascists are growing (not only) in eastern germany. either the politicians are too much stuck in cold-war mentality, sensing the devil in everything that is more leftwing than FDP, or they are hiddenly sympathising with the brown mob, or both. there can't be any other explanations.
and exactly, the PEOPLE are those who are struggling the most for a world without fascism. from church parishes organizing cultural exchange events to active antifa fighters. they all deserve respect for that. and the most effective impulse went ALWAYS from the people - just recall the enrolling of the german judges' nazi past in the 60s! it were students and left-of-centre media who caused the (even if uncomplete) purification of the german judicial system from old nazi judges who made death verdicts on "race crimes" only 20 years before that. only under public pressure adenauer's goverment did react back then and issued additional laws.
and concerning the thesis "fascism only affects the dumb", it is only a very clever but narrow self-comfort. it doesn't matter if there are 100 dumbnuts and 1 clever guy in a fascist organisation, the clever guy might be more dangerous than even 200 boneheads since he can steer and instrumentalize them. in fact, this is what is happening with the few far-right parties we have, like NPD. of course they are retards stuck in some 19th century nationalist paradigm mixed with racial pseudo-mysticism, but they are clever enough to pursue "streetwork" amongst the dumb skinhead gangs to make all kind of use of them, from hiring them as security guys for party counsils to "taming" them for the party use by taking them into party ranks.
and exactly, the PEOPLE are those who are struggling the most for a world without fascism. from church parishes organizing cultural exchange events to active antifa fighters. they all deserve respect for that. and the most effective impulse went ALWAYS from the people - just recall the enrolling of the german judges' nazi past in the 60s! it were students and left-of-centre media who caused the (even if uncomplete) purification of the german judicial system from old nazi judges who made death verdicts on "race crimes" only 20 years before that. only under public pressure adenauer's goverment did react back then and issued additional laws.
and concerning the thesis "fascism only affects the dumb", it is only a very clever but narrow self-comfort. it doesn't matter if there are 100 dumbnuts and 1 clever guy in a fascist organisation, the clever guy might be more dangerous than even 200 boneheads since he can steer and instrumentalize them. in fact, this is what is happening with the few far-right parties we have, like NPD. of course they are retards stuck in some 19th century nationalist paradigm mixed with racial pseudo-mysticism, but they are clever enough to pursue "streetwork" amongst the dumb skinhead gangs to make all kind of use of them, from hiring them as security guys for party counsils to "taming" them for the party use by taking them into party ranks.
of course they are retards stuck in some 19th century nationalist paradigm mixed with racial pseudo-mysticism,
And the best way to get rid of those foolish substanceless pride (imho) is: to tell the truth of history
- that Ariens are located in the Orient and are _not_ a
white skinned 1,85 m tall blue eyed super race
- that there never was a _german_ ancient tribe
- that you cannot categorize Europe in different ethics
because of it's very own history Europe is a colourfull mixture of cultures and peoples.
- that f.e. English,BeNeLux,French,Skandinavians and Germans are somewhat "brothers" in their common history.
- that ancient germanic tribes didn't care about blood and race.
- that attending operas by Richard Wagner is not the best way to studdy ancient history :D
- and most of all: that the NSDAP took all this, mixed it up until it became a real perverted ideology which is sadly still present in a lot of mislead heads all over the world.
the german society is one of the most tolerant around the globe
Imagine me, perhaps sitting in a public i-net café lookin' at a pouet thread where a NSDAP standarta posted by you idiot shows up...I probably will get sued by law because you acted like a dumb fool.Or the I-net café admin will toss me out with the note: "Fuck you nazi asshole, I don't want'cha in here looking at >>such<< sites"
gargaj, please. as i said, i am NOt going to be tolerant towards fascists. and i don't mind if people would call me intolerant for that. fascism is a crime, not an opinion, and this is a dogma for me, rooted in my political and personal background.