Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
branch: it looks nicey :)
pony? :O
I don't know how anyone could even remotely see a pony in that screenshot, but okay, whatever you like :D
(also, fuck it, have another sneak preview)

there was made using this:

Sadly, I didn't have time to leverage its full potential ;_; and ended up with terrible result (also, artist needed!).

- What:
- vim for editing shaders
- tool that: monitors shader changes and tracks shader dependencies; also camera wsad+mouselook
- shaders are: terrain generator, terrain erosion (one iteration), cheap draft-preview/edit raymarcher (material zoning tech color, no scattering), final raymarcher (expensive scattering, full material)
- Bonus tracks:
- Another view
- Animation of moving camera
- Animation of moving sun
Sadly, I didn't have time to leverage its full potential ;_; and ended up with terrible result (also, artist needed!).
provod: care to share the sources?
visy: i'd love to, but i have yet to allocate time for that
Working hard on destroying your beam slides...

provod: I see you had more success with cloud rendering than I did... Are you raymarching a noise field across the cloud layer?
I was marching through the cloud, and at each point marching towards the sun to determine attenuation of the incoming light to scatter back towards the viewer. Anything that looked semi-decent ran at 2-3fps.
I was marching through the cloud, and at each point marching towards the sun to determine attenuation of the incoming light to scatter back towards the viewer. Anything that looked semi-decent ran at 2-3fps.
boodnok: yes i do, but the screenshot above is nowhere near realtime. in fact, it takes 10-20sec to render one on a top gpu (thanks, titan. thitan). there are bonus links to animations in the post.
there are even some tricks like fast-scattering path for regions with little detail, but they don't make such a difference; it is still mandatory to take millions of samples per ray to get rid of visible artifacts on fullhd res.
however, if you coarse the integration (basically, take less samples along the ray), it is possible to do in realtime, see my first attempt at realtime scattering.
there are even some tricks like fast-scattering path for regions with little detail, but they don't make such a difference; it is still mandatory to take millions of samples per ray to get rid of visible artifacts on fullhd res.
however, if you coarse the integration (basically, take less samples along the ray), it is possible to do in realtime, see my first attempt at realtime scattering.

krass, pandur! next-gen lighting FTW :)
krass indeed, fehlt nur noch self-shadowing im mund und nase :)
Thants provod...
A trick I use in my realtime scattering is to randomize the marching step size per pixel and per frame. Temporal dithering or some shit.
I've cranked it up so the noise is visible (especially in the sky):

A trick I use in my realtime scattering is to randomize the marching step size per pixel and per frame. Temporal dithering or some shit.
I've cranked it up so the noise is visible (especially in the sky):

Pandur: Wow, how was that model acquired? :)
bloodnok: this is seriously cool. and looking at your times makes me want to go curl in a corner somewhere and die from incompetence.
(are you raymarching your terrain?)
(are you raymarching your terrain?)

kusma: a lot of photos with a dslr and agisoft photoscan software. and a lot of cleaning up the mesh + some really talented 3d guys (not me). but the result will be better than this, currently that is a wrong normal map, no specmap, wrong (irl) lightning etc.
will look into sss, but i fear the result will always be uncanny...
will look into sss, but i fear the result will always be uncanny...
provod: It's using tiled grids and a heightfield. I used to have a raymarcher for distant tiles (where the triangle size was well below pixel size), but I took it out. It's very brute-force. I have a bunch of vertex buffers for power-of-two grids. They have a skirt around the edges to fill in any holes between patches of differing resolution. The vertex shader displaces the grid vertices using the terrain heightmap + detail map. Normals/material are rendered to a gbuffer and the raycasting is done off that. There's an tonemapping step at the end - I haven't done the bloom yet. Sky cubemap, shadows and AO are precomputed whenever the sun position or terrain changes and are very non-realtime.
provod: one question! what is your window(tiling?) manager? :D
pandur: good shit! but shouldnt you have your mouth open for proper talk animations later? :)
bloodnok: ah, i see. i raymarch everything, and that's costly. i will try your suggestion to randomize marching (i missed that thought somehow), as i also extpect it to fix some other glitches.
rez: awesome
rez: awesome
maali, maybe i should not put this on the net, but here you go: (fully animatable)