Revision 2014 - April 18th to 21st
category: parties [glöplog]
It was over way too fast, again. Would have loved to talk to more people, code more, drink more, dance more. Although i maxed it out by sleeping only 8 hours in total. Thanks so much for organizing this... I can't even express how grateful I am <3
Just got back home, fucking tired but arrived safely.
+ seeing all my friends again, meeting new people
+ quality boozing
+ excellent demos
+ getting 4th place in the Wild compo
- getting 4th place in the Wild compo
- not being able to submit an exe oldschool tune due to things fucking up on my end
- some random fuckface too drunk to wake up passing out on my mattress leaving me sleepless for the last night
- someone taking my kewlers socks :<
But all in all, it was a super rad party. (: Hope to see many of you at Outline, Nordlicht, Evoke, and other parties I might attend!
+ seeing all my friends again, meeting new people
+ quality boozing
+ excellent demos
+ getting 4th place in the Wild compo
- getting 4th place in the Wild compo
- not being able to submit an exe oldschool tune due to things fucking up on my end
- some random fuckface too drunk to wake up passing out on my mattress leaving me sleepless for the last night
- someone taking my kewlers socks :<
But all in all, it was a super rad party. (: Hope to see many of you at Outline, Nordlicht, Evoke, and other parties I might attend!
Fantastic party as usual!
+ awesome compos
+ seeing old friends, making new ones
+ getting 4th place in the Wild compo again
+ introducing a non-scene friend to the wonderful world of demoparties and seeing him having an awesome time too
+ food, the pizza's were excellent
+ livecoding, inspired me a bit more to learn shaders and maybe compete next year
- feeling less than fantastic for the first half of the party (again .__.)
- my set at the second stage was terrible, fucking cold and I only played for half an hour (my fault there)
- getting 4th place in the Wild compo again
- some random guy passing out on my mattress in a state where I couldn't get him to wake the fuck up, on the last night (seriously, what the fuck dude.)
- not being able to submit my exe music oldschool entry because something fucked up at the last minute
- my kewlers socks disappearing :(
For the majority though, it was once again fucking excellent, and I hope to see ya'll at some other parties this year!
+ awesome compos
+ seeing old friends, making new ones
+ getting 4th place in the Wild compo again
+ introducing a non-scene friend to the wonderful world of demoparties and seeing him having an awesome time too
+ food, the pizza's were excellent
+ livecoding, inspired me a bit more to learn shaders and maybe compete next year
- feeling less than fantastic for the first half of the party (again .__.)
- my set at the second stage was terrible, fucking cold and I only played for half an hour (my fault there)
- getting 4th place in the Wild compo again
- some random guy passing out on my mattress in a state where I couldn't get him to wake the fuck up, on the last night (seriously, what the fuck dude.)
- not being able to submit my exe music oldschool entry because something fucked up at the last minute
- my kewlers socks disappearing :(
For the majority though, it was once again fucking excellent, and I hope to see ya'll at some other parties this year!
wow fuck, double post. I didn't realize it came through the first time and re-wrote it all. Oh well :D
Some photos by ted and me:
@Keyg: Great photos! What kind of lens(es) did you shoot with?
Well what an awesome experience Saturday night was. Really sorry I couldn't stay for Sunday, but had some important family things to do. However, my first Revision was brilliant. Completely blown away by what has been happening since my last 'party'. Thanks to all of the organisers, and everyone who attended. It was a lovely friendly atmosphere, and it really has given me a taste to want to get back in to this stuff again probably. Some of those Amiga demos really blew me away, and really enjoyed the music compos!
I'm trying to track down a demo shown during the "not random" demoshow on Friday.

Can anyone identify it? Possibly some 4k or 64k PC demo. Trippy kaleidoscope effects with calm background music. People on #revision IRC were helpful but we couldn't figure out what it was. Thanks!

Can anyone identify it? Possibly some 4k or 64k PC demo. Trippy kaleidoscope effects with calm background music. People on #revision IRC were helpful but we couldn't figure out what it was. Thanks!
mf: I'm pretty sure that's from Secret Rooms.
