Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
Have your vegan food and non sparkling water when watching the stream, all fine you FUCKING PUSSIES.
@party is alcohol free
not when i was there... so maybe i should visit again? :)
@bitbreaker: I'm sorry to point that out, but you look like an radler/diesel guy to me. So how is your belly, can you at least still see your d**k or maybe it got lost already? ;P
Or watch teh unholy stream instead, if you have problems with the usual demoparty style.
I'm slowly considering it. Jeez.
In reality - "soft" (or whatever fancy slang bitbreaker is using) are all this guys that cannot control themselves and drink too much (usually shitty alcohols). They make troubles, they are _not fun_, so I cannot possibly understand how this kind of behaviour makes anyone "tough" (if this is bitbreaker virtue). And if some of you don't know - just eating lots of meat and developing a belly is not making you "tough" - surprise! surprise!
eating lots of meat and developing a belly makes you tough, as an ex-navy seal i can tell!
Maali: assuming you are serious, did you have this belly while you were in a navy? obviously if you eat meat (even drink) and do a lot of sport is a different story, but it's like gee... you so smart!
Drink meat?
If we are so picky about the words, I was saying "eating lots of meat", and I meant more than you need. And we are also taking here about drinking too much, not just causually drinking.
If we are so picky about the words, I was saying "eating lots of meat", and I meant more than you need. And we are also talking here about drinking too much, not just casually drinking.
it was the stopping with being in the navy that caused the belly. doesnt make me less tough tho!
And anyway - it's your problem if you like to do it, I'm actually against any regulations here. I'm just laughing hard at "bitbreaker" insulting speech, when he thinks that he is such a "tough" guy just by eating meat + getting drunk.
he didnt say he's tough... just that some people are fucking pussies. are you offended because you're homosexual?
Ok, that's enough already, this is now just people insulting each other. :)
No, no, I'm curious, let Maali at least elaborate on his "intelligent" guess ;) Maybe we will see his point of view in depth (and all bitbreakers-like people over here) and be able to truly appreciate their wisdom?
you think wisdom makes you look "tough"?
I cannot judge my personal wisdom, but in general wisdom more likely makes you "tough" than pursing a bozo-like beahaviour and not having tolerance for people that do not fit your model of a being "not a pussy".
i once saw a dick on the bigscreen, i therefore demand the bigscreen to be removed next year. and i also requests all danes to be banned too, i feel highly offended by those people walking around with THEIR FUCKING PANTS OFF.
rather a bozo than being unable to understand sarcasm! probably comes with the vegan thing! ;)
I cannot judge my personal wisdom, but in general wisdom more likely makes you "tough" than pursuing a bozo-like behavior and not having tolerance for people that do not fit your model of being "not a pussy".
(pouet definitely needs correction mechanism)
(pouet definitely needs correction mechanism)
If you really wanna spend your time arguing with Maali, it's ok. But please do it in another (new?) topic so I can residue it instead of doing it to this thread :)
tomoya: facebook is down, how else can i kill time? :)
back on topic: revision war schon gut!
back on topic: revision war schon gut!
I give up. Maali wins the argument ;) Going back to my vegan sandwich.
It works here, maybe it's problem with your local ISP/DNS :D