Where the devil is the Ass embly 2008 thread?
category: general [glöplog]
i wasnt there, but the words "pissing on the stage in front of the entire security crew" echo back from the recesses of my mind
What the fuahahahahaha!!!
steel, arcane never does stupid things. he did piss in the middle of the gathering hall though, some years back. drunk stupidity is generally referred to as "pulling a steel".
wasnt that 2003 or 2004? i remember him coming to breakpoint the next day and showing the paper of the fine or something...
something like that. 03 i think.
Speaking of drunken stupidity, I did stumble on Boozembly, built up speed, and had a huge tumble on the rocks.
And I was a bit generous with the salmiakki, which meant Gasman never made it back to Assembly for his 3rd compo studio Friday. Wait a minute - that means he was supposed to be interviewed for the extreme/executable music compo - the one he won.
Oh dear - sorry Gasman. /o\
And I was a bit generous with the salmiakki, which meant Gasman never made it back to Assembly for his 3rd compo studio Friday. Wait a minute - that means he was supposed to be interviewed for the extreme/executable music compo - the one he won.
Oh dear - sorry Gasman. /o\
ha, no worries - the stupidity was all mine there :-)
I think the plan was for me to do extreme music on AltRadio, and Asm TV for the oldskool demos. I dread to think how they would have turned out if they'd actually gone ahead - all I can really remember from the fast compo studios is trying to stuff the microphone in my ear, and that was before going back to the rocks...
I think the plan was for me to do extreme music on AltRadio, and Asm TV for the oldskool demos. I dread to think how they would have turned out if they'd actually gone ahead - all I can really remember from the fast compo studios is trying to stuff the microphone in my ear, and that was before going back to the rocks...
skrebbel: Not in the middle of the hall, but down and to the right, but yes. :) He also took a leak near the MekkaSymposium info-desk a few years ago, I seem to recall having been told (by Slummy :) - also, I think "pulling an Arcane" is mosly used for people who fall asleep in strange places, dead drunk.
all I can really remember from the fast compo studios is trying to stuff the microphone in my ear
Haha, damn son :)
(TRSAC Autumn '01)
I especially love that last one :)