Confirmed, that is Secret Rooms, from NVScene 2014.
Thank you Easterparty. This past weekend, you inspired, challenged, encouraged, and supported me. I met some new friends, made mistakes, learned things, and was allowed to participate in the educational discussions of brilliant people. Every year I have come to Revision, I have said "No, wait, *this* is the best demoparty I have ever been part of." And every year has topped the one before. Every year you remind me why I am in the scene. You change lives.
Thank you Easterparty. This past weekend, you inspired, challenged, encouraged, and supported me. I met some new friends, made mistakes, learned things, and was allowed to participate in the educational discussions of brilliant people. Every year I have come to Revision, I have said "No, wait, *this* is the best demoparty I have ever been part of." And every year has topped the one before. Every year you remind me why I am in the scene. You change lives.
Bingo! That's exactly the one. Thanks.
That demo was in the demoshow, yes.
It felt like home.
Thanks, Revision organizers! :D
Thanks, Revision organizers! :D
SECOND BEST PARTY EVER! (I'm sorry but nothing will ever beat the Project Genesis release ;))
And yes, it did feel like finally going home. Thanks to everyone who made it happen!
And yes, it did feel like finally going home. Thanks to everyone who made it happen!
Big thanx to organizers for great party (and especially my thx for TDK and Lug00ber vs Hoffman for awesome live acts).
Thanks for a great party. Too bad that I ended up spending way too much time at the hotel though...
after a lot of years being organizer visiting this edition of easer party was really an eye opener in many aspects to me.... lets hope my lazyness^H^H^H^H^Hjob will allow to come up with some kind of party report or even useful feedback :)
one thing that i cant say often enough would be: getting rid of ansgar was the best idea ever. you just have to love the guy with TUNNEL OF WURST on his van =)
one thing that i cant say often enough would be: getting rid of ansgar was the best idea ever. you just have to love the guy with TUNNEL OF WURST on his van =)
...and a pizza baker who obviously is loving is product ;)
Honestly, the pizza was delightful.
Honestly, the pizza was delightful.
@Control: I used a rather boring Sony/Zeiss 16-80 mm lens. I don't know the exact specs of ted's lenses (ask him for details), but it was a 35 mm prime, a 55-200 mm-ish telezoom and a 10-20 mm-ish fisheye (not sure if zoom or prime).
Yup, Revision was a blast. It was an excellent reminder of why you (and me) shouldn’t be anywhere else at Easter weekend :)
@Control: there aren’t that many lenses to choose from for me, so it’s Fuji’s X-series 35, 18-55 and 55-200mm and “the” 8mm fisheye (sold as Samyang/Rokinon/Bower/Walimex or whatever depending on where you look).
@Control: there aren’t that many lenses to choose from for me, so it’s Fuji’s X-series 35, 18-55 and 55-200mm and “the” 8mm fisheye (sold as Samyang/Rokinon/Bower/Walimex or whatever depending on where you look).
Thanks for a great party guys. I had a lot of fun (and beers).
Now off to continue recovering, hopefully without getting sick this time.
Now off to continue recovering, hopefully without getting sick this time.
Thank you organizers for a fantastic party! Thank you thank you thank you! <3
Last year's Revision was my first demo party. I instantly wanted more.
This year I brought my first demo, which completely changed the experience. Now I want even MOAR!
Last year's Revision was my first demo party. I instantly wanted more.
This year I brought my first demo, which completely changed the experience. Now I want even MOAR!
This year I brought my first demo, which completely changed the experience.
Your life will never be the same! ;)
Quote:This year I brought my first demo, which completely changed the experience.
Your life will never be the same! ;)
Yes ... you're now in for the duration *wahahaharrrr*
Massive thx to dFox, Styx and the entire crew for organizing Revision! It's been such a pleasure.
Demoscene = bliss in beer cans. So much <3
Demoscene = bliss in beer cans. So much <3