my theory about c.d.volko
category: residue [glöplog]
I suppose if you wrapped an elastic band around it...
If your big bird is purple, you need to go see a doctor.
(rim shot)
Anyway.. the original big bird is yellow and probably androgynous, the bird on Plaza Sesamo is green, Adok is most certainly white, and look out for my 220MB article in the next Hugi which is basically a random assortment of google cache pages.
(rim shot)
Anyway.. the original big bird is yellow and probably androgynous, the bird on Plaza Sesamo is green, Adok is most certainly white, and look out for my 220MB article in the next Hugi which is basically a random assortment of google cache pages.
pat: about time! and dont came back!
it's yellow.. that is, if it's the same bigbird as in the US, but maybe canada has a different colour bigbird.. maybe it's red and black and does it say 'eh' a lot ;)
oh crap, that's replying to a previous page for you...
ps: Sorry, I missed your company too much. I'm back.
darn! well, i tried!
...zzZzzzz. What? What was the theory again?
ps : "about time! and dont came back!"
this reminds me of an cool peanuts film where charly brown and his gang travel to europe (france) and had to sleep outside (like in that one simpons episode.. where bart traveled to france..)
this reminds me of an cool peanuts film where charly brown and his gang travel to europe (france) and had to sleep outside (like in that one simpons episode.. where bart traveled to france..)
<flamebait> the diference is bart learned how to speak french in one month while panamericans still seem clueless on the scene after 8 years.. ;) </flamebait>
<flamebait>panamericans and people from certain regions of austria for that matter</flamebait>
Shall we never measure up to a cartoon character? *sigh* How depressing.

I haven't understand the topic of this post ?
It started with a sentence by Kb expressing it's point of view about synths and now it's about intelligence in different land saying french are less intelligent that others land.
Well my point of view about this point is following :
I'm french and I had a lot of difficulty at school.
Now I live in London as I have leave France because it breaks my ball so much.
Why ?
Well it's simple, everything was bad :
the state have control over everything like school, transport, money, and as our politicians do exactly the opposite of what the last one do, my country was dancing one each 7 years on different feet meaning everything is inversed each 7 years.
Of course this lead to total animation in the land and with so complicated system and so long buraucratic procedures everything was hard to achieve.
Morever taxs are high and when you try to make your own enterprise, everything is about paper and time and money so it's impossible or near imposssible to open an enterprise legally in France resulting in a lot of businessmen leaving like me for example.
TV shows only american movies and series which features a lot of violence, there is also a lot of singers at TV, and a lot of new stars coming from Star Academy meaning they worth nothing, they were even not beautifull so...
Pepole booze a lot, eat also a lot and do nothing else than complaining about everything.
Those who want to work, do hand on cash work and bypass the state taxs.
A lot of pour strangers come here in the South (I speak about the South of France, I don't know anything else about France) as we have a good social system and a lot of help is given in the shape of money to really pour guys. It's common here to said that those who have nothing here get everything from the state helps and this is surely not entirely false. So when you are so helped and you have nothing to do, your intelligence stay low.
School is full of girls and boys which do nothing except some of them which work really (10%). Some girls wear hot clothes to help sexual attraction and so this reduce also intelligence because when you run after a beautifull girl you don't study. And courses are so boring so... Once you get your diploma with a lot of congratulations, you get no job : bosses say you, you are too qualified and I can't pay you the money you want. Most of the time they even say you : you are clever but you have no experience so I'm sorry I can't employ you. They in fact answer you only in 5% of the case, at least in the IT. National Agency for Employment, send you useless work offer not in relationship with what you want to do or are able to do. So yes with such a lame system and such a lame school, french IQ remain low and it will not be higher as strangers are coming from land where IQ is even lower. When IQ is low, the force became the way to make yours : people which aren't intelligent don't understand explanations so government use Police and Army to make their decisions be applied. Hopefully they have not the same ego as G. Bush. But all in all France became more and more an european USA with it's stupidity and obese.
