UNder-Construction Again. Second ATW Party. December 27-28-29 Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
Funky Untum Christmas Krawall,
short: FUCK
short: FUCK
Last Party Of The Year
*high five for the most pragmatic name suggestion so far*
- attention
- the real tum after tum (trtat)
- whore fest
- the brathering
- tumtidum
- the real tum after tum (trtat)
- whore fest
- the brathering
- tumtidum
The Party Formerly Known as Under Construction and Ghettoscene
TPFKAUCAG? I'd go there!
CAT-Party = Cookies After Tum - Party
DOOF = Demoszener Ohne Ordentliche Feierentries
ABFALL= Atw Bringt Feiern Auf Luxuriöse Level
HUND = Hausversammlung Unglaublich Nebulöser Demoszener
XMAS = Xzellentes Meeting Außerordentlicher Szener
WUFF = Weihnachten Unter Freunden Feiern
DOOF = Demoszener Ohne Ordentliche Feierentries
ABFALL= Atw Bringt Feiern Auf Luxuriöse Level
HUND = Hausversammlung Unglaublich Nebulöser Demoszener
XMAS = Xzellentes Meeting Außerordentlicher Szener
WUFF = Weihnachten Unter Freunden Feiern
When u register using
you can state your idea for a party name there...
I voted for T$ XMAS suggestion :D
CHRISTMAS - Coole Hüte, Richtige Interaktion, Schöne Tannenbäume mit außerordentlichen Szenern.
NoisiVer - Nothing is verified
CASRT - Current ATW scene rampage title
CASRT - Current ATW scene rampage title
Ekove nen Kasten Bier!
RioT - RioT instead of TuM (also, linux-only demo compo please.)
GNU/Demoparty (GNU's not Untum)
TUX (The Ultimate Xmasmeeting)
CRAP Recursive Acronym Party
TRAP (The Real Amiga Party)
I could also play some chilly trance or dnb if necessary, even on short notice.
We have now a fully booked artist sheet... but one of them is in case unsure, if he really gets free time at work. Sooo... if that doesn't turn out to work.. I would love to have you as a fallback solution.
(the other ATWs still won't let me get us a metal band....)
tUN (the Ultimate Numbercrunching)
TUS (Turn- und Saufverein)
Party with no Name
TUS (Turn- und Saufverein)
Party with no Name
what about a metal dust band (aka w:e) instead? ;)
next time i'll see them live, i'll throw rotten erdballs at them!