3d technology in cinemas
category: general [glöplog]
I saw Pixar's Up a few months ago on a 3D cinema, and other than some parallax, the 3D was not really all that amazing (except maybe the "wow" factor during the first few minutes).
Also, in the middle of the movie, I felt a bit dizzy, due to my eyes trying to constantly focus within cutscenes. Was it not because the movie was quite blurry without the glasses, I would have probably taken them out.
3D in cinemas still needs quite more work, IMO (that... or my eyes suck)
Also, in the middle of the movie, I felt a bit dizzy, due to my eyes trying to constantly focus within cutscenes. Was it not because the movie was quite blurry without the glasses, I would have probably taken them out.
3D in cinemas still needs quite more work, IMO (that... or my eyes suck)
JcL: I wonder what your oppinion is after you have sen Avatar in 3d :-)

(that... or my eyes suck)
Thats it! ;)
I have seen FINAL DESTINATION 4 in 3d quit a while ago. Well, the story fits on half a a4 paper anyway, but the 3d really pimped it up immensely!
For AVATAR the 3d experience was a little bit strange, but still the movie was extremely sharp and good looking and even after nearly 2,5h my eyes did not bleed.
I´m really looking forward to see ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
IMHO 3d is a good enrichment for next level cinema.
I just wanted to let you know. ;)
fucksake. damn hotlink thing

avatar is one of the movies really worth to watch as a blackberryrip on a tiny b/w tv. its superawesome!
i saw avatar the other day. First time in a cinema in several years :)
It was pretty good i think.. the story is old, but not really bad like I'd expected, and the effects are pretty incredible. It wasn't often that I could tell where the live ended and the 3d began.. after hearing for so many years that the point when 3d gfx are indistinguishable from reality will be hear in x years, I think that point has finally arrived \o/
I'd say it's work watching at the cinema.. big screen + 3d makes it great entertainment, I can see it losing a whole lot of fun on a smaller screen in 2d :)
It was pretty good i think.. the story is old, but not really bad like I'd expected, and the effects are pretty incredible. It wasn't often that I could tell where the live ended and the 3d began.. after hearing for so many years that the point when 3d gfx are indistinguishable from reality will be hear in x years, I think that point has finally arrived \o/
I'd say it's work watching at the cinema.. big screen + 3d makes it great entertainment, I can see it losing a whole lot of fun on a smaller screen in 2d :)
Maali: See my first post in this thread.
can someone give good demo that i case use with 3d glasses)
i mean one that rocks not only one who is red/blue. i believe this is like other demo, they is bad, average and killer one
i mean one that rocks not only one who is red/blue. i believe this is like other demo, they is bad, average and killer one
Tigrou: don't forget to remove your engrish glasses
my keyboard is responsible not me...
Saw it last week in IMAX. The story absolutely fucking blows, but the 3D effects are p. ace and it's more a techdemo than a real movie.
I left the cinema before Avatar ended. What a piece of shit movie. And the über-awesome 3d scenes? Often caused my eyes to not know what to focus on anymore. And that for 500 million bucks. Suck my dick!
I found the 3d pretty good. In a few parts they used DOF which doesn't work so well, because you try to look at it and can't get it in focus, and a few other places the scene had good depth but the characters looked a little flat, but over all it was pretty solid looking. Give me a decent sized desktop screen with that tech please :)
rpfr: FYI, The movie was made for ~230 Million, less than the latest Harry Potter and less than the last Pirates of the Caribbean flick. On the other hand, the media carpet bombing was apparently almost as expensive.
(still haven't seen it. My eyes suck, so I'll probably only see it in 2d anyway...)
(still haven't seen it. My eyes suck, so I'll probably only see it in 2d anyway...)
(still haven't seen it. My eyes suck, so I'll probably only see it in 2d anyway...)
Don't bother, the movie has zero merit when watched in 2D.
i wouldn't say it's that bad.. it's just another hollywood blockbuster. Expect a good film and it'll be disappointing, but expect a few hours of decent entertainment and it's alright.
Farb-rausch had a couple of nice anaglyphic demos a while back, some scenes really work well:
heh I just remembered there were a few 3d demos on Amiga, I thought PMC did something but I can only find the Cryptoburners one:
If you're really bored you can watch the trailer for my 3d game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdcvhUeLrY8
Farb-rausch had a couple of nice anaglyphic demos a while back, some scenes really work well:
heh I just remembered there were a few 3d demos on Amiga, I thought PMC did something but I can only find the Cryptoburners one:
If you're really bored you can watch the trailer for my 3d game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdcvhUeLrY8
@4mat :
thanks for the links. i try with some 3d glasses and it works so so. I think the problem is that some 3d glasses have different kind of blue (cyan or pure blue). Mine is cyan. I think red / green glasses also exists.
If i try each filter separatly (only one eye) with your videos and I can see the oposite color at the same time so this explain why it is not working ok. However your 3d trailer works better than farbrausch one.
here is also a picture that works ok for me :

I think they should add the possilibilty to configure the colors in demo setup (by entering the rgb component) thus the demo will be compatible with all 3d glasses.
thanks for the links. i try with some 3d glasses and it works so so. I think the problem is that some 3d glasses have different kind of blue (cyan or pure blue). Mine is cyan. I think red / green glasses also exists.
If i try each filter separatly (only one eye) with your videos and I can see the oposite color at the same time so this explain why it is not working ok. However your 3d trailer works better than farbrausch one.
here is also a picture that works ok for me :

I think they should add the possilibilty to configure the colors in demo setup (by entering the rgb component) thus the demo will be compatible with all 3d glasses.
I wouldn't say that Avatar is worth watching only if you can see it in 3D. There are other technical achievements that are very impressive as well.
I think the 'face-cam' they used to capture actors facial expressions really gave the CGI-characters 'life' at a level we haven't seen before for example.
I think the 'face-cam' they used to capture actors facial expressions really gave the CGI-characters 'life' at a level we haven't seen before for example.
4mat: you know youtube has a proper 3d mode? Please use that, your video doesn't work with my blue/amber glasses too :) You have to upload the video with the left/right views side by side instead of merged, and give it some tag like yt3d:enable=true. Then we can choose what glasses we have and see it properly (looks like it could be good btw :)
Wow I had no idea, thanks for the info. Unfortunately I won't be able to get that video in the right format but I'll try the next gameplay one.
Has anyone tried to make to different POVs from the same source image, using the z-buffer for displacement?