It started with a sentence by Kb expressing it's point of view about synths and now it's about intelligence in different land saying french are less intelligent that others land.
Well my point of view about this point is following :
I'm french and I had a lot of difficulty at school.
Now I live in London as I have leave France because it breaks my ball so much.
Why ?
Well it's simple, everything was bad :
the state have control over everything like school, transport, money, and as our politicians do exactly the opposite of what the last one do, my country was dancing one each 7 years on different feet meaning everything is inversed each 7 years.
Of course this lead to total animation in the land and with so complicated system and so long buraucratic procedures everything was hard to achieve.
Morever taxs are high and when you try to make your own enterprise, everything is about paper and time and money so it's impossible or near imposssible to open an enterprise legally in France resulting in a lot of businessmen leaving like me for example.
TV shows only american movies and series which features a lot of violence, there is also a lot of singers at TV, and a lot of new stars coming from Star Academy meaning they worth nothing, they were even not beautifull so...
Pepole booze a lot, eat also a lot and do nothing else than complaining about everything.
Those who want to work, do hand on cash work and bypass the state taxs.
A lot of pour strangers come here in the South (I speak about the South of France, I don't know anything else about France) as we have a good social system and a lot of help is given in the shape of money to really pour guys. It's common here to said that those who have nothing here get everything from the state helps and this is surely not entirely false. So when you are so helped and you have nothing to do, your intelligence stay low.
School is full of girls and boys which do nothing except some of them which work really (10%). Some girls wear hot clothes to help sexual attraction and so this reduce also intelligence because when you run after a beautifull girl you don't study. And courses are so boring so... Once you get your diploma with a lot of congratulations, you get no job : bosses say you, you are too qualified and I can't pay you the money you want. Most of the time they even say you : you are clever but you have no experience so I'm sorry I can't employ you. They in fact answer you only in 5% of the case, at least in the IT. National Agency for Employment, send you useless work offer not in relationship with what you want to do or are able to do. So yes with such a lame system and such a lame school, french IQ remain low and it will not be higher as strangers are coming from land where IQ is even lower. When IQ is low, the force became the way to make yours : people which aren't intelligent don't understand explanations so government use Police and Army to make their decisions be applied. Hopefully they have not the same ego as G. Bush. But all in all France became more and more an european USA with it's stupidity and obese.
folks, I present to you optimus after being hit in the head with a hammer.
a big hammer.
a big hammer.
fucked up right-wing conservative talk. makes me puke.
plus it's totally off-topic.
french IQ remain low and it will not be higher as strangers are coming from land where IQ is even lower.
plus it's totally off-topic.
What a jumble of bullshit and inane platitudes...
Not to mention your terrible english.
Glad you "leaved" France, we don't need people who complain about everything indeed.
Not to mention your terrible english.
Pepole booze a lot, eat also a lot and do nothing else than complaining about everything
Glad you "leaved" France, we don't need people who complain about everything indeed.
Not all languages are equally easy to learn. Danish is one of the more difficult languages to master, thus it is obvious that we are far more intelligent than the rest of you losers.
dip: actually there is, and your country does not score the highest.
But nevertheless, that ep guy has some comprehension issues - definitly not in the right position to talk about other peoples IQ.
But nevertheless, that ep guy has some comprehension issues - definitly not in the right position to talk about other peoples IQ.
ep: You wannabe english kaaanicket! I shall fart in your general direction!
french IQ remain low and it will not be higher as strangers are coming from land where IQ is even lower
Wow! I missed this one, it's even worse than I first thought. 100% extreme right-wing shit as dipswitch mentioned.
Is the whole Hugi team fucked up or what? Are you all involved in Eugenics, segregation and theories about superior races?
and btw.. french girls are anorexic.
vive le geekgirls!
and french IQ made this site ....
Personally I believe that if we do not genetically engineer ourselves to perfection, one day aliens will come and fight us and we will lose. And if we're doing that, the chicks might as well get huuuuuuuuuuuge knockers, so really it's a win win situation.